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Everything posted by Addie

  1. Had to comment on this. After PCI.....the back of my head, just above the neck is the ONE SPOT where it kept growing back in! I too, figured the "toaster" missed that spot...but it was like a mustache on the back of my head Worse, it had dark hair mixed in with the white so it REALLY stood out! Goofy, huh? Oh, for a while too, right after PCI....I had a spot higher up where I had a "hair yarmulke" But once I shaved there...it never came back in until the hair started coming in all over. It's about 1/4" long now....but so far is coming in everywhere but the top of my head. Can you say "male pattern baldness", boys and girls?
  2. Hoping this is nothing but cysts....and if you had an ultrasound today, they should be able to detect if that's what they are. Been down this scary path twice, and lucked out both times....so hoping you'll be as lucky. We're here to hold your hand....so hang in there.
  3. Keep that attitude, Beth!!! IT'S GONNA WORK. You know, the fact that this first chemo went well just may bode well for all of it.....a sign...an omen. IT'S GONNA WORK! And I'm going to beat my liver and pancreas into submission with chemo too....so we'll fight together, eating Nutty Buddies together (how did you know they are MY favs too? ) and chanting the mantra....IT'S GONNA WORK!! Thinking of you....
  4. Perhaps it was the lidocaine. It struck me a while ago that Doc S was just dealing with the right lobe of my liver. So....I guess there could be mets on the other side too, that didn't get included in those four he mentioned. Oh well...I'll worry about those later. For now, I've got my hands full with a sore side and trying to get in some nice, deep breaths. Got the Tylenol by my bedside and am headed off to sleep. Thanks again to all for your support. At least a bit of my humor returned today....and that can't be all bad.
  5. Hoping this is nothing but a dictation error or that some nurse has a bean in her ear and didn't hear it right!! Let us know soon as you do, Karen. Try not to stress over all that is going on. One thing at a time...ok? And breathe....... We'll be waiting to hear, sending lots of positive thoughts in the meantime.
  6. Thanks to all of you!! The biopsy wasn't painful at all. It was only afterwards, as the local started to wear off....it was sorta hard to get a full breath. Nurse gave me two regular Tylenol...and that did the trick. No driving today and no heavy lifting, etc, for a couple of days. You guys know the drill. I told Paul, "Aw heck....there goes all the fun I had planned for tomorrow on the fork lift!!" Anyway, the really good news....at least I think it is.....is that Dr. S. only sees 4 mets in my liver. The biggest one though is about 4 cm. Think that's the one he biopsied. I was told before, "several" so had visions of being riddled with mets. Also, he didn't get a real good look at the pancreas with the U/S but when I asked how many mets he could see in the pancreas...he said, "It just looks enlarged"!! I will get a copy later of the MRCP I had done on Friday....and the pathology on the biopsy MAY be back tomorrow afternoon or Thurs. morning. Then my onc will decide which chemo cocktail...and I assume I'll start Monday. Meanwhile....it still takes a little effort to catch a full breath. Have to sit up REAL straight....or lie down. I'm sitting up straight at the moment. Anyone wanna start a pool on how long it is before I'm lying down? See ya....and thanks so much for all the good thoughts and prayers. My mood is better today. Only four. I really thought it was a lot worse than than. I can handle four mets....right?
  7. Been a little out of the loop....not checking all the forums lately, so missed this Cin. But am chiming in late to say.... waaahhhhoooooooie!!!
  8. Late finding this Fay....but SO relieved for your son and you! So glad it's not a tumor. So....what's the latest update???
  9. This is just the BEST, Joanie! You keep on truckin' girl....cuz you stand as inspiration for all of us. Wow....36 mons. Gonna toss a par-tay in Cindi's place, are ya? I'll be there!! Hearty congrats. The kind of news we LOVE to hear!!
