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Everything posted by trish2418

  1. Beautiful baby! And a very special Happy Mother's Day to you today. Trish
  2. Sounds like you're entering the "7-year itch" stage. I don't know what that means, I just generally think that life goes in 7-year cycles, or "fork-in-the-road" decisions to be made approximately every 7 years. Time for a change? Good luck in figuring this thing out. Trish
  3. Welcome, Amy. So sorry to hear of your dad's passing and your mom's recurrence. I hope the Alimta does the trick in getting rid of your mom's cancer. Take care. Trish
  4. Peggy Lipton in The Mod Squad.
  5. Welcome. Sorry to hear about your dad. Many of the wise people here will be able to help you when you learn more from the doctors. In the meantime, our resident expert, Dr. Jack West, at onctalk.com has many informative posts about Tarceva and other treatment options on his site. I'd recommend registering and taking a look. Hope treatment goes well for you dad. Hang in there. Trish
  6. I fill up every Saturday morning and I'm usually below 1/4 tank left. Trish
  7. I know how you feel, Ann. We have water restrictions in place now in Miami, and its sad to see all the plants dying. Not to mention all the smoke in the air from the fires -- very difficult to breathe with my semi-irradiated lung. Oh, well, guess I'll have to do a raindance soon. Trish
  8. My heart and my prayers go out to you and your mom. I hope she can be made comfortable. Hang in there. Trish
  9. Here's to many more years of May flowers! You're the best, Kasey. Trish
  10. Politics. I'm a real policy wonk. Trish
  11. Amazing, isn't it, how the ordinary things become so much more precious and meaningful now. I was watching my daughter in a dance show Friday night, and I was just so happy that I was here, feeling great, to enjoy it. I hope you and Bill and all the rest of us have many, many more amazingly "ordinary" times together. Trish
  12. Praying for all affected by the storms. My heart breaks looking at the damage. Trish
  13. Congratulations on 5K posts, Rich. That's a whole lot of much appreciated encouragement, help, and knowledge that you've provided us with. Here's to the next 5K. Trish
  14. Hi Tanner, Taxol was really terrible for me. Taxotere was much easier but did get worse with the later treatments. I'd definitely say give the Taxotere a try and, if Karen received the placebo, you could add Avastin to it. Good luck. I'm pulling for you guys. Trish
  15. Welcome, glad you posted. I'm sending prayers for you and your sister. Trish
  16. Very happy for you and your mom. Hope you both see many, many more Mother's Days. Trish
  17. Hi Wendy, Sorry Maurice is having such problems with diarrhea now. I had the same problem following my last Taxotere treatment to the point that I was taking between 6 and 8 Imodium a day. I also received a monthly injection of Sandostatin ($2500 a shot), but that didn't help, still needed the Imodium. Started Tarceva 150 about a month after those problems started. Tarceva didn't increase the problem. I went for all kinds of blood tests, stool samples, etc., and after a colonoscopy, I found out that I developed ulcerative colitis (my theory is that lowered blood counts, Levaquin, and the anxiety caused by treatment brought it on, but my GI says no known cause). I lost about 30 pounds in the 3 months that the diarrhea was out of control and felt worse than I ever did from chemo. Now I eat an Activia yogurt every morning, take a probiotic called Florastor twice a day, and a RX called Asacol, and the diarrhea has not been a problem since last September. Keeping my fingers crossed that it stays that way. Good luck to you guys getting this problem under control. It will make all the difference in the world to Maurice. Take care, Trish
  18. Hi Teri, I hope the radiation has Bill feeling better soon. I hate that you guys have to deal with this setback. Take care, Trish
  19. What great news, Rhonda. Hope your mom enjoys the time away. Trish
  20. Hi Tanner, I'm hoping the docs can resolve Karen's blood clots quickly. Hang in there. Trish
  21. I have a feeling Earl will be sitting right next to you, watching you with pride and love. Happy Anniversary, Ginny and Earl, and I'll have a drink in you honor tonight. Trish
  22. Definitely one day at a time. Trish
  23. I'm so sorry to hear this. I hope the docs can get the brain mets under control quickly. Hang in there. Trish
  24. Hang in there, Tanner. I'm continuing to pray for all of you. Trish
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