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Don M

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  1. Don M


    May Jim rest in peace and my condolences go to his family. Don M
  2. Don M

    Lucie Fly Wood

    I am very sorry for your loss Don. You and your family have my prayers to get through this difficult time. Although Lucy never posted, we all have had the chance to get to know her somewhat and see her and you fight this disease. She fought for herself and for you. Don M
  3. Most excellent Don. I wll pray for a continued recovery. Don M
  4. Don M

    I am in shock now.

    Please accept my condolences for your loss. Don M
  5. Grace; how sad for your sister. you all have my prayers. Don M
  6. Lori, please accept my condolences for your mom's passing. You were a rock and a comfort for her I am sure. Don M
  7. Melinda, please accept my condolences. Don M
  8. Don M

    PET Scans

    It is really hard to guess why they ordered the PET scan. But let us know how it comes out. A worse case scenario might be that they find a new primary cancer in early stage which would be curable. I hope it turns out to be nothing. Don M
  9. I am sorry that it has come to this for you and your husband. Hospice should be able to help you a lot. Don M
  10. Hi Onlyone: Wait and see what the biopsies say and let us know. If your mom definitely has cancer, she will need some support. I am still in some what of a denial about my cancer. I don't deny that I have it, but I deny that it will kill me. I consider that a healthy denial. Don m
  11. Rochelle: here are some cyberknife links: http://www.cyberknifesupport.org/forum/default.aspx?c=4 http://www.accuray.com/SiteLocations/index.aspx Don M
  12. Hi Shirley: your dad's profile shows a long and aggressive fight against lung cancer. As Don Wood says, avastin in combo with a chemo may help, and has not been tried yet according to your dad's profile, but I think they would have to get the white blood cell count under control first. Personally, I think that for myself, I may opt for quality of life at some point rather than fighting the lc aggressively to the bitter end. Of course, I don’t really know for sure what I would do unless I was at that moment. It depends on what your dad wants to do. You all have my best wishes. Don M
  13. The radiation should bring about relief of pain quickly. I hope the mets can be killed and that your dad attains no evidence of disease after his treatment. Don M
  14. Hi: I am sorry you mother in law has a cancer diagnosis. When I first found out about my cancer, almost 3 years ago, one of the first things I did was to get my affairs in order. If the doctors offered me no treatment, I would get a second opinion. In my opinion, any cancer is treatable no matter what the extent. Here is a place your mother in law could check out. http://www.winthrop.org/departments/cli ... ungCancer/ Don M
  15. I also think your mom should see the pulmonlogist. I have perisitent congestion and my pulmonogist thinks it is beause of my scar tissue trapping phlegm. It started about 3 months after my surgery and I still have it. It never gets any worse. Don M
  16. Hi; your mom certainly has my prayers. So do you. Maybe your mom should see a pulmonologist to help with the breathing. Is your mom going to a comprehensive cancer center? If so, there should be a pulmonologist available as part of the team. Maybe you or your mom could call and emphasize the sob problem and set up an apointment the same day with the pulmonolgist. Perhaps the pleural effusion brought about the severe shortness of breath. If that is gone, she must have had some relief. Others on the board have had the effusion return and they eventually had to have a talc procedure done to make the lung stick to its lining thus denying the effusion a space to collect. I hope your mom starts treatment quickly. Having a plan in hand and implmenting it can relieve a lot of axiety. Speaking of which, many of us here take anti anxiety or anti depressant meds. Your mom might want to consider it. Her onc could write a Rx for her. I take lexapro, and it helps me. Don M
  17. Don M


    Hi Joanie; I hope you get your strength back quickly. I would go shopping during my alimta chemo and I would be dragging by the end of the trip. I felt good at the beginning. I am sorry to hear about your job loss. Don M
  18. Ellen your report sounds very encouraging. I hope Len enjoys the fall. Don M
  19. Don M

    the latest...

    Gin, I hope you find out what is happening and that you feel better. don M
  20. Terrye: Libby took the words right out of my mouth. The reality today is that your mom is doing well with her treatment. Let today be today and go on your trip and try to relax. 80 perch a day? wow! Don M
  21. The tips shown by LCSC Admin pretty much covers it for me. I guess I will just emphasize what helped me. 1. I became enaged in learning about my disease and the treatment of my disease. 2. I exercised right through my treatment, walking a mile a day or doing gardening. 3. I have continued doing the things I like to do with some restrictions. I can no longer hike on steep terrain, but I am content to and can walk on gentle trails in the woods. 4. I have always and still believe that I will eventually beat this disease. The medical treatment is only part of the cure. You have to have hope. 5. I sort of keep my cancer at arm's length. I don't identify with being a cancer victim. I guess that goes along with referring to ourselves as survivors. Don M
  22. Don M

    about my dad

    Jodi, your dad, you and your family have my prayers. Don M
  23. Andrea, here's hoping for a successful surgery for your dad. Don M
  24. I think John covered it pretty well. It is hard to find a surgeon, as far as I know, who will do removal of tumors from the chest wall and chest wall reconstruction. Here is a link to a website of one lung cancer center that features chest wall tumor removal and reconstruction. Maybe some of the major cancer centers do it too. You may be able to send them cds of your scans and fax them your reports to see what they think about the feasibility of surgery. http://www.winthrop.org/departments/cli ... ungCancer/ Don M
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