  10. I thought going thru this would result in more changes....but there's hardly been a chance yet. I figured, for the privelege of surviving....at some point it would become known to me just what it is I should be doing to "pay back". Something more than any efforts I'm making now....such as knitting and donating preemie caps to the hospital, which I started a couple of months ago. Well....I'm just 4 mos. out from the end of chemo...and the cancer is back. So now I'll be focusing on the fight again, rather than on something that reflects how "cancer has changed my life". I know for some people, it's easier to make major changes....like in diet or exercise or maybe lifestyle in general. Maybe they hop in the car or on a plane and travel more. In that regard, my life has changed little, but for those "friends" who kinda disappeared. My social life has sort of taken a nosedive....but then I haven't had the same energy for it anyway. My really close and dear friends have stayed in touch....so my time is focused on them and on my family. With this recurrence....well, things seem a bit more urgent but I'm still sorting things out mentally AND we have to see how well chemo works this time too. But it's still my family and close friends that I want to concentrate on. No place I need to travel....with one possible exception. I've always said that ONCE, before I die....I want to play Pebble Beach golf course! My hubby has played it....but I never have. We'll see how that trip might shape up sometime this summer or fall. Otherwise, I pretty much figure to keep on doing what I'm doing, hoping that I manage to spread a little random kindness along the way!
  11. Hoping all the scans and bloodwork come out just fine! I forgot to mention that hubby and MIL both have arthritis, which is part of why they get the leg cramps I think. And in hubby's case, it's also muscular. If he's done a lot of yard work or something, he's more apt to get the cramps. But a simple combo of cal/mag/zinc from the drug store has worked better than anything....so if Dave continues to have unexplained leg cramps (and you KNOW his sodium levels are okay)....tell him to ASK HIS DOCTOR about taking cal/mag/zinc!
  12. Shellie...I'm so glad your sis' chemo is done! She'll continue to get my good vibes for staying CLEAN and CLEAR. You guys have been through a lot....so my wish for both of you from here on out is GOOD HEALTH, dagnabbit! Give your sis our best....eh?
  13. You know what I think it is? That under your hair, you guys have tanned leather for scalps. I'd say you were hard heads, but that's a whole other issue! My hubby's been bald on top for years. A good friend...actually the one who shaved my head for me (here he is, hard at work and schmaydee you get to see MY mohawk! ) ...also is bald most of the time, altho now that my hair is coming back, he's growing his too. The novelty for me wore off once the weather turned cold. Baseball caps were fine....most knit caps are itchy and not so comfy. This time around with chemo....I'm not going to shave it at first. It's not even 1/2" long yet so we'll see how it goes. Di....you'll be growing yours back in summer, which is perfect. And you will, at first (I bet) find it kind of freeing and fun NOT to have hair. It's just that by now...the novelty of bald is WELL worn off.
  14. I got my favorites today.....a huge vase of white daisies, sent by my cyber-team of women who are SO incredible. Remember they gave me a silver charm bracelet when I was originally dx'd? I am so lucky to have them be my "team". Of late, ginger ale has been my drink of choice...along with water. But if my ol' gut was feeling real good, it'd be a toss up between vanilla vodka, splash of ginger ale with grape juice (a vanilla Transfusion).....OR a big ol' honking glass of Baileys on the rocks! Cindi the place looks great and I love it that you have the Beach Boys on the jukebox!!
  15. I had a chest CT with contrast today and the good news is there are NO blockages anywhere in the area to account for the edema. The biopsy is tomorrow and my onc may well start me on chemo before the week is out, which he says will take care of the edema. So otherwise, all he told me was to sleep with my head well elevated....3 pillows. I generally do sleep with three...and it didn't stop my neck from swelling....so...????????? But apparently I'm in no immediate danger. I did read in an article earlier too, that even abdominal tumors can cause SVCS...anyone know anything about that? Thanks to all for the info. Helps to have the experience of others...even IF it may not completely apply....you know?
  16. Oh hon.....I wish I had magic words....but all I can tell you is to try to work thru the fear and get back to fighting mode! That's what I'm doing. I don't have a report to read yet (altho it appears I may have superior vena cava syndrome now....had a CT scan today) and may not have the biopsy results from tomorrow, until Wed. But I know from overwhelmed with all of this, Beth. Heck, I was clean as a whistle on Jan. 3rd......chest, abdomen and pelvis. And look at me now. Just.....hang in there. Take it as it comes and know you have the whole force of lchelp membership behind you just vibing that the Altima will work!! Sending a huge hug....
