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Joe B

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Everything posted by Joe B

  1. As Hebbie indicated in the old post ther is a theory around high levels of tissue Oxygenzation acreating an environment that cancer cannot exist in. here is the article previously posted. FYI, It says there is a there is a difference between a serum blood PH level (always constant) and a PH level in the tissue. ALKALIZE FOR HEALTH, A SPECIAL MESSAGE FOR CANCER PATIENTS Balancing Body pH for Better Health and how this relates to cancer. In a nutshell - maintaining proper body tissue pH is critical for staying healthy. The pH (parts/percentage Hydrogen) scale ranges from 0 (very acidic) to 14 (very alkaline). Most people are born into this world with a pH near or at 7 (neutral pH). If you can keep your body tissue pH somewhere between 6.5 - 7.0 it is very difficult to get sick. A near neutral pH (green-blue range) is the goal. This is why most of the health and wellness folks are always eating green foods in abundance; these foods are loaded with alkaline elements to keep the pH balanced. Alkaline tissue holds 20 times more oxygen than does acidic tissue and this oxygen rich environment is critical for maintaining health and snuffing out the bad guys (anaerobic bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc.). Blood serum pH never changes (always a 7.37) if it changes more than .2 up or down you will die. However your body tissue pH will fluctuate constantly based on your diet and the foods/drinks consumed. Most every cancer patient tested will show a pH of 4 - 5, very acidic! This acidity of body tissue drives out the health giving oxygen. Low oxygen = an environment ripe for cancer. Cancer thrives in an oxygen deficient environment. Acidic pH = cancer magnet! HOW TO GET A GOOD pH READING? One of the best ways to get a fairly accurate reading of one's tissue pH is to pass a litmus paper through a urine stream first thing in the morning. The 1st urine in the morning is a pretty good indicator because the body has had all night to process the entire days nutrient ingestion and balance itself out- hence a good indicator of real body tissue pH. Do not be surprised if you test acidic. Most folks initially will test very acidic in the yellow zone (pH 4 - 5). Time to make changes to move this into the green zone (pH 6.5 - 7). Urinary pH is always more acidic than the saliva. A normal urinary pH reading in the morning should be somewhere between 6.0-6.4 while in the evening hour a healthy range is considered to be somewhere between 6.4 - 6.8. The pH of the saliva should be slightly more alkaline than that of the urine. A healthy pH for saliva fluctuates somewhere between 6.6 - 7.0. The best way to make your pH more alkaline is to stop consuming things that make acidity levels greater in the body- cola soda pop is a 2.0! It takes 32- 8 oz glasses of pH 8 water to counter balance 1 can of soda pop! Coffee is a 4! Most beer is somewhere between 2.5-4.2 depending on the brand. Folks that consume huge amounts of soda pop and/or beer are usually acidic and are magnets for most illnesses including cancer. Potassium and sodium are both 14 on the pH scale, calcium registers a 12 and magnesium is 9- all alkalizing elements for the body to shift the pH alkaline. Shifting pH normally takes some time so do not become discouraged in your climb out of the acid tank. Young children with high vitality levels will normally be alkaline and if they are not will normally return to an alkaline tissue pH in a matter of just a couple of weeks on the Eniva minerals along with minor dietary changes (eliminate soda pop and all sugar for quickest change). Adults take longer. You are probably looking at 3-4 months in your endeavor. Every mineral has an optimum pH that it likes and performs best in. Iron for example will perform best when the body tissue pH is between 6.0 - 7.0 while iodine has a much more narrow band width of performance (6.3 - 6.6). If the tissue pH is further out than this the body cannot maximize the mineral nutrient to effect the healing it should. http://www.rainbowminerals.net/Rust/rot_rust_tour5.html
  2. Joe B

