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Everything posted by Addie

  1. I like Don's idea...a letter or a cassette expressing how much she means to you. I also tend to agree with Katie that perhaps something NON cancer related might be a better gift. Not knowing any more than you do at this point, her doctor has said she should go do what she's always wanted to do. You might ask if there is some wish she has that you can facilitate? Otherwise, I'd contact your SIL and see if you can glean a bit more info. Perhaps a second opinion from another onc is really in order. But if she truly is short of time, if you could visit again...I'd think that would be very important. And perhaps while there you could ask her if there is anything she feels remains "unfinished" that you might help her complete. Bottom line though....I'd try to find out just what her status is and why her doc is encouraging her to go do what she's always wanted to...instead of looking at further treatment options. There may be reasons for his attitude...but I'd sure want to know what they are! Best of luck to you. Please come back and let us know how things go...
  2. Hoping this does the trick for you, Mouse...and that you'll soon be in the Empty Headed Club. I'm tracking a pesky little "something" in my head too...which appears to be getting smaller and "less intense". They think it's just scar tissue from the PCI. I sure hope so! It's tough messing with a woman's brain...eh? We just get stuff where we want it, and know how to find it...and then something like THIS messes us all up. Hang in there hon. The PCI wasn't too bad...and I'm hoping the WBR falls into the same category. There is stuff for the nausea if that gets to you...so just ask them. Keep up posted, Marge..ok?
  3. Oh, I like what Fay said about her friend...so I'm just gonna hope that if you go with that option, you'll have EQUALLY wonderful results!! Thanks for checking in Frank...and PLEASE feel better soon. It ain't easy keeping all this beer cold! Hugs to you and Connie.
  4. Jen (and Ry) Dianne didn't have WBR...she had PCI. It's the same thing really, only PCI is lower doses...so am not sure how side effects might compare. FWIW, I had few side effects with my PCI...just a bit of faltering memory...but then I'm old too! Comes with my age.
  5. Boy, Karen....your mom is impressive. She sounds fully informed, matter of fact about the details and I'm sure she'll do very well with this surgery. There isn't a bit of worry or fear that I can detect in her email...and her strength will carry her thru this. But you can bet she'll have all my best thoughts and vibes winging her way anyway!
  6. Well crud...this is a long way from the pars and birdies I hoped she'd be getting in FL. Please extend my very best to your mom, Kel. I hope her hip heals quickly and hope it's not a bad break if it's a break. She has enough to contend with. I hope her pain is soon under control too. But she's strong....she's been a great fighter and there are all those golf holes yet to play, eh? You tell her I played four holes last week. That's all I could manage for the first outing...but I had a par on the Par 5 hole!! I look forward to the time when your mom can tell me about being back out on the course. I'm counting on it for her...vibing her my best thoughts and wishes....
  7. Not to be too irreverent or sexist...but there are times in a guy's life when shrinkage is a good thing, eh? So where are you, Charlie. I've been here at Cindi's with my Margarita/rocks/salt just waiting for you to show up. I can't wait to see you drink out of a minnow bucket!! Cindi sterilizes them you know....for those of us on chemo! Although if you're gonna drink rotgut bourbon, one would have to wonder....What's the point of a sterilized bucket? Oh who cares about all that...will somebody pass the bar munchies, please....? Congrats, Charlie...this is really great news and merits a major celebration!
  8. Aw Jen....I'll be sending my best thoughts and vibes too, that this is radiation-related...and that your mom has some good time yet ahead. I hope the scan on Thursday provides the answers you're hoping for. The hospice program you mention sounds wonderful....and very patient oriented to provide as much as they do without it necessarily being an end stage situation. Will look forward to hearing the results of this next scan...continuing to hope for the very best for mom, dad, you and all of the family.
  9. Congrats on a full year. That's a wonderful milestone because some of us don't get that long a reprieve before this nasty beast is back and we just have to do battle again!! So...enjoy it and know it's important that he's gotten this far and his scans remain clean! I'd say it calls for some sort of celebration. Have you ever been to Cindi's Virtual Pub? Please do join us there for a libation or two. Perhaps you and Len could walk to the pub so he gets a little exercise along the way...eh? Seriously...this is wonderful to have gotten to this milestone place....so enjoy each moment of it!
  10. Addie

