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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. Becky, Have you had any stress in your life lately? Maybe that's it I'd be shocked if your brain was not melting!
  2. Ginny, I can envision your pain. i am teared up right now, I don't know what to say except that i am thinkign of you
  3. Joni, My heart is breaking for you. I am on the hpone with my mom and we are both crying. If there is anything I can do please let me know. How is Alex holding up? Does he understand what is going on. Hold fondly the memories of the party you just had where Robert was able to enjoy his family and friends. This is so unfair, I don't know what to say. I am sorry.
  4. Andrea

    Child of the 80's

    Oh yeah, Head of the Class too And Wings And Miami Vice And LA Law And 30 Something And Pacman cartoons Oh yeah, Full House Good times Cheers It's a Living Gosh I used to love 80s tv!
  5. Andrea

    Child of the 80's

    Growing Pains......was in love with Kirk Cameron, even had a Kirk Cameron pillow case Who's the boss? Charles in Charge Family Ties Cosby Aaaahhhhh the good old days
  6. Fay, http://www.cacare.info Dr. Neil Barth is WONDERFUL! People travel from far away to see him. He is known to be very very aggressive.
  7. Shelly I will be thinking of you! And remember, like Cheryl said, most bumps are not cancer. I know, hard to believe it with all that is going on Has your sister been staged yet? Oh, and as for the pain, I remember reading awhile back that breast cancer is actually painless, breast pain is usually from menstrual cycle and stuff
  8. I hope Iressa does the trick!!!!! I am so glad you ahve a great onc! Enjoy your trip!
  9. Very nice picture! i love putting a face to a name! thank you for posting it!
  10. I hope the chemo bonks teh bonkitis out of you!
  11. Very routine, almost the norm i think. My mom's counts would go low all the time. She had a tranfusion and shots and stuff to get it back up. Good luck!
  12. Oh, and Jim, thank you for the Iressa info! That is what the dr initially thought the fatigue was. It is interesting how everyone's body reacts differently.
  13. Thank you everyone I am thinking too it might be the blood pressure more so than fluid on lungs b/c the only breathing problems are when climing stairs. I appreciate the input and will call today. And Jane, you are right, it is much easier talking to the nurse or physician assistant :)
  14. Me freak out? How dare you insinuate such a thing Heeheeheehee. Me funny I am thinking either fluid or fatigue caused by low blood pressure and need to findout why BP is so low. She is still on blood pressure meds for high blood pressure and that may not be right anymore. Problem is she does not have a GP/internist, she sees a new one next week. We got rid of the first one b/c he missed her lung cancer. So I will call onc physician assistant tomorrow, apologize for bothering her, and just state my concern Thank you:)
  15. Hi. I am not sure if I am being parnaoid or not, but I just realized something today. It seems that I have read a lot in the past of poeple being really tired feeling and it was b/c of fluid on the lungs. So I am wondering if that is what is wrong with my mom b/c she is just sooo fatigued, worse than from chemo and radiation, and Iressa is not supposed to do that. She had her blood taken today and her blood pressure has been really low, 104/60. Has anyone else experienced that? I am going to call the physician assistant at the onc tomorrow and share my fears and question about fluid. Hopefully she will not be mad, I have not called her before about anything
  16. Nina, How terrifying! I am so sorry you had to go through that!
  17. Welcome home and continue fighting! I am looking forward to hearing only good things!
  18. Next weekend? Hmmm, it is only a 4 hour drive Here is what happened--we went with friends who don't really gamble. We like to do a bit of slots and roulette. We parted ways last night at the end of our trip. Last night I was starting to get anxious, I was sad about cancer and my mom and everyone here, etc. I was down about $140 total and was done. Brian was playing. Suddenly, there it was at Circus Circus--- a carousel that had slot machines I was like how cool, it goes around in a circle, you can see the trapeeze circus show above you, it is like a ride. I had to do it just for fun. But it was $1 slots and those are usually forbidden. I was like life is too short, go for it. So I went! I put in $60 and I was up to $300. SUDDENLY I WON THE $1,000 jackpot!!!!!!! Then I couldn't stop, I had to turn the $300 into $500 and finally did. So I won $1500!!!!! But there was a price to pay. Brian could not see me from his roulette table and was not keeping an eye on me. Circus Circus is not the classiest place and no one was helping me. I had to cash out $500 of coins and carry them myself. It was 4 buckets which I could barely load and carry!!!!! I broke out in such a sweat I was pleased. It made up for the ridiculously priced dinner we had on Fri night with our friends, $100 for 2 people. Oy vey!
  19. Next weekend? Hmmm, it is only a 4 hour drive Here is what happened--we went with friends who don't really gamble. We like to do a bit of slots and roulette. We parted ways last night at the end of our trip. Last night I was starting to get anxious, I was sad about cancer and my mom and everyone here, etc. I was down about $140 total and was done. Brian was playing. Suddenly, there it was at Circus Circus--- a carousel that had slot machines I was like how cool, it goes around in a circle, you can see the trapeeze circus show above you, it is like a ride. I had to do it just for fun. But it was $1 slots and those are usually forbidden. I was like life is too short, go for it. So I went! I put in $60 and I was up to $300. SUDDENLY I WON THE $1,000 jackpot!!!!!!! Then I couldn't stop, I had to turn the $300 into $500 and finally did. So I won $1500!!!!! But there was a price to pay. Brian could not see me from his roulette table and was not keeping an eye on me. Circus Circus is not the classiest place and no one was helping me. I had to cash out $500 of coins and carry them myself. It was 4 buckets which I could barely load and carry!!!!! I broke out in such a sweat I was pleased. It made up for the ridiculously priced dinner we had on Fri night with our friends, $100 for 2 people. Oy vey!
  20. I don't want to be greedy, so the next person who needs the 000 pass to put in the slot machines, it has returned Had a nice time in Vegas. Got lucky enough on the slots to make it a "free trip". Only issue I had was on Sat for some reason at the Luxor I thought about my mom and everyonehere, cried for 5 minutes and then continued to enjoy the rest of the trip. My mom is still very lethargic and weak, seems like she is having an abnormal Iressa side effect in that respect. I wore my LCSC t-shirt in the casino. Sometime told me I was in the wrong place if I had lung cancer (smoke in casinos). Lots to read on the board. I was sad to read a lot of the news, and at the same time thrilled to read about Connie. You go girl! Such a rollercoaster. I am rambling for no apparent reason now. So love, hugs, and everyone be well.
  21. I am so sorry for your loss I wish i had the magic words to heal.
  22. Andrea

    In Loving Memory

    That was beautiful! Connie, you are a true survivor and not just of LC.
  23. Andrea


    MAZEL TOV! I am looking forward to meeting you in Vegas sometime!!!!
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