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Everything posted by BeckyCW

  1. Sandy, Come to think of it, Gloria & Paddy are right -- You've had LOTS of prayers all along! I'm one of the other MANY who I'm sure do that same "group hug" prayer every night to catch any we've forgotten to mention by name that night. Retroactive, current and future prayers for your biopsy to turn up nothing but NED, NED & more NED,. BeckyCW
  2. Happy Birthday, Andrea!!! BeckyCW
  3. Curtis, You sound like you have your head on real straight! Of course, Becky would never have married you to begin with, if that were not the case. I just wanted to add my two cents, that you are being a good father and a good friend to all of us here. Thank you. BeckyCW
  4. YIPPEEEE! Go, Rachel!!! BeckyCW
  5. OOOOOOOOOOOOohhhhhhhhhhhh, GInny... I needed that! BeckyCW
  6. BeckyCW


    Francine, You know you have our prayers! I hope your pain subsides soon, and that the doctor voting "no tumor" is the right one!!! BeckyCW P.S. Deaf? You will tell us about that when you're ready, right?
  7. Dear Scared, I can see why you're scared, but you don't know everything you need to know yet. GOOD FOR YOU for not waiting 10 days to go the next step. Stick to your guns and find out as quickly as possible what you're dealing with! I will keep you oand your mom in my prayers. BeckyCW
  8. Ginny, I pray Earl's spark will come back. You're both in my prayers. I wish I knew what else to say. BeckyCW
  9. Jane, I have no words, only tears. I'm so very, very sorry, and so glad you had the time together... and the butterflies. BeckyCW
  10. Sandy, you have our prayers now, and I pray this will turn out to be absolutely nothing to worry about! Thinking of you... BeckyCW
  11. Shelly, I can't believe it, this is just too much. But like others have said, God is big enough to handle whatever you feel right now, and you certainly have a right to feel it! Please don't give up. Your sister may have a much different road to travel than your mom and dad did, and it's MUCH more likely she can beat this awful disease. I also agree with the others that this might just mean it's time for some pharmaceutical help, if you don't have that already -- under a doctor's guidance, of course. You've already pushed yourself through so much. I won't try to give you a cheerleading message, because if I were you, I wouldn't be able to listen to one... but I do believe in you, 'cuz I've seen what you CAN do. You are in my thoughts and prayers, as is your sister. ((((hugs))), BeckyCW
  12. Dean, this brings tears to my eyes! Happy tears! I hope you and Gay have a WONDERFUL time tonight! My first date with my hubby involved dinner at a Hamburger Hamlet before a play. Now everyone thinks it's weird that we celebrate special occasions there. But that night our waitress asked us if it was an anniversary or something, since we seemed so happy. Wayne said, "No, it's our first date," then he leaned over closer to her and whispered, "But it's going really well!" Whether it's Spaghetti Factory or elsewhere, have a great time tonight, celebrating all that you have... and it's a LOT! Congratulations on 20 years -- Happy Anniversary! BeckyCW
  13. Okay, from a die-hard LAKER FAN... Congratulations, guys! The Pistons sure earned this championship! Yep, that was very painful to watch... all 5 games, but we did it. And there's no denying the Pistons ARE the champions. There, I've said it. (Dang, that hurts!) BeckyCW (in mourning today, and waiting to see what the Lakers look like next season)
  14. BeckyCW

    Jiminy Cricket!

    Cat, Thinking of you today & praying for you & hoping you hear nothing but good news. BeckyCW
  15. Phyliss, I am glad to see you're getting the fighting spirit back. It's pretty clear from your history that you ARE a fighter, and that's brought you a long way already! You will keep going, like the Energizer Bunny, until you find the next right thing. Everyone here supports you and thinks you are beautiful, and don't ever forget it! Congratulations to your daughter (and YOU for all the work it took to get her here) on getting into USC. Not an easy feat! Keep in mind there are many of us here in So. Calif. who would be happy to meet you when you come to visit her! I'm really glad you're feeling better. I also wanted to thank you for posting your honest feelings before. It seems like it can only help everyone to see that others have those times of hopelessness -- and that we can bounce back from them. You are one very, very strong woman! My thoughts & prayers are with you, BeckyCW
  16. Denise, I'm glad your mom is out of the hospital and can get more rest now -- and glad she had that time last week with family & friends! I hope memories of those times with people she loves will help her feel better for a long time to come. You and she are in my thoughts & prayers, BeckyCW
  17. Kathi, Thanks for updating us, and congratulations on your upcoming graduation -- and mostly for having NED come to the ceremony with your father! Way to go! BeckyCW
  18. Yeah, please stay and post often. What kind of dogs do you breed?! BeckyCW
  19. ((((((Laurie)))))) - big hugs to you -- Sound like you really need them! Kickboxing might do you a world of good. Can you kick cancer out of the universe while you're at it?! I'm so sorry to hear the news about your mom. I hope it is not as bad as you fear, and that she is feeling much better soon, and that you can trust that she is getting the care she needs while you can't be there. Your friend is very blessed to have you at this scary point in her life. If that boyfriend is not a TOTAL jerk, he will be there for her now, too, no matter what. You're in my thoughts & prayers. Hang in there, Laurie -- and go kick some cancer butt! BeckyCW
  20. Oh, my, Fay! DavidC in drag, looking like an angry Martha Stewart? Now THAT's scary! You are definitely in need of a dreamcatcher. I hope it does the trick, and that you can stay awake until it arrives. I wouldn't want to risk that again, if I were you! BeckyCW
  21. Yes, many, many, many prayers coming from California & friends everywhere. May Bonkitis be your only visitor, with his old friend NED still by his side. BeckyCW
  22. HA! P.S. GO LAKERS! (please?)
  23. BeckyCW

    Refuge Prayer

    See... There's a good reason you're still with us! That prayer really helped me this morning, and I'm sure many others are grateful, as well. Thank you, BeckyCW
  24. BeckyCW

    sudden breakdown

    Berisa, I'm so sorry you hurt so very much over the loss of your beloved father. I cannot imagine what you are going through. The others here have said things that seem so true, and I hope these things help. Please know you are always in my thoughts and prayers. (((Hugs))) BeckyCW
  25. Becky, Wow -- Thank you! I've been to see the changing of the guard at the Tomb twice, and it really is more moving than can be described. I did not know these behind-the-scenes facts, which make it even more remarkable. And thanks for the background info on the poem, too. BeckyCW
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