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Everything posted by Debaroo

  1. Hey guys, thanks to Katie and Rick, my picture is now going to accompany my posts. It is an old picture, of my dad and I on our way to the church on my wedding day...my hair is now blonde (back to its natural color-with hilights.) So, thank you again Katie and Rick-I must learn how to use my scanner so that I can add/change pictures over time. Take care, guys, Deb
  2. Jenny, I am so sorry that your mom has taken such a turn, and that she has had to suffer so much. I am also sorry that you and your family have to watch her. It is good that you have all been able to be with her and that hospice has been such a help. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your dear mother. Deb
  3. Debaroo

    Iressa effects

    Judith, I am so sorry for your loss. I hope that you come back here, if you need any support, or have any advice to offer. Please take care, Deb
  4. Stable is so great!!!! I am so happy for you and the Duke! Let the Iressa do its thing!! Take care, and enjoy. Oh, and Earl, please, no more stunts on the ice . Enjoy the freedom from the cast! Take care, Deb
  5. Pier, great news!!!!!!!!! Congrats to your mom on her year survivor anniversary, and may there be many more to come!!! Take care, Deb
  6. Dean, you are a thought inspiring man, and those that you touch with your gift, if they are smart, will be forever changed. Thank you for that. The ignorance is more than frustrating. After my dad was in the hospital to have the fluid in his lungs drained last June, a friend of mine said "wow, I guess your father really IS sick" uh, like what, did she think I made the whole thing up???? Then, one friday- two weeks after Daddys funeral, (she had attended Daddys wake on a friday night),we were at the bus stop waiting for our kids to get home. I asked her what she had planned for the weekend. She said, "We have ANOTHER wake to go to tonight...do you believe it? Every friday night we have a wake to go to." She was not shocked, just annoyed. Normally I am not one to be speechless, I am the queen of the comeback...but this was too hurtful-and I didn't want to cry... All I know is that these exchanges only make me more aware of thinking before I speak-and that is a positive thing, so at least some good comes from the ignorance of others...I guess. Take care, Dean, your wisdom and caring nature are invaluble to humanity!!!!!!!!!!!!! Deb
  7. Bess, thank you for the update, and here's to hoping that the skies clear, your husband returns home to you soon, and that your new chemo does the trick! Take care, and keep us posted whenever you can. In the meantime, just know that we do think of you and you are in my thoughts and prayers. Deb
  8. Ry, just wanted to send my love and to remind you that SOMEDAY, you, your mom, John and Jillian will be telling "Remember that time you broke Grandmas arm...." stories . Years ago my grandfather broke his leg-he was laid up in a lazy boy recliner, just relaxing...minding his own business...when along came my 5 year old sister-who decided it would be a good idea to raise grandpas legs up HIGHER-raising the leg rest on the chair above and beyond its maximum capacity and ...yep-over went Grandpa, the chair and his casted leg-he was "a$$ over head"...and let me tell you, he NEVER tired of telling that story-and ALWAYS laughed when he did ... Take care, Ry, hope you don't go through too much withdrawl from the board...just remember, we are here, a'waiting your return... Deb
  9. Oh, Peg-I am so sorry. I really wish I could do more for you. But I do offer my thoughts and prayers for you and Bill and your family. Deb
  10. I havn't noticed any posts in a while, and I miss her and wanted to know how she's doing. Gail, if you see this, just want you to know I'm thinking about you and I'm going to PM you as well (please don't think I'm stalking you, just a concerned friend ) Take care, Deb
  11. Debaroo

    My dad is at peace

    Kim, I am so sorry that you have lost your father. It is so wonderful that your father was surrounded by the people that loved him...I am sure that it made is journey easier-he left this Earth surrounded by love, and most surely he was welcomed into the spiritual world with love as well... Take care, and I hope you stay on here, we need eachother. Deb
  12. Heather, I'd say that you found one heck of a way to celebrate a clean scan-a new beemer is the perfect self-gift!!! Take a good deep breath and suck all that you can out of life!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ENJOY!! Take care, Deb
  13. Cheryl, I havn't been around much-so I apologize for not having responded to your post sooner. I am so sorry that you and Jack are having to go through this. If it helps at all, I know several friends and family members that have had to have bypass surgery, etc. and I will tell you that after the surgery, each and every one of them felt like "a new person". After recovering from surgery, they each felt like they had more energy and were also more aware and took better care of themselves, realizing how lucky they were. I hope that you hear Jack say the same thing very soon. It really is such a good thing that you made Jack go to the hospital and that he had the good sense to listen to you!!! Sending my love and best wishes and prayers to you both!!! Take care, and let us know how everything is going-Deb
  14. Cath, Let me begin by saying that I am so sorry that you lost your dear Grandmother. I am glad that you found us, and that you posted. I lost my grandmother when I was your age, and I felt alot as you do with regard to feeling that I could not let my family know how upset that I was, for fear of upsetting them. Now, at 35, I realize that I was mistaken. I realize that, even if we do get emotional, it is alright. Sometimes what we need is a good cry with a loved one that also feels the loss. Sometimes we worry too much about making others upset, and so we close ourselves off from the people that could probably help the most, and that are probably just as afraid to 'upset' us...so, while we all WANT to connect, fear stops us from doing so, and that is a sad thing. Don't let the fear keep you from seeking comfort from your family. I think that the best way to start is to just say what is on your mind. Tell your father, or whomever you would feel most comfortable talking with first, exactly what you told us...that you are afraid to upset anyone, but that you really need to get your feelings out and talk about your grandmother. You articulated your feelings very well here, and I really believe that you will be just as articlulate with your family. I am glad that you came here, and please continue to come. I hope that this was of some help to you. I hope that your memories of your 'gran' are of a comfort to you. Give yourself time, and allow yourself to feel whatever feelings come=whether it is anger, saddness, fear, even happiness, your feelings are what they are, don't get hung up on when your greiving should be 'finished', because it dosn't go away, it just changes form...acceptance, I think that that is what the final outcome turns out to be. You will always miss your gran, but she will live on within you, all that you have ever learned from her, all that you remember about her-she is a part of you, as you are a part of her. Please take care, Cath, and let us know how you are doing. Deb
  15. Debaroo

