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Everything posted by Muriel

  1. I'm glad you are home Denise. We all told you that you should go to the Dr. Occasionally we're right. I just noticed that I didn't tell you that - I meant to do so. Muriel
  2. Lynn, how scary! That's the kind of excitement you don't need. I assume you contacted the boy's parents. I remember telling you at lunch that you should have a big protective dog and you said you did. Maybe if the person breaking in didn't know the dog it would have helped. Sorry you had to go through this. Muriel
  3. Mrs. Krause - I've had thoracic surgery twice and was very fortunate to not have any of your mother's experieces. I agree with Patti, she should run, not walk, to another surgeon. Also, it's not a good idea to depend on just the surgeon for follow-up care. She should consult with a pulmonologist or oncologist in addition to seeing the surgeon. Keep us posted, please. Muriel
  4. I don't know whether to laugh or cry, either. I've never heard of such a thing. Are you ok? Did you get burned? If the solution took the finish off the nurse's watch, what happened to your skin? What an experience. Let's hope no one else has it. Muriel
  5. I had a wonderful time, too. We talked about a lot of interesting things and, if we didn't have watches, probably could have stayed for another four hours. I wish all of you could meet Judy and Lynn - both of them are great people. Muriel
  6. WARNING TO SNOWFLAKE: Don't get on the bus! It's not safe if Patti is driving. Muriel
  7. Prilosec worked for me. Also, flat gingerale (add a little sugar to the gingerale). Muriel
  8. Oh no! The dreaded bus. The scary driver. The long trip. We could make up a story about that. We have made up many stories about Patti driving the bus to every where imaginable and picking up lots of survivors and family along the way. So, Patti, go over to Michigan first and get Snowflake. Thanks for all of your happy messages. Muriel
  9. Incredible! How terribly thoughtless - and this seems to be an established procedure. Please, please give them a piece of your mind. Muriel
  10. Thanks Fred. Tell Kasey not to worry, I'll still be there when she gets back. Greetings to Teddy, too. Guess I should bring Abby and Bailey, along. But what about food?????? Muriel
  11. Last Thursday I had my 4 mo. CT scan and on Mon saw the doctor. The news? Maybe not so good. The radiologist found something in the pleural lining that could be a benign thickening or a malignant something or other. So, yesterday I had a PET scan and my Onc. presented my case at the weekly MD Anderson review committee meeting today. The nurse just called to tell me that they all decided what the radiologist had seen was NOTHING! The PET scan didn't light up at all. They went back and looked at previous scans. Whatever this radiologist saw has always been there. Meet ya at the Pub in about 1/2 hour. Hope Kasey and Fred are serving food there, too. Drinks are on me. Muriel
  12. Thanks for the update, Patti. Muriel
  14. I started this "ever so much fun" journey in the DC area (northern VA). I know some people who have liked and some who have not liked the Georgetown cancer center. Johns Hopkins isn't too far for your friend, either. Kasey saw an Onc, etc. at NCI in Bethesda and had an amazing experience there. Everyone else seemed to have given up on her and NCI (or is it NIC?) took care of her. My VA Onc. was Dr. David Dunning and my surgeon was Dr. Kiernan - both are outstanding and among the top 100 in the area. I'm sure there are other good Onc. in DC also. Let us know where she goes/who she sees. Thanks Muriel
  15. Welcome Kneesaa. I might have good news for you. I was dx. in 2003 with Stage 1B NSCLC. I had surgery to remove my right UL. Altho. the surgeon told me I didn't need any more treatment, I sought the advice of an oncologist and decided that adjuvant chemo (carbo and taxol) would be a good idea. Following chemo, I had CTs every 3 month. 18 months later cancer was found in my left LL. I had a PET scan and was in surgery three weeks later. Again, the diagnosis was stage 1B NSCLC. My doctors in VA seemed to think this was a new primary. Shortly after surgery (3 wks) I moved to FL and the Onc. I saw there considered it to be stage IV because the specific types of cancer were the same both times, so they couldn't definitively say that it was a new primary. Nonetheless, he also didn't seem too excited about chemo again. [We never understood this] I did go ahead with chemo (cisplatin and Gemzar). I also changed drs. in the midst of chemo and the second dr. didn't want to offer an opinion on it being mets or a new primary. Since it has now been more than 4 years, it seems to me that it was a new primary. My current Onc (yes, I did change one more time) seems to think that it isn't likely that the second cancer will return. Possible, she said, but not likely since it has been such a long time. So, your story may end like mine. It's been 5 1/2 years since the first diagnosis! Good luck. Muriel
  16. Lots of us here do have a clue as to what this is like and, I'm sure, you will hear from many of us. The start of my story is somewhat like yours and I'm a 5 and a half year survivor. My first tumor was in my URL. I had surgery in June 2003 and then 4 cycles of chemo. I was staged at 1B. 18 months later another tumor was found in the ULL. Had surgery and chemo again. The pathologist, surgeon, and my first Onc. considered it to be another primary cancer and another 1B. It's been a little more than 4 years since the second surgery and I haven't had a recurrence. This journey is very scary at the beginning. I found that my anxiety was reduced by searching for and reading as much information as I could find. Be careful about what you read, tho. Look for reputable sites - the major cancer centers, medical schools, etc. are good. I've been very fortunate, so far. I hope that your luck is as good as mine has been. (Altho. you never know what tomorrow will bring.) Best wishes, Muriel
  17. Hi Jennifer, Sorry you have reason to be here, but welcome to our group. Where are you? You don't have to be too specific if you don't want to, but at least tell us state and which part of the state, if not the city. Thanks. Did you have a PET scan before your surgery? Hope your recovery is moving along nicely. Keep us posted on how you are feeling and, when you get it, your treatment plan. We have lots of IIIb's here. Many have done quite well. Muriel
  18. Muriel

    Coming soon......

    Congratulations! This is incredible news. I'm really happy for you. We'll all want frequent updates on things. Muriel
  19. It would be nice if your sister could find another doctor, but might be difficult for you to even suggest that from a distance. I haven't had any experience with lung cancer having spread to bones, but I understand that it takes many radiation treatments. Also, it can take awhile for the radiation to start working and it continues working after the treatments have been completed. Maybe someone who has had this experience can add to or improve my information here. Muriel
  20. I don't know how I missed this strand, but I did. We did have T'giving company and things were pretty hectic. Anyway, thank you for all the nice wishes. It was a fun day. Muriel
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