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Everything posted by MsC1210

  1. MsC1210

    Temper tantrum

    Nova, Randy, and all of us.... No words, just many, many (((((HUGS))))) Christine
  2. Hello Vernon and Welcome As you can see, there are many here who have survived much more than just a year. I am so glad you found this site and hope you will continue to post and let us help you with your fight. Just let us know how we can be of assistance and know someone is always here to offer you advice, answers and HOPE. Warmly Christine
  3. I am so sad and sorry to read this. My condolences and sympathies to all of Liz's friends and family. Christine
  4. Pup I just found this post and wanted to send you lots of prayers and postive thoughts. Keep us posted Hugs Christine
  5. MsC1210

    Update on Mary

    Wow, that sounds like such a wonderful time! I am so glad you were able to do that and I am sure Mary appreciated it. Keep us posted and know that you and Mary continue to be in my thoughts and prayers Christine
  6. Hello Eric and welcome As you can see this is a great place to find support and information. Please let us know how we can help you and your Mom and know that we will be here for you. Warmly Christine
  7. MsC1210

    Update on Mary

    Hawkeye My thoughts and prayers are with you and Mary. Christine
  8. Derek I am so sorry about your grandfather. Please accept my sincere sympathies and condolences on your loss. We will be here for you in the coming weeks. Please lean on us whenever you need to. Warmly Christine
  9. Hello Dee and welcome I'll be thinking of you tomorrow and sending lots of prayers and positive thoughts for a successful surgery. Please let us know how you are doing when you are able to. Warmly, Christine
  10. Will I am so very sorry to read this. Please know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Please know that we will all be here for you in the coming days and weeks.. With deepest sympathies Christine
  11. Will, Continued thoughts and prayers for you and Diana. Warmly Christine
  12. Will I am so sorry to read this.. my thoughts and prayers are with you and Diana Christine
  13. Hi Dannie I don't have any advice or information but wanted to welcome you to the "family" Warmly Christine
  14. ((((Leslie)))) I am so sorry.. saying tons of prayers for Brie and you.. I have mini doxies and know how special they are! (well all of the 4 legged furries are special) Sending hugs Christine
  15. (((((Carrie))))) No words, just hugs and prayers Christine
  16. Linda I quit over 4 yrs ago and you can most definitely count on me~ Christine (cynical_angel)
  17. Hello Barbara I don't have any great words of wisdom for you but wanted to welcome you to the board here and let you know that we will be here to support you however we can. Please keep us posted on your friend. Warmly Christine
  18. Leslie You have some wonderful advice here. I agree with another opinion/doctor! Keep us posted and let us know how we can help Christine
  19. Hi Mike I have no information or advice for you but wanted to say hello and welcome to the "family" I am sure that there will be plenty of folks here that can and will offer you some great advice shortly. Let us know how else we can help you out and know that we will do our best, Christine
  20. Cat So sorry the surgery did not work out. Please let Kelly know I am sending thoughts and prayers~ to you all. Christine
  21. MsC1210

    It's Over.

    Andy I have been following your posts here and wanted to say thank you for sharing this very emotional and painful journey with us. I wish I had words to ease the pain but please know that you and your family remain in my thoughts and prayers. Christine
  22. Honeybee I have no hospice experience either but wanted to welcome you. I am sorry you are going through this. As Randy said, there are people here who have hospice experience and I am sure they will be happy to offer you some great advice. Warmly Christine
  23. Hi Colleen and Welcome I am so glad you have joined us. Warmly Christine
  24. Steph I am so sorry.. my prayers and condolences are with you and your family. Christine
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