    New Poll

    Uh, HELLO!!! I just noticed, noone included my very first pet as a child SEAMONKEYS! I never said my childhood was perfect.
  16. I agree with ConnieB, here. And if it is gnawing at you that you're not sure 'living with it is a good idea, follow your gut. A pulminologist would be a good idea. Also, I want to congratulate you on the 'shrinkage', and wish you much, much more!!!! take care, Deb
  17. OK, Dave, this latest poll you've posted has swing the pendilum in your directions, sorry guy .... you've crossed the line...Deb
  18. Debaroo

    Poll Question

    ooof...this ones tough...I'll have to think about it a bit. Big decision, here. Deb
  19. I voted, but will keep my vote confidential, so as to avoid the possible backlash from supporters of either party...I mean, uh, dog-preference supporter-people-er-ah... nevermind. Deb
  20. Aw, Dave, we love you. Deb
  21. David, as you know I got the footage-and was very impressed. Oh, by the way, I think I figured out who the narrator is (I confess, I am one of those people that cannot let something lie-if I feel like something is fimiliar to me, I need to think and think until I come up with the answer-I even loose sleep over things like this ) I believe the narrator is Elliot Gould. I might be wrong. But, anyway, who cares. The point is the story and footage and interviews were very interesting and inspiring. I agree with ConnieB, when she said: "DAVID, YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!" Keep up the great work, and I would be interested in ANYTHING that you have regarding your biking and awareness-raising!!! Take care, Deb
  22. Thank you so much for the update on Norme, Connie. I just PM'd her and then came here and saw your post. I told her I did not expect her to respond, that I just wanted to send her my love. I feel just awful for her. Thank you again. Deb
  23. Sandy, I am living vicariously through you. I am now kneeling on the floor and bowing to you-you are my idol!!! It is very hard to type and bow at the same time, so I will have to get up now...there, thats better. Enjoy the new wheels!!!! I wish you many safe and exciting adventures on your new toy. Did you give it a name? I always thought that people named their motorcycles. Like people always name their boats. Not that you have to paint it on the thing or anything. Living on Long Island, a dream for most people is to own a boat. I have a friend that, when she was a kid, always said that one day she would own a boat and name it "WET DREAM" Somehow her mother was able to keep her cool and just say, in her best 'Mrs. Cunningham from Happy Days' voice- "thats nice, dear." Sorry I got carried away. Anyway, ENJOY, and drive safely!!!! Take care, Deb
  24. Ginny, I am glad that the side effects aren't, as you said, devistating. I like the way you phrased it, "interesting". I don't want to overstep any bounds or make you worried, but just talk to the docs about the possible development of blood clots, due to being inactive. My dad developed a HUGE one in his left leg due to inactivity, he was told to take a baby asprin every day. Oh, and he had a filter put in to protect his heart and lungs, in the event that the clot were to release. I am glad to see that Earl eats ice cream, you are absolutly right, calories are calories, and pistchios are actually quite healthy, so thats got to count for SOMETHING, right. Anyway, enjoy the new Dell, and I am also very optomistic about the new research. I will keep you and the Duke in my prayers for clean scans and for a little more 'pep' in the Grand Dukes step (not too much pep, mind you, what with the cast and all ). Ry, John is included in the prayers for clean scans-just wanted to let you know. Take care, guys, Deb
  25. Holly, I am so sorry that things have taken a bad turn. Maybe a rest from treatment is in order. Even just a week or two may give him more strength. I have no real answers, I wish I did. I have never actually heard of surface tumors, I hope that they are not painful. I can't imagine how difficult it is to have your partner go through this. I know that when my dad was diagnosed, and through the diagnosis, the worst part, aside from watching him deteriorate, was the helplessness that I felt. Please let us know how you both are doing, and if you need to 'talk' you can pm me, maybe we could link up on the 'chat' since it could be used at any time. Or if you feel there is someone else here that would better understand how it feels to be the spouce. The point is, we are here for you. I can only offer my prayers and support. I hope this is of some help, somehow. Please keep us updated as much as you can . Deb
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