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Everything posted by beatlemike

  1. beatlemike

    ct scan

    Four years ago I finished my treatment. I go see my oncologist tommorrow for my ct scan results. Prayers for good results are appreciated. I will post tommorrow(Thursday) with my results. Thank you.
  2. Woke up this morning and went to make coffee and no water. Frozen water pipes. I forgot to close the outside vents and its been well below zero here for about a week. Fortunatly I got them thawed out before they burst. Hope you are all enjoying the holiday season. To be honest I have to say I find them very stressful and am always kind of glad when they are over.
  3. 7000 posts(AWESOME). You have brought a lot of smiles and caring Randy. THANK YOU!
  4. Congratulations Judy! You have been a ray of sunshine for so many around here even when you were having your own rough days. Thanks for all the sharing and caring.
  5. beatlemike

    God is good!

    Im so very happy for you Janet! Merry Christmas!
  6. Sounds like great news to me Ken. Have a Happy Christmas!
  7. beatlemike


    Prayer said for you and your family Heidi!
  8. That is one great Christmas present Linda!
  9. AWesome news Donna. Thats wonderful!
  10. I wonder if a person should avoid their daily multivitamin that has a higher than normal B content?
  11. beatlemike

    rockin' Tarceva

    Im so very happy for your wonderful news TS! Enjoy your weekend.
  12. My GP recomended I get one so I did 4 days ago. No side effects at all!
  13. Thanks for sharing. I had 6 out of the 10 signs.
  14. beatlemike

    Best News!

  15. Hi everyone. Janet I bet you are just fantastic with those pre schoolers.And Denise,I hope you can set aside your worries long enough to have a good weekend I know thats easier said than done. I dont know why but every time someone calls on the phone it messes up the internet for about 5 minutes. I think it has something to do with our dish network. Im a total idiot when it comes to phones internet and tv anymore. Give me back my old 3 channels and a dial up phone and I will do just fine.
  16. Before this day is over I would like to thank Ned and all of the veterans who come to the board. My hat is off to all of you and thank you for serving your country and people.
  17. I just noticed my last post was 999. So this one will be number 1000. I have never did anything a thousand times in my life I dont think. Thank you all for the support and letting me be a small part of your lifes. Your a great bunch of people.
  18. Michelle, I wish I had words that would ease your pain. When I was 15 my youngest sister who was 6 was run over and killed in the street in front of our house. She was the youngest of eight of us kids and she was the center of attention around the house.When that happened so unexspectantly i went into a state of shock. I wasnt emotionally ready to deal with something like her loss. I really dont know how my folks dealt with it. But I remember even back then the only thing that seemed to help me was the beleive that we would meet again. I have lost my parents and many friends since that day but something about her death can still bring the tears. And now as then, I truly believe that death is not the final curtain. I truly believe we will be together again. And again it brings me comfort. God Bless You!
  19. Hawks will prey on a lone pigeon but if they are flying in a group it confuses them. I was talking to a friend who lives out in the country and he was telling me he had a hard time keeping cats because the hawks and the coyotes would get them. I would never of thought a hawk could take down a cat.
  20. Hi everyone,Judy I am alive and well but thank you for your concern. I go in streaks as far as posting.Its chilly and windy here again. I feel like we were cheated out of summer and fall this year. We went from spring back to winter. I been keeping myself entertained with some white homing pigeons. I had them as a teenager and kind of picked up where I left off 40 years ago. I know alot of people see pigeons as kind of a flying rat but I am fascinated by them. Hope everyone has a nice day.
  21. Thank you Nick and thank you Kenneth Oshman for not hiding it under the rug!
  22. Prayer said for a successful and quick recovery from surgery! Im glad you are able to have surgery
  23. beatlemike


    Prayer said for Marisa!
  24. Eileen,uour sister is blessed to have a sister like you. I remember what a terrific help and inspiration my sisters and brother were to me when I was going thru treatment.
  25. Thats fantastic news Maryanne!
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