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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. Peggy, I feel heart broken for you, and for your precious son. I am just so sorry. You have been such a blessing and inspiration for us, it is just horrible to know the grief you have to be feeling. Once again, I am at a loss of words but sending lots of love
  2. Aren't her bracelets fabulous???? I never take mine off!!!! Here is her website, it is posted as a sticky above www.creativegirldesigns.com I will PM you too
  3. Thanks for the new thread, it helps people like me who are just quickly lurking these few weeks. I am going to set my tivo when ig et home!
  4. Peggy, I just read this, sending good thoughts your way. Men can be incredibly stubborn creatures.
  5. I do not think it was ever clear whether her lung was a mets from the colon she had 8 years ago, or a new primary. She is claling it lung cancer. I saw her on Insider the other n ight, she is not Stage IV with a tumor on her spine
  6. How excited I was to see that I get my sweet Becky. Becky is such an incredible person. She has always been there for me, encouraging me, listening to me, supporting everyone. Also Becky selflessly gives so much to LCSC as her knowledge in the non-profit arena is inspiring. I cannot wait to finally meet Becky!!! She is a BEAUTIFUL person and a true CLASS ACT!!
  7. SUCK A DUCK-----my cable is out at home, they disconnected me early by mistake b/c I schedueld it for Aug 1 for my move!!!! So I have no e-mail at home. I am just informing you for people who e-mail me wanting to help, I won't get it till tomorrow (hopefully tomorrow, they said so, but I don't trust them) It will be like the dark ages for a night, no tv and no internet access
  8. Thanks!!! For those who want to help out, please PM me your e-mail so I can send you stuff!
  9. We are working hard inputting your recipes! We have 274 in so far. Unfortunately a couple of our volunteers are not able to help out. If anyone has the time to input some of the recipes on line, please let me know! It is pretty time consuming, so we are trying to spread it out
  10. Andrea


    Oh Val, I am so sorry I am so glad your mom got to see your husband to have peace of mind, and also that she got to see your beautiful new baby. Sending lots of love your way.
  11. http://www.curetoday.com/currentissue/f ... index.html
  12. BUmping in case more people want to send recipes. We are almost done with the collection and inputting stage. thanks everyon!
  13. I agree with Ry. Also, the nice thing about a walk is that people can come and not walk, they can do a vigil of their own, yet have the option of walking too.
  14. Val I don't know what to say I do hope that hospice provides some relief for your mom. Keep hugging that little baby of yours.
  15. Yes, I have a say on what the cover looks like The two options are to use one of their covers which are pretty or design our own. They have really pretty covers, so I don't think we need to design our own unless someone really really wants to. The book is going to be titled "A TASTE OF HOPE"
  16. Please make sure you give your full name (or not) to let us know how you want the recipe listed. For instance it can say "by Andrea" or "by Andrea Scheff" or your user name. Most people are giving first and last names, but not everyone
  17. Hi everyone, For newcomers: we are putting together a recipe book to raise funds for LCSC :)It is not too late to send in your recipes!! We have a great team of volunteers inputting your recipes on line. However, it does take a lot of time to input each recipe, so A) if anyone has some spare time and wants to input a few recipes, please PM me or if anyone likes to proof read and wants to volunteer at the end, please PM me. Also just to clarify some questions/concerns that were directed to me: 1. Your generous donations to LCSC will NOT be going towards the expense of publishing a cookbook, so do not worry LCSC is operating on limited funds as it is, hence the need for some fundraising. I will be paying for the printing costs myself and then will be reimbursed my out of pocket costs from the sales. (I'll probably make up the costs just from the amount of books I plan on buying. Hmmmm, I wonder, what will everyone be getting from me for Hanukah/Christmas? :):) You know, like those family members you wonder "should I, shouldn't I, buy a gift?" Now it is easy! ) 2. 100% of the profits will be going to LCSC 3. An exact price of each cookbook has not yet been determined, it depends on the cost of publishing. I am thinking though that we will be selling for $10 each. Don't hesitate to contact me with any questions!
  18. You are a beautiful couple :)Happy Anniversary!
  19. Oh my sweet dear sister, I am so sorry Lots of prayers and love coming your way!
  20. Andrea

    Recipe Password

    I just PMd it Ginny. Just a reminder, get your recipes to me if you want them included!!!! Our volunteers are working hard on the inputting. Thank you!!!
  21. Thanks for sharing this awesome news!
  22. Andrea

    mike died

    I am so sorry for your loss
  23. Andrea


    My mom oozed, soaked clothing, soaked towels, she said it was gross. The surgeon said she must have popped a stitch. She went to her GP who bandaged it up more and then they said if it was still oozing on Monday to go back to the surgeon for another stitch. I think it resolved on her own.
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