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Everything posted by trish2418

  1. Karen, my prayers are with your dad and your entire family. Trish
  2. While waiting for a PET scan, I overheard another patient (a 10-year breast cancer survivor) tell the technician "Once you're told you have cancer, you're married to it and, unfortunately, you can't divorce it." Sad, but true. Trish
  3. trish2418

    18 Big Ones!

    Great news! Double scoops all around! Trish
  4. trish2418


    Your's is the first post I read this morning and I'm just beaming for you. Wow, what a happy time for your whole family. So many things to look forward to. May your labor be swift and painless; your baby happy, healthy, and smart; your brother live in wedded bliss; and your father remain NED! Enjoy. Trish
  5. Congratulations on 100 smoke-free days and, especially, congratulations on the new addition to your family. Great news. Trish
  6. My prayers are with you and your family. Trish
  7. My prayers for successful surgery and quick recovery. Trish
  8. You've certainly got your hands full -- I'm exhausted just reading about all your responsibilities! Glad you found us and never be afraid to whine and complain here. We all need to jump in the safety net from time to time. Prayers going out for your mom. Trish
  9. I experienced overwhelming fatigue for months after I finished radiation/chemo. I just gave into it rationalizing that my body needed the sleep to heal itself. Try not to be too impatient. Trish
  10. Oh boy, Kelly, can I ever sympathize with your mom. Hot, cold, hot, cold. Drives me crazier than I already am. Sorry I can't offer any advice, just sympathy. Trish
  11. Way to go, Nina -- 3 years is AWESOME! Think I'll go get a glass of wine and toast your accomplishment. Trish
  12. Welcome. So glad your mom is doing well. Trish
  13. Praying for successful surgery and quick recovery. Trish
  14. Aw, Jim, I don't know what to say except that I hate cancer soooooo much. I'm so sorry things have worked out this way and I pray the trial proves to be 100% successful. Stay strong. Trish
  15. Wow, Lilly, how frightening for you. Unfortunately, the fatigue will increase as you continue chemo/radiation. You'll have to find a way to pace yourself. As for driving, are you sure there isn't an alternative to driving yourself to treatment? I'm sure friends and family would be happy to be given a job. They truly do want to help. Keep us posted. Trish
  16. Sue, thank you for being for us and for giving us Missy. You both provide so much comfort to us that, of course, we'd do anything possible to try and comfort you. Your fight is truly inspirational to me -- you are my Warrior Goddess! Stay strong. Trish
  17. Oh my God, Betty, that's unbelievable and so heart wrenching. Please know that you, your sister, and your entire family have more prayers coming from me. Stay strong. Hugs,, Trish
  18. I'm shedding tears of happiness for you and your family! What great news and what a relief for you. Good luck planning the wedding and enjoy what's left of the summer. Trish
  19. Your mom and your entire family are in my prayers. Hugs, Trish
  20. What a horrible day for your family. I'm praying for all of you. Hugs, Trish
  21. Oh, Kim, my heart aches for all that your mom is going through. So many trials at one time -- its just not fair. My prayers are with your mom and your entire family. Hugs, Trish
  22. Theresa, Prayers and hugs being sent to you. Trish
  23. Wow, Lori, so much to deal with. Trust your instincts as far as your son and your mother go. You'll always do what's right if you follow your heart. I'm sending lots of hugs and prayers your way. Trish
  24. I'm so sorry for your losses, Meg. My prayers are with you. Trish
  25. My onc. called today to say that my scans look very good, tumor still exists but continues to shrink, SUV level is normal, all tumor markers are normal!Yippee! Breathing a sigh of relief, Trish
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