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Everything posted by beatlemike

  1. beatlemike


    GREAT NEW!!!!!
  2. Hi Sandy and welcome. Im sure you are very sore yet and will be for sometime but day by day it gets a little better. I dont know about you but I had to sleep on my back for a month or so. Not a easy task for a side sleeper. Also I had a lot of strange noises going on in me for sometime after my surgery. I do hope they warned you about staying a head of constipation. After a good bout with that I always took stool softeners regulary.Im so glad you were able to have the surgery. There will be many question that arise in the days ahead and this is a good place to ask.There are no stupid questions.I pray you have a quick and successful recovery.
  3. Kind of a busy day here with friends dropping over. I enjoyed it tho. Seems like sometimes you go forever without company or phone call and the next day is just the opposite.Janet I hope you get past your tarceva scalp and the itch. Sandra I hope you have a wonderful weekend and Judy I hope you have a nice evening and can get out of the funk. You know the old saying ( When life hands you a funk,make some funky music).
  4. Doesnt have both oars in the water. Not playing with a full deck. I love the one dum as a box of hair. I never heard that one before.
  5. Beanie Weinies! That should teach them to show up unannounced.
  6. I agree with Sandra. And like many others found out the hard way.
  7. Tuesday and Wenesday were nice days here,it got up in the sixties so I was able to get my little honda 250 out and ride it a little. Today is back to windy and chilly again. Im catholic so I stayed away from meat yesterday(ash wenesday) but I think Im gonna have some big juicy hamburgers today! I dont know how those vegatarians do it!
  8. That must be chef boyardog! Good picture.
  9. Hello Rhonda and welcome. I am so glad they were able to catch your moms at a early stage and that she was able to have surgery. However at stage 2, I would reccommend having follow up chemo if she is given the option.I had my right lung removed and follow up chemo in Aug.05 and have clean scans since. I hope and pray for your mother on her recovery. Mike
  10. Hello Diane and welcome. Wow after being cancer free for 10 years I bet that was quite a shock when it showed its ugly head again. I dont have a answer for you but have often wondered how they would treat mine if it reappeared.After 10 years wouldnt it most likely be a new primary than a recurrance?Hopefully they got it all radiated and your breathing will improve.Are you on oxygen now? I hope and pray the best for you.Please keep us updated. Mike
  11. Welcome Kathy!I hope you find the support and answers you are looking for.
  12. Hi Wacky,not always but many times people who are stage 3a and undergo chemo or radiation or both are elegible for surgery if the treatment works well. Lets hope for that. Prayers Mike
  13. Hello Dana,Im sorry about your loss.I agree with what Bruce said about talking to your mom.I remember watching an old 60 minutes show that was about George Burns.At one point in the show they were at his late wife Gracie's tomb and George was speaking to her.The 60 minutes guy asked him if he thought she could hear him and George responed ( I dont know but it makes me feel better). I still talk to my folks sometimes and they have been gone a number of years.I also dont know if they can hear me but it does make me feel better.I wish you the best in your tough moments.
  14. Carol,I am so sorry about your friend. That must have been very upsetting news after having gone 3 years clear. She is blessed by having a friend like you.Please keep us updated. Prayers Mike
  15. Jenn, I am sorry about your step dad and all your family is going thru. My prayers are with you and your family at this time. I hope he gets to feeling better and can go home.
  16. Tina, Your mother and you are still in my prayers. I hope she gets to feeling better.
  17. Hi Deb and welcome.I know you are still in shock over your dx but be glad that they found it early and that you can have surgery.I dont know if that shock ever goes completely away but it gets better.When they told me I had lung cancer I automatically thought that it meant my time was short. I had never heard of any of the positive stories how many people live for many years or are actually cured of it. I think I was about a year out of surgery when I first came here and that was when I realized that I might even have a good chance of living thru it. I hope and pray the very best for you thru your treatment.
  18. beatlemike

    old memories!

    Randy.My thoughts are with you on this day.Love doesnt die when a person does and I hope you feel the love she is still sending you.
  19. Im so happy for your results Bette! Also my followups were the same as Cindys and I was dxed as stage 2b.
  20. After hearing so much on the news last week about the commercial airliner that landed in the hudson river. I have a question for you. If the problem is birds getting sucked into the fan blades is there a reason they dont have a large screen or guard on those to keep that from happening? To me it looks like they are enclosed except for the front. As you can tell I know absolutley nothing about aircrafts and have only flown once in my life and that was because i had no other choice. I know they are safer than cars put when I get on one I am terrified for the whole trip(and I was on some kind of sedative also).Did you ever have any close calls because of birds when you were still a pilot? Also are there any of the rest of you out there that are a big as weinie as I am when it comes to flying?Have a good Monday everyone!
  21. Im so very happy for you Colleen!
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