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Everything posted by BeckyCW

  1. BeckyCW

    Last Chemo

    OhioKat, Your message about the young man was so moving. You wrote about him so vividly that I almost feel like I've met him, myself. I will pray that he's another of those who prove the doctors wrong.... will pray that during the time he has left, he has a wonderful time and makes many happy memories with his family ... and that during this time, researchers will find something to help this prognosis be all wrong. I'm sorry you have to have more chemo after all -- but glad your doctor seems to be taking the most aggressive approach! You're in my prayers, too. BeckyCW
  2. Happy dance, happy dance, happy dance!!! Go Nushka, Go Nushka, Go Nushka!
  3. Carlton, I'm so sorry for the news you got. Please don't lose hope. I wish there was more I could do, but please know you are in my prayers. I hope the doctor has a good plan of attack, and that you'll be better soon. BeckyCW
  4. Shelly, Like Berisa said, you do have far too much in common with Job in the Old Testament! I wish you didn't have to go through ANY of this, and I know no one can really understand this particular pain you're going through, except you. But there are people who care so much about you and want to help, and there are also professionals -- and yes, medications -- that can help you get through the worst of things. With everything you're going through right now, it's so very important to get help for YOU. You've given so much of yourself to everyone else, it's time to let others help you. I'm so glad you wrote the message you did, and so glad you made the decision you did. And so glad your husband does NOT have a brain tumor! I pray they will find the problem and solve it easily, so that he is good as new. I have 2 dear friends who have brothers who committed suicide, another friend whose father did, another friend whose son did, and another whose mother did... I can't tell you the devastation these deaths caused for so many people -- and still does, years later. Not just the immediate family members, but all those who loved and cared about those people. I don't mean to put a guilt trip on you, on top of everything else (!), but please do remember how many others would be hurt if you were not around, and do what you need to do to take care of yourself. It probably means getting some professional help, at this stage of things. I would be amazed if you DIDN'T need it, with everything you've been through! My problems are miniscule, compared to yours, and I have needed it and have gone for counseling many times over things much less serious than the problems you've faced... and was glad I did. You mean so much to people you've never even met... I can only imagine how much you mean to those in your daily (physical) life. Your life is much too valuable -- Even if it doesn't feel valuable to YOU sometimes, it is to others, believe me! We all care about you very much. You are in my prayers... more so tonight than ever! BeckyCW
  5. Yes, I hope the festival is GREAT and that you touch many lives there. Wish I was closer, to help. Go get 'em, Katie! BeckyCW
  6. Curtis, Thank you for sharing this tribute to Becky with us. My prayers are with you and your little one. BeckyCW
  7. Wow. Katie, thanks for posting this. I only "met" Beckyg in January and had never read her first posts, nor any posts from some of the others we've lost to this disease. This is just really, really heartbreaking. Yes, Katie & Rick are providing a wonderful service through this website -- as are ALL of those here who are fighting cancer, whether as patients, survivors or care-givers. This site is something I never could have imagined. I'm so glad my brother found it. Thank you all. BeckyCW
  8. BeckyCW


    TBone, I'm really glad you like the surgeon. I hope the bone scan shows only good news and points the way to get rid of your leg pain. Thinking good thoughts & praying for you, BeckyCW
  9. BeckyCW

    APB On Snowflake

    Becky, Here's hoping all is okay and that you're just seeing how much you're missed. And now you're reading this, thinking, "Sheesh, can't these people get by without me for even 3 days?!" Well, no... we can't! Come back soon. BeckyCW
  10. TBone & Family, nice to hear from you. I'm glad you had a great vacation. Hope the leg pain gets under control real soon. I know David had a port, and most of the kids with cancer that I know of have them, too -- Must be a "good thing." (Did I really say that?) Also, I've had the Emla cream, myself, for anothe procedure, and highly recommend it. Like Mr. Ry said, the first time I had the procedure done, no one had mentioned the possibility of numbing me and I "went through the roof" too. So the next time and from then on, I got Emla cream, and it was like a dream. Just have to remember to get the prescription and put it on an hour prior, so it works. I'll be rooting for you at the Relay for Life -- Wish I could be there in person! BeckyCW
  11. Tiffany, Ditto... You've got lots of good advice here, already. I just wanted to say welcome and I'm glad you found us. I hope you'll visit often and let us know how you're doing. We care! BeckyCW
  12. Glenda, I'm so sorry to hear about your husband. My husband is named Wayne, too -- as is my father, uncle, and several other relatives. I also once worked for John Wayne's oldest son, the late Michael Wayne. My husband lived in Wayne County and went to Wayne High School ... Well, it goes on and on. Seems you can never have too many Waynes. I will keep your Wayne in my prayers. I learned about chemosensitivity tests back when a doctor was working on it at the John Wayne Cancer Institute when I worked there. It was experimental back then (early 1990s) but sounded very promising. I'm sorry I don't know more. I'm not happy that you have to be here, but glad you've found us. There are people here who can support you like no one else can. Welcome. BeckyCW
  13. Jim, welcome out of lurkdom! So glad you decided to speak up -- We'll all benefit from hearing from you. It's great that you're living such a full life -- fuller than many people who've never had cancer, it sounds like. I have been to Charleston, and absolutely loved it. My friend and I ate our way through town for 3 days. It's a good thing I don't live there, or I would be several sizes larger, I'm sure. It's a beautiful city, though!!! Again, welcome! BeckyCW
  14. BeckyCW