    A Year

    Dean, Time flys when you're having fun ! I hope & pray that you have another year of blessings, and then a another and another....etc (I think you get the picture) Praise God for your wisdom, and insights for everyone here. Best to you, my friend Joe
  3. Congratulations Carleen & Keith. Its a special thing when you know you are with the one that was meant specifically for you..... God bless you both. Joe
  4. I had a thorocotomy 1 year ago (10/2/03). I have general aches and pains @ times that come & go.....but nothing significant... and no need for any type of pain meds (not even ibuprofen). Guess I am very fortunate. My surgeon did not have to wedge, break or remove any ribs. He explained that the were able to spread the ribs without any fracturing or need to remove any portion of the ribs. So it can be done, but its a case by case type of outcome , I think. I have a friend at work who had his right lung (Middle and lower lobe)removed (stage 1A); they cut one of his ribs, and it didnt line up correctly when it healed-- and it causes him a great deal of discomfort. This type of surgery is major and I have been told it can take up to a year or longer for the body to recover... Joe
  5. Tami, Praying for some peace and relaxation for you in your life.... hang in there and make sure you have someone to talk to, its not good to carry such stress all alone. God bless. Joe
  6. Joe B

    Dave S

    Under the posting of APB on Dave S.... His daughter posted the following message... "I have bad news to give to my father's friends here at LCSC. My father "dave s" passed away on Friday September 3rd. I am so sorry it has taken me so long to post this message. I have been thinking of all of you and I guess avoiding this task. My father was with me and his wife when he passed. I believe it was the way he wanted, if he had to go that is. He was a great fighter and he will be missed, for sure. I have learned so much about being a fighter from him. I wish you all the best, as did my dad. With Love, Dawn " Thoughts and prayers are with Daves family..... Joe
  7. Joe B


    David , Praying for you. I hope you get through this without too much trouble, and most of all that it does the job to rid you of all desease. Joe
  8. Joe B


    David, Great story. congratulations ! Joe
  9. BobMC will be missed , he was a special person and was one of the first to greet me here. I am very sad to hear this news.
  10. Andrea, I have been NED since surgery. I do have radiation induced changes in the lung that we are tracking to ensure they are just that... I try and excerise to intrduce high levels of oxygen into the cells (cancer cannot live in an environment of high oxygenation), and I take vitamin & other supplements.
  11. Joe B

    Ground Squirrels

    From "Our Daily Bread", RBC Ministries- August 30th, 2004. Ground squirrels hibernate near our home during the winter, and they reappear when the snow melts in the spring. My wife Carolyn and I enjoy watching them scurry back and forth from one hole to another, while others stand like tiny sentries watching for predators. In mid-May, a man from a nearby golf course arrives on a little green tractor with a tank loaded with lethal gas. The groundskeeper tells us that these little critters have to be eliminated because they dig holes in the fairways. Some survive, but most do not. It always makes us a little sad to see the tractor arrive. If I could, I'd chase the little animals away. I'd destroy their holes and force them to settle someplace else. I'm sure they would resent my interference, but my actions would be solely for their good. So it is with God. He may break up our comfortable nests now and then, but behind every difficult change lies His love and eternal purpose. He is not cruel or capricious; He is working for our ultimate good (Romans 8:28 ). He wants us to be "conformed to the image of His Son" (v.29) and to give us glorious enjoyment in heaven forever. How then can we fear change when it comes from Someone whose love for us never changes? (vv.38-39). —David Roper What tenderness the Father shows To sinners in their pain! He grants to them His strength to bear The hurt that brings them gain. —D. De Haan God's love can seem harsh until we view it with hindsight.
  12. Awesome news.. I am very happy for you Heather ! Joe
  13. Welcome.. David was very loved here... any cuz of Davids is a friend of ours! Joe B
  14. Ginny, Sincere sympathy & Prayers for you and yours. Joe
  15. Carleen, Prayers are with you and Keith! Good luck on the trial. Joe
  16. Ginny, you and Earl are in my prayers
  17. Joe B

    Tuesdays With David A

    Kicking up the post in honor of David A....
  18. Joe B

    Tuesdays With David A

    back to the top it goes
  19. Joe B

    Tuesdays With David A

    " gotta keep this one on top"...
  20. Joe B

    Tuesdays With David A

    kick'in it back up to the top. Gotta keep this one on top.
  21. Hi Dede, Its Joe B. Welcome. Thank you for the kind words last night. Gina & I are so glad we were able to attend the wake, and to hear all the great stories about David.We all miss David a very lot... he was very loved here. Take care... and remember how much David was loved and accepted here... he made us all laugh, and he always was very encouraging to all. Its hard to imgaine this site going on without him. Joe
  22. Joe B

    Tuesdays With David A

    kicking up the post ! Peace my friend !
  23. Joe B

    Tuesdays With David A

    Kicking up the Post !
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