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Everything posted by trish2418

  1. Happy belated Birthday, Eppie. Hope it was wonderful! Trish
  2. Hi Lori, Is it the hospital's schedule or your surgeon's schedule that is the reason for the delay? If it's the hospital, perhaps your surgeon has privileges at another hospital that might fit you in sooner? I'm praying for nothing but good news for you when the biopsy results come in. Trish
  3. Wow -- talk about a good news, bad news situation! I'm so glad they were able to re-hydrate you and that your able to enjoy that grandbaby again! Water was my substitute when I quit smoking 9 months ago, and I still have water with me at all times. I think its the one thing that kept me from being hospitalized when I was going through horrible diarrhea problems. Drink up, Joanie! Here's to life! Trish
  4. Hi Beckie I can relate to the loss of appetite thing. Like others have said, I find eating a lot of small meals throughout the day better than trying to force-feed myself a "normal" sized meal. Now that I've finished chemo, I'm hoping that my appetite will start to stabilize. Lots of prayers going out to your mom and your whole family. Trish
  5. Terrific news! Hope the radiation is just as successful. Praying that the good news continues. Trish
  6. Welcome, Gloria and Anne. So much great advice has already been given ... all I can add is just try to take it one day at a time and try to keep your routine as normal as possible. (It's hard in the beginning with all the appointments, tests, etc. but let Anne know that she has to be the one controlling those things, not letting events control her). Sending out lots of prayers and good wishes for the two of you. Trish
  7. Welcome, Mel. Hope all goes well with your MIL's treatment and the pain goes away. Stay strong. Trish
  8. Welcome, Anna. Hope all goes well for you. Trish
  9. I'm constantly amazed at what we can endure when the alternative is unacceptable. Love your spunk! Welcome to the board. Trish
  10. Sherri, Prayers and more prayers being said for your dad and you. Trish
  11. trish2418


    Congratulations, Terri. That's such great news for both you and your mom. I'm celebrating with you! Trish
  12. Alisa, Way to go, girl! You keep showing that cancer that there's no room in your inn! Here's to great results at your next scan. In the meantime, dance everyday! Trish
  13. trish2418


    Pammie My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family for a successful surgery and a happy, healty grandchild! Trish
  14. Way to go, Mama! You're truly my inspiration today! Trish
  15. Oh, Missy ... it sure does suck. Praying real hard for your mom and you. Stay strong. Trish
  16. It truly is worth fighting. I finished radiation in January (35 sessions) and chemo in April. It wasn't easy but it wasn't nearly as difficult as I imagined it would be. Praying that all goes well with your dad. Trish
  17. Proud to be 1 of the 3000 (but wish I didn't have to be). Congratulations on giving birth to this wonderful site and here's to the day we no longer need it. Trish
  18. I'll bring the champagne! Trish
  19. Welcome, Jackie. Wishing nothing but good news for your dad. Trish
  20. My sincere condolences for the loss of your mother. From what you wrote, she was lucky to have you caring for her in her final days. My prayers are with you. Trish
  21. Oh, Sandy, my heart goes out to your entire family. Hoping for nothing but good news for Jim's sister and your daughter. Stay strong. Trish
  22. Saw my onc. yesterday and we went over the results of my latest PET/CT. Good news is that although the tumor is still there (shrunk a bit), its "virtually dead". SUV level is normal. No sign of mets. Unfortunately, surgery isn't an option because of location of tumor. Onc. didn't see the point in putting me through another round of Taxotere since the last 2 were just brutal (diarrhea and fatigue). Had an injection of Sandostan to try and minimize the diarrhea and started Tarceva today, will watch for side effects, and will see the onc. again in a month if all goes well. It not the NED I was hoping for, but I'm sure happy with the news I got. Wishing good news for all of you. Trish
  23. Hope Lucy sees great results from Avastin. You're both in my prayers. Trish
  24. Congratulations on 1 year, Mary. Wishing you many, many more. Trish
  25. Welcome, Ella Rose and Congratulations, Joanie. Beautiful name, beautiful news. Enjoy her. Trish
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