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Everything posted by Nova

  1. Hoping you feel better soon. Wish I could make you some home made chicken soup.
  2. I'm very worried about her. The last time she emailed me, she was in the hospital with too much fluid around her heart and lungs.... I haven't heard from her since, even though I've emailed. I've lost/misplaced her cell phone number. If anyone has any news, I'd appreciate hearing it. Thanks.
  3. Thank you for the quote, Jackie. It's another good one that I'll copy. I'm thankful today for Harry's Birthday, and that he feels well enough to have a little party tonight, with the family. It's a blessing!
  4. Nova

    Missing You Guys

    Thank you for asking about me too. Things have been in a whirlwind here also. First Hospice was coming, now they aren't.... Harry wants to keep getting chemo, and in the County that the cancer center is in, you are allowed to receive chemo and Hospice at the same time. In our County, (right next door), you aren't, so Harry opted to keep trying to at least "control" the cancer, as opposed to giving up hope. (That's my hubby, and I applaud him!). My "head" has been in a bit of a mess though...When that many things happen at once, it's hard to stay "calm". Thank you for thinking about us. Hope you're all doing okay.
  5. I have a soft spot for "Jacob's", since I have one myself. My cousin's little grandson was going thru this. He managed to stay on the height chart "barely", but his weight was way under. They did all sorts of tests, and he was fine. His official diagnosis, was that he was "Built like a String Bean"! He's over a year old now, and has caught up so much, that he's off the charts on the height~ but still a little thin! Saying prayers for little Jacob. Sounds as if he's very active, which is an excellent thing for a little boy to be!
  6. That's a hard one! I guess I'd pick sweets though. Big Car/Suv or small gas-saver?
  7. I would cheat, and delete little bits of each year, here and there.
  8. If you count "Take-Out", then I'm going out to dinner. I predict the next person dyes their hair ~~ at least the roots.
  9. Add my prayers to the other's, and please let us know how things go. Nova
  10. For some "stinkin'" reason, it says I'm from the South.... Dadgummit... it's probably because of the time I admitted to eatin' possum ~(without the "o" in front), and gator meat.... That was fun, thanks. (I still like to hear Harry and Nyka say "sneakers", instead of tennis shoes! )
  11. Grateful for our "back to normal 80 degree weather". I don't like being cold! Grateful that Harry is trying his first dose of Cpt11 today. Praying it works without making him sick. Jackie, where do you find all of the little "wise words of wisdom" that you post? I absolutely LOVE the one you have with your post today. "Of all the things God created, I am often most grateful He created laughter." (Charles Swindoll) I keep copying them and adding them to my email signatures.
  12. It's so unfair for anyone to get cancer, but I almost can't stand reading about it in a child. Bless that little boy and his family.
  13. James Patterson.... the "Alex Cross" series. I also like Sue Grafton's mysteries.
  14. I'm thankful for today. I woke up with a new outlook. I was a coward yesterday, when we heard Harry's "not so good" news. Today I'm thankful that I have a big stubborn streak, and so does my husband. We aren't "whipped" yet, either of us.
  15. There you are. I'm very happy to see you post, but wish you were feeling better. We've all been worried about you. Loads and loads of extra prayers going up for you and your wonderful wife. Nova
  16. Nova

    One Step at a Time

    God Bless you, Teri.. I'd like to add one more job to your list... If and when you ever get time, can you try to write a book about this experience? You have a way with words, and they are a comfort to others. As I've said before, I'm already grieving for my Harry. He's still here, but I miss him. (The old him...the one that did the best "Rocky Balboa" imitation you've ever heard, just to make me laugh). People that haven't been thru "cancer", can't understand that. When you write and explain your feelings, or say how you are going about day to day things that have to be done, it helps. I think you could do so many people a world of good. No pressure or anything, but hurry up and start writing. No wonder Bill is cheering you on from "Upstairs"! You're doing an excellent job. Thanks for sharing, Nova
  17. Nova

    Losing "it"

    We don't have any health insurance either now, and also aren't eligible for any assistance programs like Medicaid, because my husband's Disability check amount is over the income limit. I see that you are in Florida though, which means that you should be eligible for the "Share of Cost" program. They set a crazy amount for what you are supposed to pay of your medical bills per month, (like $1,200 or so), and then the State picks up the rest. The thing is, most cancer center's just take the part the State pays, and don't charge you for your part. (That's confusing, I'm sure!) If you could call the Medicaid office in your area, and ask them about the "Share of Cost" program, I'm sure they can help. Take care, Nova
  18. Hi Jamie, I remember the doctor that diagnosed me in the hospital, telling me to "watch what I ate, and avoid stress"... LOL! (I asked him which planet I should move to, to "avoid stress"!!! He was a goofball, and I have a much better G.I. now!) Everyone is a little different, but it's generally a good idea to stay away from spicy food, onions, too many raw fruits and veggies,~ things like that. They don't usually "sit well" . You might want to make a list at first, of things that you eat that make you feel bad, and then avoid them. You may have to take steroids every so often, (if you have a flare-up), but usually only for a week or two. They help, and you aren't on them long enough to experience the bad side effects from long term use. If the medication you've been put on doesn't seem to help, there are a few others, so don't give up hope! I'm sorry you're having to deal with this, on top of everything else. Take care, Nova
  19. Hi Jamie, I don't have cancer, but I have Crohn's Disease, which is a "sister" to U.C. I just wanted to let you know that if the doctor's put you on any medication for it - (ie, Asacol), make sure you eat something with it.... it will probably make you nauseated if not. If there's anything I can help with, please let me know. I was diagnosed about 8 years ago, and it can be managed, if you watch out for certain things. Take care, Nova
  20. Thanks, Randy. I've been thinking about them also.
  21. I hope the scan results are much better then expected. I think it should be mandatory that people get the results the same day that the test is done. The "waiting" is like being tortured. I'll be saying a prayer for your Mom, and for you too. Maybe you should check in with your doctor about your back ache. It would ease your mind if you were to find out it's only a pulled muscle, from carrying the baby.(She's SO cute in the little picture you have with your Mom!) Take care and let us know, Nova
  22. F A L L I N G on the floor laughing!!!!!!!
  23. Nova

    New Game

    "Double Cross", by James Patterson. I don't think this one has been asked yet... What's the most exotic food you've ever eaten? (I've had raccoon, possum (The "O" in the beginning of that word bothers me! ), and gator, which tasted like fried pencil eraser's)
  24. That was the best I've read!!! I have 10 chickens ,(all named), so I love chicken jokes.... and Irish jokes, and Blond jokes!!
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