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Bruce u

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Everything posted by Bruce u

  1. Hi Hope I just want to join everyone else and welcome you to this great site. As you have already seen, members here are very knowledgeable. You will receive great support here as well.
  2. Congratulations Katie from way up north. This site and all the advocacy work you do is not only helping people in your City, State or even country, it is helping people around the world. Thank you.
  3. Sorry to hear Pattis is still in pain. Hopefully that will ease off soon. Mybe she can take it out o the comuter guy. LOL
  4. Hi Carl In my case, 4 rounds is what they had scheduled. I never asked why 4. I was on a 3 week cycle. So on day 1 I would have both Cisplatin and Vinerolbine. Then on Day 8 I would have just Vinerolbine. This counted as 1 round. Then on Day 21 I would have both again. Of course this could all change depending on blood counts, etc. I had 1 treatment delayed by a week because my blood count was low. Hope this helped.
  5. Hi Carl I had my upper left lobe removed. Everything came back clear and I was staged at 1B. The Oncologist told me that they do not recommend adjuvant chemo for lower than stage 2. He said the chance of reoccurance for stage 1 was less. They did not feel that the benefit of the chemo would reduce the risk enough to recommend it. I asked for a second opinion. That Oncologist checked with 5 of his colleagues. Two recommended it and the other 3 said they would leave it up to the patient. I decided to go ahead with the chemo. They wrote on my file that studies did not support my decision. It was only 4 rounds and I wanted to do everything I could to prevent reoccurance. I had the combination of Cisplatin/Vinerolbine. I did have alot of side effects but others did not have any. Everyone is different but they do have good control over it now with different medications. I asked the same question on here that you are asking now. I received a unanimous response recommending the chemo. Good luck.
  6. Bruce u


    Well it's Tuesday chat night again We talk about almost anything...except politics. I know that it is election day and some of our regular chat members ( ladies ) tend to misbehave. So if anyone mentions politics tonight, the moderator will take away their " P " button. When they can control their " P " they can have their button back. Why not join us and see if any of these ladies lose their " P ".
  7. Hi Mickey. Welcome to this site. You will find lots of support here from members, both survivor's and caregiver's, that understand your situation.
  8. Sending lots of prayers for you, your Mom and your family. Take care.
  9. You can only view this in the U.S. or at least that is the message I received. May be just my lack of computer skills as well.
  10. Hey Judy. i'm from Newfoundland and have enough trouble speaking proper English. But what language is that you are speaking ? I think i may have to check that one with Mr. Webster. LOL
  11. I'm not sure if I'll ever be trusted with the keys to the bar Judy. And yes Sandra I think an accountant should be at chat as well to keep tally on the drinks. LOL
  12. For new members on the LCSC site, every Tuesday night is chat night. Everyone is welcome so drop in and say hello. Meet other members, share a laugh, ask questions, chat with other survivor's and caregivers. 8 Eastern 7 Central 6 Mountain 5 Pacific 2 Hawaii
  13. Congratulations Carol !!! Gotta love NED.
  14. Patti, we are all thinking about you and saying extra prayers that the radiation will work quickly. If there is a positive, the fact they are saying it's an easy fix sounds good. You're a great person who is always here for everyone else and we are all here for you now. Take care.
  15. Bruce u


    We're all thinking about you and the kids Rochelle. Take care
  16. Hi asa Welcome. I am so sorry that you have to be here. You will find alot of support from members here. They are also very knowledgeable. Please keep us posted on how you and your wife are doing. Sounds like she has some great, caring people looking after her. Take care.
  17. Bruce u


    Sorry Patti. The best I can offer is Mrs. Candace.
  18. Bruce u


    I forgot that I have 6 friends coming for dinner at the same time. So I'll be cook, host, and chat moderator. My daughter ( new bride ) will be here. Maybe I'll convince her to come on chat and say hi to everyone. Then you can ask her about the dress and quad wedding. LOL
  19. Bruce u


    Hey Folks. Well this is my first chat as moderator. Hope to see everyone there.
  20. Bruce u

    I thought I...

    I'm sure your Mom is still watching over you Leslie. Take care.
  21. Sorry to hear your husband is having such a difficult time Coni.
  22. Hi Lady Welcome to this great site. You will find lots of support and knowledge here. I had my Lobectomy and officially diagnosed with L/C, 1 week after my 46th birthday. I was a smoker as well and had my last cigarette on the hospital grounds before going in for the operation. I joke that when the surgeon cut open my lung there was a puff of smoke came out. LOL There are alot of non smokers on this site as well. Take care and keep posting.
  23. Congratulations Maryann !!!!!
  24. My snowmobile. Broke the ski when I moved it last spring. Soon be that season again.
  25. Great news Nonni. Congratulations !!!!
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