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Lisa O

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Everything posted by Lisa O

  1. I had the honor of meeting both of your girls and they are both truly special. Leah still talks about fishing with Kaitlyn (did I spell that correctly?) May you enjoy your celebrations of both landmarks!
  2. A rare side affect of Iressa can be bleeding... I don't know specifically about the retinas but the oncologist should know. I did have a small bleed in my eye but it was more like a burst capillary type of bleed that was attributed to the Iressa. It was not so serious as an edematous or bleeding retina though.
  3. GO TARCEVA! Keep us posted!
  4. Darn it all! I wish you hadn't gotten any bad news at all!! As for MD Anderson... they are supposed to be great. You are in my prayers. I hope this is easily remedied. I know you wanted a break. Darn Darn Darn. Lisa
  5. Welcome back Ken... Keep us posted on those path reports!
  6. Lisa O

    Black magic??

    Becky, I am also wondering why the domino affect seems so horrible right now-- but I wish it would stop! I hope everything that is going on in your house goes in the right direction! Thank you for all of your support Becky. I am here if you need me. P.M. me if you want to.
  7. The last few weeks have been so difficult. One family member after another has fallen ill. My mom had a minor surgery and then had to fly to Arizona because my aunt had been in an accident which due to complications became serious.... bear with me... this has a point... My mom ran herself down and ended up in the ER where they took a chest X-ray. Of course it was abnormal which lead to a CT which lead to a 2cm ground glass opacity in the right lower lobe. They are going to try two weeks of antibiotics and repeat the scan. I scheduled the CT scan with a follow up appointment with my thoracic surgeon. My mom is a young vital 60 year old smoker. I am frightened for her because she is a smoker. When I went through lung surgery, my lungs were very healthy. She has emphysema from smoking. She is scared they won't operate. I don't know if my family can take both of us having lung cancer. My children are going through too much already... especially since I am stage IV. I don't know how to even process this. I know I am rambling. It has been quite a week and my scans are next week. It seems stress is a bit deep right now. If you are inclined toward prayers or well wishes my family could use those right now. Thanks
  8. PPPPPPHHHHHHHHHLLLLLLLLLLLBBBBBBBBBTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry... did i get you wet?
  9. Lisa O


    Happy Happy Birthday.... and many more!
  10. Brian, I love your honesty and really appreciated your post here. You authored a great cartoon.
  11. Lisa O

    Sandy blew it!

    You didn't blow it Sandy, You are always in my prayers and will remain in my prayers. Please keep us posted.
  12. Thanks so much for the update Peggy. I am sure she knows we care.
  13. (((Angie)))) I don't have much to say except that I am so impressed with your reaction and answer to your father's concern to you. I know that it must have been so painful to hear, but you listened to his concern and feelings and you were there for him. You should be very proud. My heart goes out to you. Please try to remember your words, and enjoy each and every moment of this holiday season that you are sharing with your Dad. I have a hunch that is what he wants. In the interim, we are here if you need us.
  14. Great news Don! Thanks for sharing it so quickly! Lisa
  15. Lisa O

    Sad News

    Don, Of course you and Lucie have my prayers. I am so sorry you had to get this news just before Thanksgiving. It is wonderful that you were able to enjoy it with family in spite of the unwelcome intrustion. Keep us posted, Lisa
  16. Lisa O

    I'm back

    Beth, I do like your spirit! Please keep us posted as you get the results. Lisa
  17. Hi Suz, I treated with Dr. Albain in Loyola. She is awesome. I had several nodules, but they were small. I wish you all the best and hope it is one of the majority of nonmalignant nodules that have no known cause.
  18. I am so very sorry. If it helps, I do believe cats go to heaven.
  19. I really needed this tonight!
  20. Lisa O

    just a quick FYI

    I hope it goes well and quickly for you and Gina Joe. Please keep dropping in to keep us posted. Happy Healthy Thanksgiving.
  21. Wow Dean, Congratulations! I am so glad you made it! Here's to many more celebrations of each and every worthwhile victory!
  22. I know that some studies were done previously on types of wicks... I don't know what the new reports are saying as to wick particles vs. wax particles BUT I do know that scented candles and incense can be irritating either way. It is most certainly not a slam on religion. I LOVE candles and my religion actually embraces (requires) candle lighting. My daughter has asthma and I have lung cancer. Excessive scented candles and incense are bad for lung conditions - how is that a slam on religion???? It may also be bad to be around too many candles at once in a closed building -- okay... so we improve ventilation or change types of candles, or procedures but what matters is our relationship with our religion. My daughter asked me why I light a candle at times (now a tiny tea light in my large living room so her lungs don't get irritated) when I am praying extra hard for people. I told her I felt like it called Gods attention to my prayers. The truth is it just gives me one more thing I can do to feel less helpless. My prayers are my prayers either way. My lungs are irritated around smoke and incense - that is truly a fact - not an anitreligious conspiracy. I do hope they find out whether there is a way they can honor the beautiful tradition of lighting a candle in church without endangering the church workers or worshipers. There is something so comforting about that tradition and about knowing a candle is being lit for you. Perhaps they can clarify the reearch.
  23. Lisa O


    Hi Don, I have a hard time believing in pure coincidence! It sure does seem special doesn't it?
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