    Need surgery

    Will be sending "new secure plate" vibes your way on Thursday, Cindy. Hope they get it right this time! So tell us...what are your plans for the old plate and screw? Decorative wall art? A new way to display fruit on the kitchen table? A lethal frisbee? Hmmmmmm? Report in as soon as you can...but I know this time, all will go well.
  11. You know I know how you feel...as do others here. When I got word mine was back....I slept for three days. Jen....sleep, cry, drink a bottle of wine a day....do what you have to for a couple of days...and then put your "mental boxing gloves" back on...and fight! Oh yeah...and find every d*mn thing you can to laugh or smile about. That's what I did and after three chemos I'm 50% or more reduced from the cancer that was in my guts! If the pelvic cancer is on your ovary..ask about Topotecan. It's used first line for ovarian cancer...and since it's also now used, second line, for lung cancer it might do you some real good. Honey...I'll be emailing you. I just started chemo again today and this is the first I've checked the boards since earlier today. But take a couple/three days to absorb the shock of this...and then suit up and go after it. OF COURSE it's worth it. You've got hubby and those five beautiful kids, not to mention others you love/who love you AND your own reasons for continuing to battle this thing! For why? Because giving in to the alternative...at this point....isn't the answer. You still have some youth and some health on your side, Jen...despite the cancer...and you have the strength to fight this again. Eat organic, even partially doing this might help. Do some positive imagery. Keep working on giving up the smokes...as best you can. Be careful with your wine consumption. Get massages. Listen to calming music. Doing things in moderation...and doing some things to make you laugh AND relax all helps and cannot hurt. Believe, sweetie. Believe you can beat this or at least beat it back for a long while. Each day I say to myself...that other than being bald and more tired and having a port and having to go for chemo...my life is NOT all that different. I'm not in any pain...I can still do a lot of what I used to do...and some days, I have a built in excuse for planting my butt on the sofa and knitting all day cuz I'm too weary to do more. But I love to sit and knit...so how bad is that? (Did I just admit that somedays I goldbrick a bit...and let hubby cook when I'd be more than able to? ) Enough for now. Don't you give up. I'll be in touch with you......
  12. Deepest sympathies Randi...to you and the family. I'm so sorry.....
  13. Haven't been "up here" to this forum for a while...but it's sure great to see THIS news from you, Beth!! Things shrinking "a lot" is great!! What are you taking for the nausea and do you take anything at home on chemo days, aside from what they infuse? Is it Zofran? On my last day of chemo now (fourth day, each cycle) they give me Aloxi instead of Zofran. It lasts longer...and I'm tellin' ya...I'm full of energy for a week. Feel great....appetite's been good, NO nausea really, for the full two weeks between chemo cycles. Ask about Aloxi...see what your onc says~! It's new...so I figure it probably costs 4-5 times what Zofran costs...but as long as the insurance will cover it...let me tell you, it's worth it!! Glad you're hangin' in there, Toots, and more glad that things are going in the right direction! Keep it up.
  14. Frank...don't you worry about not posting. Just get yourself feeling better and let US provide the support for YOU until you're back on track...ok? Sounds like you've got a lot going on right now...and NOT necessarily in the right direction. I hope it all turns around for you soon...and that the infection clears up, bp and pulse straighten out...etc. We want you feeling good, able to put away a Bud Lite when you feel like it...and here, crackin' jokes~! I'm sure Connie is pampering you...and that will help get you back here soon. Sending good thoughts to both of you...but don't worry about anything but YOU right now, alright? Just get better...and get back here asap.
  15. Addie

