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Everything posted by jamie

  1. Pat, Waiting is definitly the hardest part. The only advice I can give you is to keep your mind occupied with something else. Try and do something you love even if for only a little while. It will help with all the anxiety. Sometimes even a small break is enough. Good luck with that test! Jamie
  2. Curtis... AAhhh...the things kids say. I know all too well. I have 3 of my own. Katie is hilarious! And adorable too! Jamie
  3. Andrea, Im back too. I also had a great weekend camping! We all are alot more relaxed these days, which is great. Love to hear the details of your trip! PM me kay? Welcome back! Jamie
  4. My Dad and my husband were also given Wellbutrin to help quit smoking. My dad quit on his own a month prior to dx, and my husband took it faithfully and is still smoking. Maybe there is another drug that can help...patch, inhaler? Anything is worth a try. Jamie
  5. jamie


    So sorry to hear your news, but you are strong, and will prevail again. Im sure of it. Keep your chin up, things will start turning up again. Jamie
  6. jamie

    Surgery Tomorrow

    Nancy, Just want to wish you the best of luck tommorow, we'll be waiting to hear from you! Jamie
  7. Cat, So sorry about all of this. Ive been gone all weekend and was just sitting here trying to catch up...(which by the way is impossible when you've been off the board for almost 5 days!). Anyway, I just spent the last 15 minutes reading your post and the entire thread with it and what can I say??? This is so confusing. One minute you have this, then that, than this again... Im sure once everything is straight you and your doc.'s will figure out how to go about all of this. What I dont understand is what is actully going on? Do you have something rare or is it NSCLC? Im so confused. Will you now be operable?? If so then thats great right? I dont know much about SCLC, but its faster spreading and non-operable right??? If you are NSCLC, then what stage? Im sorry I am so confused. I want you to know that Im thinking of you, and I hope you get answers and solutions quickly. PM me if you need to talk about anything! Jamie
  8. jamie

    5 Years Ago Today

    Fay, You are doing it. Five years at stage 4 is really REALLY beating all these stupid statistics!!! Keep it UP girl! Jamie
  9. jamie

    MN Trip on Hold

    MO, Sorry you wont be making it. You have plenty of time to go on that trip...Keep yourself healthy and reschedule! Jamie
  10. jamie

    Lucie's Good Scans

    CONGRATS LUCIE!!! You guys must be thrilled...have a blast on that trip guys! Jamie
  11. Hi there, My dad is not exactly where you are, and Im no doctor, but I've never heard of mets to the back. If you think your mom can handle chemo, id give it a try, you never know. Radiation may be easier. Dont give up just cause of your moms age though. Best of luck Jamie
  12. Dean, Well said. Everything is so true. You and everyone else on this board help me more than you guys will ever know. Whenever Im down, someone replies to my post making me feel better. Every time. Your words ring true for me! Jamie
  13. Mary, Looks like were both recieving great news! I just read the reply you sent me and then I saw this post from you. The BEST of luck to you, your results sound GREAT!!! Jamie
  14. jamie

    Biopsy Clean!!!

    Hey everyone! Thanks for all of the good wishes... I think just now as I was reading all of this just really sunk in. I know Im elated about the surgery...but it is surgery. Please wish us luck, Ill be back on with questions Im sure, thanks to everyone who has replied and shared in my news...you guys are too much Jamie
  15. Happy Birthday MO! (better late than never huh?) Jamie
  16. Have a blast guys...you deserve it!!! Jamie
  17. jamie

    Just an update

    T-Bone, I'm an avid morning walker, and I can tell you that walking in the morning is not only the best time to go because you can beat the heat, but also because there really is no hussle and bussle. I try to walk 2 miles in the morning but sometimes I dont make it the whole way cause I have 3 kids, 2 of whom come with me, and they are 3 & 5. You would think they would have more energy than their "old" 26 year old mom. I think it will really make a difference in how you feel overall. Glad to hear the pain is gone Jamie
  18. jamie

    One year.......

    Hope you have an easy day tommorow. Try and do something fun or relaxing. It must be hard to have to "celebrate" that kind of anniversary. Turn it into something positive... Jamie
  19. Angie, Great news... Take it easy and do some relaxin' now. You deserve it after all that woryin'! Jamie
  20. Jim, Sorry it wasnt the greatest news, but Im still rootin for ya! Hope the news gets better. My Dad and my 5 year old are goin fishin thursday, but all he told me he wants to catch is a worm! Have fun! Jamie
  21. Shellie, Stay strong. I hope everything is OK. If you need us you know where we are. Jamie
  22. jamie

    Bummed out

    Joyce, Keep your head up. I know it is hard, this IS a very bumpy road. One day we get great news, and things keep looking up... and other days...well your having one. Try to keep things in perspective. Try the Taxol, you never know. And if it dosent work, try something else, and something else...ect. Tommorow will be better... you'll see. Jamie
  23. I posted this in the good news section too, and PM'd about 9 people...but I just feel like telling the world... My Dads biopsy came back clean today!!!!! Surgery is gonna be scheduled when he meets with his surgeon on the 9th!!! Thanks to everyone for all the replies...I really appreciate all of this. Its been a hard week Jamie
  24. jamie

    Biopsy Clean!!!

    Hi everyone!!! My dad got his biopsy results back today,,, and they are all clean! No cancer left in any lymph. whatsoever, none in surrounding tissue, so all were dealing with now is the tumor, which has shrunk to 1/3 the original size. This means my dad will be having surgery soon to remove his tumor, and then all looks pretty darn good! Thanks to everyone who has been wondering and worrying about us. We will be gone all weekend to my Dads campground so we can party it up, espically since my dad decided he feels well enough to drink again Thanks to everyone who gave me advice on all of this... I couldnt be happier right now!!! Jamie
  25. jamie


    Come on David, you have to admit its kindof true...before I met my husband, he was definitly not someone to take to dinner. Over the past 9 years I have taught him that it is not ok to stuff your cloth napkin in your shirt at a wedding....not ok to belch at the table at a reunion while sitting next to 97 year old Aunt Vern (no-she will not take it as a compliment). I can go on and on and on and .....
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