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Everything posted by Debi

  1. Hey, does Dr. Joe get out of asking for a hall pass just because he's a doctor?? I am thinking big fine Ry... that free advice he gives out is nice, but he still needs a fine...
  2. Oh for crying out loud Bruce, be patient!! Anyway, the link describes it better than we can, I'm sure... and NO, I have not noodled.
  3. Wow..i knew there was a reason I liked you two guys!!! Its the taxi driver vibe... And Cindi, YES , I know noodlin. First year I was here, some high school kid came into work with his palms all cut up .. said it was from noodlin and explained what it was while I listened looking like this:
  4. Hey, I used to drive a cab in New York...gimme a %&$*#&%^@* break here. However, I will admit that I may have made a few people pray. Especially that man who upon getting into the cab said "oh great, I have to make a train in 2 minutes and I get a WOMAN driver". Needless to say, he made his train AND found religion in the same trip.
  5. Don, Congratulations on hitting 4,000 posts. You always use your words so wisely!! Anxiously awaiting the next 4,000.....
  6. Oh man, did I make it?? I almost MISSED your birthday Beck!!! Hope you had a good one.... Happy Birthday to You!!!!
  7. Cindy, 10,000 cigarettes unsmoked!!!! How cool!!!! Congratulations on another milestone girlfriend!!!
  8. Just to clarify.. I believe there are several different ways to get here, including lchelp.org & lchelp.com. Rick had sent out all the different URLs you could use a while ago, but I can't find the email... Anyway Fay, it coulda been worse. Maybe you will make them at least take a doubletake....
  9. Hey Bruce.. You need to send that pic to Dolly.... she may hook you up with free passes next year....
  10. Debi

    One word...

    Okay, okay, so I'm late... You go girlfriend!!! Congrats!!!!!! :
  11. Come on Frank.. you need to try harder than THAT...
  12. Gentyl, I am not good with this stuff so I hope you bear with me. I can't always find the words to say what I need to say. I may not have the answers you seek, but I saw your post and could not leave it unanswered. I know that things seem bleak to you today. I read somewhere a long time ago that people that end their lives do so with the surety of knowing that things will not get any better. The only problem with that is, that I know that in my life, as many times as I thought things went to hell, they always got better. They never just stayed bad. Even when I was in a major depression and became unable to leave my house for 6 months..I felt like I was in a big, black hole...but it got better. Even with surgery, and 2/3 of my lung taken out and all the mental stuff that goes along with cancer, I still have plenty of good days. Life never stays 100% bleak and we have no way of knowing what better stuff is waiting for us around the next corner.. You cannot make any decisions for your life based on the feelings that you are feeling today. You have just lost your dad, and it is your birthday. Hey, I just turned 48 last month, so I know how THAT feels!! You keep mentioning your son... tell us more about him. If you wish, feel free to PM me your phone number and I will give you a call. Otherwise, hang in there, and keep coming back here...
  13. Okay Ry, the fryer special is the dozen chickens for 20 bucks? The only problem is that Fay will have to go to the post office to pick them up since they won't deliver live chickens to the door... These mail order chickens are so tempting....I wonder if they would dress them up like flamingos?
  14. Charlotte, My sympathies to you and your family.... I am so sorry.
  15. Gentyl, I'm not really sure what I can write to make you feel better, but I wanted to tell you that almost everything that you typed, could have been me typing about my dad. My dad had a sudden heart attack and I was notified at work. I drove to the hospital as fast as I could, a 1/2 hour drive and as soon as I saw my friend standing outside crying, I knew I was too late. I remember going in and them asking if I wanted to see him..I went into this room and my dad laid there, I still remember the flannel shirt he had on. I wanted him back and I wanted life back to the way that I knew it to be but in that moment I knew that it wasn't going to be. Believe it or not, the pain passes and fades as time goes on. I know this doesn't help you now, but I hope that the knowledge that others have been through your pain and know where you are right now, helps in some small way. I wish there was a way to help you more.
  16. Debi