    Thanks to all

    Red.... Thoughts are with you at this most difficult time. I'm so sorry....
  16. Mel....take a little time for the pi$$ing and moaning (you've earned it!)....and then climb back up on that Positive Horse....and ride, girl!! (Ry makes a LOT of sense!!) When I was told in Feb., after only 4 mos. remission, that my cancer was back and I had a liver and pancreas full of it....I literally slept for three days! It was too scary to be awake and thinking about IF I didn't make it! So I slept and avoided. Then I decided it was time to get past the fear and LIVE each day again, doing what I had to do. Some news is more distressing than others...and the risk to your eyesight must be frightening beyond words. I've been there too...with Graves Disease and 5 eye surgeries...back 30 yrs. ago. My first two surgeries could have rendered me blind instantly, as they involved removing tissue that was wrapped around the optic nerve. So....I understand some of your fear. But it's very soon after your surgery...and you need a little time to see how things go. Your vision may improve as the swelling reduces....so don't give up hope. Hang in there. Get your fears out...it's healthy to vent and unload...and we are here to listen when you need to do that. But muster up your strength and optimism too...BECAUSE you have those four kids you want to be around for!! Refind your humor...it'll help you too! FWIW...I think it's pretty amazing that you just had surgery and were able to get on the 'puter and come post already!! Even with a few typos! Keep us posted...but stay positive, ok?
  17. Cathy.... What is there to say? None of us want to hear "Hospice" or consider that it might be time for it....but then I think of those people who have no time to plan. Those situations where things are more sudden...and I think, That would be even worse. You and Betty both have such grace and courage about where you are on this journey...and I wonder if I will have such courage when my time comes. I will continue to hold you in my most positive thoughts...and hope that you continue to enjoy each and every day...and that you end up having many more of them than you might think. Keep us posted, please...and know we're here whenever you need us.
  18. Thank you for letting us know, and my deepest sympathies to your family for your loss. I do think it's rather lovely that you can look at this as you do...that your mom passed thinking she'd awaken to a Sonic burger and a ribeye. She is undoubtedly smiling down on her family for being grateful for the way in which she passed. Again...thanks for posting and I'm so sorry. I hope your family finds comfort in all the wonderful memories.
  19. Addie

    Update on us

    Peggy... So glad to hear about hubby...but am sorry your son is again struggling with the pancreatitis. Sending healing thoughts his way...and doin' one of Betty's happy dances for hubby and Tarceva! Hope you're taking care of you too, Peg...and not burning your candle at both ends!! We do miss you when you're not here, you know!
  20. Addie


    Haven't found anything anywhere that specifies...but as fast as they got him on chemo, I'm betting it's small cell. He was a smoker...years ago. Quit...then admitted he started up again during 9/11. Never did hear if he quit again or not. I too, am hoping he will be more forthcoming...once tx gets underway and he gets a grip on his dx. I think for all of us...it takes a little time to absorb what is happening, but Jennings being in the public eye, he's in a GREAT position to really bring some attention to lung cancer...and specifically small cell, if that's what he has. Since small cell only affects 15-20% of l.c. patients...it could use the extra focus and attention in terms of treatment.
  21. All good wishes for a speedy recovery and successful radiation. Thanks for the update...and please keep us updated until Melanie feels up to posting again! Thanks.
  22. Addie

    Test Time for Me

    Vibing for nothing but pink, healthy and NED still in residence!!
  23. Keep those spirits up and those feet a-dancin', Betts....the point is to enjoy EACH DAY, EACH MOMENT...right? Sending you all my best thoughts and vibes....hoping you figure out how to make that 'puter chair more comfy. We like it when you're here and posting.
  24. Chiming in a little late here...but hoping surgery went well for both of you...and awaiting some word, when you're up to posting. All good thoughts and vibes coming your way....
  25. Stay strong, Cathy. Many,many good vibes heading your way for a clean MRI...and a quick resolution to the spinal mets. Stay positive hon.....it helps. And you've got all of us staying positive right with you...ok?
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