    Results are in

    Ray, Just want to add my voice to those who care, and to say I'm glad you're back in the fighting mood! BeckyCW
  15. David, So glad to hear you're home and feeling better. Welcome back -- You were missed!
  16. Well, Ry, I guess the "chicken butt" thing really works! If only I'd known that when we were growing up -- There's no telling what I could have gotten him to do!!! Way to go, David & Karen. More, more, more!
  17. David, you really don't want Snowflake coming near you with that wax. I'd suggest you get your butt (CHICKEN butt?!) in gear pretty quick. Don't make me come over there! (Hey, wait a minute...) BeckyCW
  18. Cheryl, I'm so sorry to hear of your Pawpaw's death. He sounds like a wonderful man who gave more than property to his family. Have a safe trip, and I wish you happy memories of him. BeckyCW
  19. Dear Berisa, I am so glad your dad will have this chance to be with you and his family outside the hospital. Whether you are at home, the garden, a restaurant or just outside the walls of the hospital, I wish for you all a time to enjoy some sunshine, laughter and lots of love. I'm sure it will be a day to remember, and I will be praying for you all to make precious new memories to keep. BeckyCW
  20. BeckyCW


    The local "Sign Depot" does good work on the banners my organization uses, for reasonable prices. We found that prices vary widely from shop to shop, and like the other Becky says, it pays to get one that will last. (Sounds like Katie got a good one.) We use our banners over and over, shipping them all over the country, and they hold up well. If you want to get info/prices from our vendor, they are in Monrovia, CA at: (626) 357-9877. Our contact is Ben; tell him the National Childhood Cancer Foundation referred you, and you want their cheapest rate! IF they turn out to be the best deal, I could pick it up and mail or bring it to save mailing costs. To keep prices down, one possibility would be to limit the wording on the banner and use the slogan on a smaller sign and fliers you hand out at the booth. Just a thought. BeckyCW
  21. BeckyCW


    Andrea, I'll see if we have one, already, that you could borrow -- and I'll also check into how much it would cost to have one made. Sounds like we might need banners, and maybe we could get one made and just ship it to people to use and send back. We shall see! Depends on costs. BeckyCW
  22. Hey, guys, I'm trying to find out if there's a way we can help you get the shirts made for the event. Great idea! Stay tuned.... BeckyCW
  23. BeckyCW

    I am back

    Andrea, I'm glad you had a nice trip and got to see some of the more beautiful parts of the California countryside. Also very sorry to hear about your grandfather's passing. I'm sure you will miss him, but as you said, living to age 95 is wonderful. I'm glad your father-in-law apparently had the grace not to say what HE heard through the walls - ha! (I mean, I'm sure you and your new hubby had some fascinating but private converstaions on the other side of that wall.) I hope your in-laws understood that the main reason you didn't take them up on the offer to share a room was that you didn't want those long conversations to keep them awake... Seriously, I'm glad you got away and had a nice time. You deserved it ! BeckyCW
  24. Love the slogans -- Let's do keep 'em coming! I have a pin that I got at "The March" against cancer in 1998 on the mall in Washington, DC. It just says, "Cancer Sucks." While I can't exactly wear it many places, it does express my thoughts on the matter. BeckyCW
  25. Dear Lung Cancer Booth (otherwise known as Andrea), I have heard about the Relay for Life for many years and have yet to attend one. I hope this will be the first! I'll look forward to talking with you about it. You GO, girl! BeckyCW
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