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Everything posted by trish2418

  1. Way to go, Jamie! I'm very happy for you and may the next set of scans bring more good news! Trish
  2. Thank you for sharing the wonderful news. I needed the boost today. Hope all future news continues to be good. Trish
  3. I've had my port since Aug. '05 and my chemo treatment ended in March. I have the port flushed every 8 weeks. Last time was yesterday, and they did not get a blood draw. That happened once before, but the nurses treat it as "I'd like to see a blood draw, but no big deal if I don't." I did taste the hep so the nurse was relieved about that. I'm taking Tarceva now and my onc. wants me to keep the port in at least 6 months (2 PET scans) to make sure the Tarceva is working. Since it doesn't bother me, I'm reluctant to have it taken out. Good luck. Trish
  4. One day at a time, Pam. Who says some of those days can't be whining days? I found that once treatment got into full gear, my own whining cut down substantially because it was a full-time job keeping track of all that was happening. Whine all you want, then fight, fight, fight! Hope the treatment treats you kindly. Trish
  5. I had 36 radiation treatments and did not experience any burning. Before my first treatment, nurse told me to get pure aloe vera gel (no alcohol), but I never had to use it. I did have big time esophagus problems though; still do to a much lesser degree. Good luck with the treatments, ladies. Trish
  6. Poor Mom! I was given Neulasta injections my last 3 chemo treatments to boost WBC. Its an injection that you get the day after chemo. I was told that once you receive Neulasta, you must keep receiving it with each subsequent treatment. By the way, my sister called me "fragile" after my second allergic reaction to chemo and I went ballistic on her. Good thing she was in New Jersey and I was in Florida or I would have been needing a bail bond! Fragile is a bad word to use to describe someone who's fighting such a courageous battle. Get the nurse a thesaurus! Hope things improve for mom real soon. Trish
  7. Hi Mary, Welcome to the board. So sorry to hear about your sister. You've surely been touched with the Beast way too many times already. Hope treatment goes well for her. Hang in there. Trish
  8. Hi Theresa Praying for you, your mom, and your entire family. Trish
  9. Jen, my prayers are with you, your dad and your family. We're here for you. Hugs, Trish
  10. Jan, just wanted to let you know that you and your dad are in my prayers. Hang in there. Trish
  11. Hi Susan, and welcome to the board. I have no advice re treatment options, I just wanted to let you know that you and your mom are in my prayers. Trish
  12. Jeez, Louise, that's an awful lot of stuff to be dealing with simultaneously. My prayers are with you and your mom. Trish
  13. Great news, Sharon. Thanks for sharing -- you made my day! I think its a sign that you're supposed to treat yourself to something really special. Trish
  14. Happy Birthday, Betty. Here's to many, many more. It's been almost a year since my diagnosis, and although I never stopped working entirely, I did modify it a great deal. Initially, I worked 4 hours a day while I was going through chemo and radiation. After finishing that, I added 15 minutes a day each subsequent week to my workday. Its just in the last month that I'm back to a regular full-time day. Fortunately, I have wonderful employers who are fully understanding and just want me to get better. Don't push yourself too hard and I hope treatment goes well for you. Trish
  15. Hi Brandie and welcome to the board. I have nothing to add re treatment options -- I just wanted to let you know that you and your mom are in my prayers. Trish
  16. Hi Troy and welcome to the board. I'm so sorry about your wife's health problems. She's certainly lucky to have you in her corner, though. The only advice I can offer at this time is to see if the facility you'll be using has a dietician available to your wife while she's going through radiation. I had one and she did have a lot of good tips about manipulating foods so that I would be able to swallow them (I had problems with my esophagus during radiation). Also, I had a masseuse available (gratis, provided by hospital) and believe me the weekly massage really helped relieve the muscle kinks I got lying with my arms above my head everyday. Good luck to you and your wife. Hope all goes well. Trish
  17. Welcome, Jan. My prayers are going out for you and your dad. Trish
  18. I had my port installed before I began chemo and I don't remember any discomfort with it at all. I do know that I was sent home after the surgery with pain killers but I never had to take any. Sorry your experience was so unpleasant. Trish
  19. Hi Marco Jo, I'm very glad to hear that your sister's treatment is going well. I have a wonderful sister on my side and her support is so important to me. Your sisster is lucky to have you on her side. Good luck to both of you. Trish
  20. I'm so sorry you have to be here, but I do want to welcome you to the board. Like the wise ones have said before, do not be intimidated by statistics thrown at you. They truly mean nothing as each person's circumstances are unique. Some words of advice, write down questions you want to ask, get copies of all tests, scans, etc., and get and keep a good date book -- I can't tell you how often I have to refer to mine. Good luck and take it one day at a time. Trish
  21. trish2418


    Let me add my best wishes that all those pesky problems get with the program and correct themselves! Great attitude you've got going. Trish
  22. Hi Melinda, I'm a Taxotere veteran (took it in combination with carboplatin for 3 months and alone for 3 months) and I must admit that each subsequent treatment was worse, in terms of diarrhea and fatigue, than the one before. For diarrhea, my onc. told me to take 2 Imodium after each loose BM. I was taking about 6-8 Imodium a day and losing way too much weight. Onc. also prescribed injections of Sandostan to try and stop the diarrhea. When that didn't work, he sent me to GI. Turns out that I developed ulcerative colitis. From the chemo? Who knows as the cause of UC is unknown. Unfortunately, it can only be diagnosed by colonoscopy (yuck). Hope your mom's diarrhea is controlled soon. I know just how debilitating it can be. Sending lots of prayers her way. Good luck. Trish
  23. Gosh, Lori, I'm so sorry to hear about Liam but happy to hear that your mom's doing well under the circumstances. As far as throwing in the towel goes, not possible. You're a fighter and you'll handle whatever needs to be handled. Your mom raised you to be just like her; show her what your made of. You and your family are in my prayers. Hugs, Trish
  24. Great news, Jamie! I'll join you at the pub to celebrate. Salud! Trish
  25. Congratulations on 11 years, Connie; and thank you for showing us that the odds can be beaten! What an inspiration you are to us! Here's to the next 11 years. Trish
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