    Hope this hasn't been posted before ... There were 3 candidates for the FBI job. One by one, the FBI agents took the candidates into a hallway and had them take the final test. Each candidate was given a gun and told it was loaded although it actually had only blanks. The first man was given the gun. He was told that his wife was blindfolded and tied to a chair behind the door in front of him, and he had to go in and shoot her. This would prove that he really was ready to be an FBI agent. Wide eyed, the man told the agents that he was NOT going to shoot his wife and if thats what it took, he would withdraw from the competition. The agents took the gun back and went in and untied his wife from the chair and off the man and wife went. The 2nd man was told the same thing and trembling, he went through the door and closed it behind him. The agents waited and after about 10 minutes the man came out, holding his wifes hand. He explained, weeping, that this woman was the mother of his children and he could not shoot her. The agents told him to go on his way and he and his wife went sobbing down the hall, arm in arm. The last candidate was a woman, and her husband was in the room, tied to the chair. The FBI agents told her the same thing as the previous candidates and she took the gun from them with a small nod and disappeared into the room. Within minutes, the agents heard 3 loud bangs. This was followed by a pause and then all kinds of noise coming from the room. Just when they were about to go in to see what the problem was, out came the woman, fixing her hair in her hairclip. The agents asked her "What was all that noise in there, what took you so long?" "Well, she said apologetically, "the gun didn't work too well so I had to beat him to death with the chair".
  17. Well Elaine..I am glad someone is observant on here.... Geesh Rich.. can't believe you kept all of this to yourself. I stub my toe and I'm on here whining about it... Seriously, I am sorry for the setbacks but hope that you will be back on the road again in no time...
  18. Oh great Fay. I come on the board, minding my own business, planning to read and then leave. And here is another one of your posts that I don't have any clue how to answer . Sounds like you are not having a great week. I'm sorry that you are feeling down but in case you have forgotten, you sure as HELL make a difference in people's lives and the world is a better place because you are in it. You are like the Princess Warrior of the LCSC board for crying out loud and a power of example to so many of us, even if we don't always say it. You are not alone Fay. I think of you every single day....
  19. Wow...I'm just impressed Oklahoma wasn't mentioned!
  20. Cheryl, I feel for you and wanted to let you know I'm in your corner over here... I have been having trouble at work too with my new boss and I feel my days are limited. This isn't about me, but I wanted to let you know what I did. The minute that I knew he was out to "get" me and had actually tried to get me fired behind my back, I went to the HR person and said that I felt I was being discriminated against because 1) I was a woman (this guy is a total sexist) 2) I had cancer. This way, instead of sitting there paralyzed in fear like I had been, I felt at least I was fighting back instead of just sitting there waiting for the tap on my shoulder. And I also sent a politically correct message back to him that he better cross his t's and dot his i's if he was trying to get rid of me.... Also, Snowflake hit the nail on the head with the American with Disabilities Act. You can actually find all the info you need online by putting THAT in your browser. And if I'm not mistaken, I heard one of the reasons my boss has had such a hard time getting rid of ME is there is no documentation anywhere of anything against me. In order for someone to fire you without fear of a lawsuit, they have to have a paper trail. I know that this is the last thing you need Cheryl. I also know that you have been a hard worker there, I tell people about the fact that you went back to work after surgery last year, what was it? 2 weeks I think!! It really sucks to be thrown under the bus, and it is a shame that it has been done to you after you have worked so hard for them.
  21. Great news Rich! Sounds like things are looking up!!!
  22. Jim, I didn't know Ada well, but I did know that she was a kind person. She was one of the first to respond to my post when I first came here and always had so much wisdom. I remember when Ada left us, it was one of the first times I was to feel the loss of someone on here. I told my daughter about it because she had been to the board a couple times and posted for me when I was hospitalized. The first thing she said was "mom, is that the nice lady with the lei around her neck in her picture?" Even though my daughter had only been here two or three times, it was enough for Ada to make an impression on her. I hope the coming year will bring you peace..
  23. Elaine, I just want to know how you found all these jokes with Frank in the title!!!
  24. Debi

    Snowflake 2000

    Wow Becky!!! 2,000 posts... maybe you need to start charging!!! Hell, Ry makes her money in fines...you can charge a dollar a post... there, you're in business! Seriously, glad that you are here...
  25. Wendy, First off...welcome to the boards... like they say, sorry you have to be here, but glad you found us.. Secondly, burn the bra. Seriously, I am 15 months out of surgery and still wear a sports bra because a regular bra is too painful. I am grateful because the first 6 months out of surgery I couldn't even wear a sports bra or sleep on my right side. Any sort of pressure gave me pain...on my back, side, breastbone...perhaps wearing the bra for even just a few hours is making it worse for you. I still have pain that comes and goes, numbness and uncomfortability. When the incision is made, it cuts through alot of your nerves and it takes a long time for those nerves to reconnect. It HAS gotten better, and is something I have learned to live with. As people have said before me on this board, it's our new normal....
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