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Everything posted by Muriel

  1. One of our sons works in advertising. I like anything that his agency has done - Aflac, Pillsbury Refrigerated products, Lipitor, and a million others. Muriel
  2. You are right, we aren't using the Pub as often as we should be. I'll be there tomorrow - my oldest son's 46th birthday. We all are so glad you continued to get medical opinions re: your LC. I just told someone your story yesterday! Muriel
  3. Congratulations on becoming an 11 mo. survivor. We hope to celebrate many more anniversaries with you. Happy Birthday Denise! And, many more. BTW, I like the new picture. Muriel
  4. I was lucky to be one of those who did meet Mary Jo. She was absolutely delightful. I am so sorry. Muriel
  5. Merry Christmas and a healthy, happy New Year to you Lily. Muriel
  6. Denise, I'm so sorry about that. ((((((Denise)))))) Muriel
  7. No, Ned, she probably can't and she's not running for vice-president right now, either. It's a cool, but gorgeous day in Orlando. Of course, most days are gorgeous. I'm hoping to finish my Christmas shopping today and get to the grocery store. Yesterday at the grocery store, even with a list, I forgot meat, ice cream, and stamps. Hope to do better today. Muriel
  8. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SHARON! And many, many more. Muriel
  9. I just don't know what to say about Randy. After all these years (or it seems like years) of telling him he needs cattle and a herding dog in order to find a girlfriend, it seems as tho. he's trying culture instead. Good for you Randy. Nice day here. Temp. was about 79 a while ago. Wish Sandra had shared her bacon and cinnamon buns with us all. One of my favorite combinations - assuming that coffee was also on the menu. Hope everyone had a good day! Muriel
  10. No, I baked Ry's Cheesy Hash Browns recipe - from Vol. 2 (p. 62) of the second LCSC cookbook. Absolutely wonderful and so easy to do. FYI, you can assemble it ahead of time. Muriel
  11. Muriel

    Bummed Out

    (((((Creekgirl))))) I'm sorry about your bad news. Remember, tho., statistics describe an average and you aren't average. Muriel
  12. Hi Sandra, My cancer was diagnosed at the end of May 5 years ago - and I, too, was 64 at the time. You're mother's success is wonderful. Muriel
  13. That's a great story, Richard. Now that you've introduced yourself, start reading and posting on the other boards. Here is a link to the article Richard referred to in the Washington Post: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/co ... 136&s_pos= Muriel
  14. Great news, Denise! Indeed let's celebrate at the pub. Muriel
  16. It's a beautiful, sunny day here. Cool/cold when we got up and about 70 now. Denise, I hope everything goes ok at the ER and that you're able to give us good news. Soon would be nice, but I understand how long ER trips can be. Good idea to stay home another day, Sandra. Hope you continue to feel better. Glad you are feeling better, too, Lillian. Judy, your near asphyxiation story is really scary. My great great grandmother and her roommate died after the roomate lit a gas burner to make tea in the middle of the night. She fell asleep waiting for the water to heat. Something blew out the flame and they were found the next morning. How do I know the details? The story is in a 1917 New Ulm newspaper. She was 87, had lived in the New Ulm area for 65 years, and survived the "Souix Uprising" by hiding in the basement of a building in New Ulm with the other women and the children in the area. They had a keg of powder to light if they were found. Minnesota history can be interesting. I'm still catching up on the laundry. Con has a terrible cold and I'm just waiting for it to hit me. Hope everyone has a good day. Muriel
  17. Happy Thanksgiving Geri and congratulations on all the good things that have happened in the past 7 years. Four years ago today, we couldn't really eat T'giving dinner either. I was scheduled for my second surgery the next morning. That can kinda kill appetites, too. Muriel
  18. Green bean casserole My aunt's scalloped corn One of our sons doesn't like the corn dish and all three dislike the green bean casserole. This year we're having ham, asparagus, potato salad, fruit salad, rolls, and a very small pumpkin pie as my husband and I are the only ones who eat pie. Don't know how I raised these "health nuts." Muriel
  19. Muriel

    Fun Game.....

    1. What is your name?-------- Muriel 2. A four-letter word------------- many 3. A boy's name----------------- Marvin 4. A girl's name------------------ Mary 5. Occupation------------------- Mayor 6. Color----------------------------- mauve 7. Something you wear-------- Muu Muu 8. Beverage----------------------- milk 9. Food--------------------------- mushrooms 10. Something used in a bathroom --- make-up
  20. Not eating is probably related to the chemo. If so, her appetite might get better soon. Suggests lots of small meals (snacks) instead of 3 big ones. Look for high calorie "comfort" foods - ice cream, mashed potatoes, puddings. Be sure that her doctor knows about her loss of appetite and weight. Muriel
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