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Don M

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Everything posted by Don M

  1. Welcome back Holly. Don M
  2. Sounds good. I hope it continues. Don M
  3. Me too. congratulations Jodi. Don M
  4. Lori, I am glad your mom made it through the surgery again and that this time she will soon be mobile. Don M
  5. Kathy your news is very encouraging. Go Angela! I am a one lunger too (and I want to keep that way). Don M
  6. Darci: I am glad you fil is feeling better. I agree with Don Wood that he has to keep drinking and that his not drinking may be indicative of a not so good attitude. Try giving him a peptalk some time. I think you have to have the heart of a warrior to fight this disease. Don M
  7. Sue: you and Mike have my continued prayers. Don M
  8. Adela, you have been doing evreything right, including inviting your stepson to help in the care. That shoulld have made him feel included, but unfortunately.... Anyway, I guess you are back in Seattle by now. I hope your husband is comfortable and that things are going more smoothly for you now. Don M
  9. Don M

    Dad went to heaven

    Lisa: please accept my condolences at the loss of your father. Don M
  10. Don M

    Fay A. Passed on

    Good bye Fay. You have my love, our love and the love of God all around you and within you. Don M
  11. I am sorry it has been difficult for you as a caregiver Linda and hope things soon get better for you. At least you seem to have a healthy sense of what your personal boundarys are and will not let them be violated. I hope your mom's ct scan is good and that the treatment plan brings improvement. Don M
  12. Cindy: this is an intersting and infotmative thread. Congratualtions to you on being a good advocate for your dad. I have always thought highly of Senator McCaine and am not surprised that his staff would be so responsive. Don M
  13. Don M

    Sad Tidings

    Michael: thankyou for letting us know. I am very sad to read of your mother's passing. You have my most sincere condolences. Don M
  14. Welcome Meghan: I am glad your mom is doing well. Don M
  15. That is really great news Melissa. I can easlily imagine the relief you feel. Don M
  16. Don M


    I had 4 rounds of carboplatin/gemzar for adjuvant chemo. I finished it last summer. I had minimal side effects. I have read of several studies where carboplatin/gemzar treatment shows increased survival in late stage nsclc: http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/497460 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/quer ... t=Abstract http://weisenthal.org/gem_cp.htm Don M
  17. Karen, you and Ken have my prayers. Don M
  18. So Kim, I am glad your mom seems to be doing better. I hope it continues. Don M
  19. Malou: I am glad to see thatThomas is feeling bettr and that he will have many more feel good days ahead of him. Don M
  20. Sue, you and Mike have my prayers. I hope he is feeling better today. Don M
  21. I hope you find comfort and peace fay. You have shown us how to fight ...how to be with this disease. Bless you. Don M
  22. Don M

    Thank you everyone

    Hi Mark: you have expressed your grief very well in your post. I hope the pain of your loss seems a little bit less each day. Don M
  23. Cathy: please accept my condolences for the loss of your father. Don M
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