  17. I've got a neck like a linebacker!! Just went in today for another CT of my chest to see what this is....but the onc's orders said it was to "rule out SVCS". It's not swollen lymph nodes. This'd be funny if it weren't so scary. I'm starting to think I'm Justakid's long lost, MUCH older sister!! Happy Valentine's Day to all. That's one bright spot today....eh?
  18. Oh Angie... I'm hoping the addition of the gemzar makes a big difference in how your dad feels and in his status. Please know I think of you and continue to send all my best wishes Dad's way and yours.
  19. Yup....I'd insist the doc check those sodium levels immediately! Now...don't know if you've ever asked the doc about this, OR if it would apply in your case....but my hubby gets awful cramps at night sometimes and for a while he was on quinine. That helped but I think it was prescription. But then his 83 y/o mother who also gets cramps, said her doctor put her on calcium, magnesium and zinc and VOILA....no more leg cramps! Hubby is using it....and NO MORE LEG CRAMPS. I know your situation is a bit different, David....but ask your doc about this anyway, will you? It's OTC stuff....you can get the cal/mag/zinc all in one tablet....and maybe it'll work for you?
  20. Addie


    I'm a bit still in ostrich mode. Mostly, I snooze, doze on the couch....try to avoid thinking. I'd gotten to where I could wake in the morning and cancer was NOT the first thing on my mind. It is now, again. I'm more scared this time. I have two lungs. Never thought about not having SOME lung capacity to breathe with. And the docs tell me today that my lungs sound "great"!! But I'm not sure what to think about a liver and pancreas riddled with an aggressive cancer. Not sure at all. So I'm more scared and just trying to work my way thru that fear so I can get back to "determined to tolerate chemo in order to beat this stuff back again!!~" Never mind the mind-blowing aspects of this coming so FAST after the end of treatment, when I did so well. I mean, the radiologist had to ask my onc WHERE the primary cancer had been in my lung...beczuse there was NO trace of it. Just a little linear scarring from the radiation! CT scan on Jan.3rd was totally clean. Radiologist went back to review it, comparing it to the MRCP of Friday that showed all the activity in the liver and pancreas. NOTHING was there in January. This stuff came on fast. I hope the chemo blows the crap out of it JUST as fast. I know I speak for Beth too, when I say we both appreciate all your good thoughts going out on our behalf. They have power....and right now, Beth and I can use all the help we can get, right Justa? We thank you.
  21. Being hyperthyroid can really mess you up....so I'm happy that Joel's is being treated and he's feeling better now. Once it really gets into his system, he and you will probably notice a marked difference. Sending good thoughts his and your way, for feeling good again!!
  22. Sending all good thoughts your way, Don....that this goes as you wish AND for wisdom for all your docs in helping you come to the right decision!
  23. Addie


    So glad Bob's daughter will be there....and also that you continue to be such a huge part of his life, Nell. You say it is your privelege...and I know you mean that. It very much explains just why you ARE so attentive and involved. Still...it's extremely special....and Bob and Jo are fortunate to have friends like you. My continued good thoughts are sent Bob's way. I'm so glad he still can find some humor in what is otherwise not the happiest of events. Please pass our best along to him and Jo.
  24. I'm hoping that Alimta is your magic, Beth!! You've more than earned it with all you went thru before with tx. Hang in there, kiddo. Looks like you and I have some work cut out for us....eh?
  25. Anyone had one? How was it? How long did the procedure last? What else can you tell me about it? I'm scheduled on Tues. for a CT guided needle biopsy on my liver. Making sure these are mets and not a new cancer. Then my onc will decide what to use and I imagine I'll start chemo the week after, at the latest. My poor stomach, which already wasn't good...is really upset now. I checked with my PCP and he said to take the Ativan. Gonna go take one and head back to bed for a bit till the nausea passes. Doc said some of this is nerves....but some is the cancer too. Once I start chemo, my tummy should feel better. Can't come soon enough. Ya know...makes me wonder if I'll ever have a full head of hair again. Shoot. It is coming in now and I even bought a new hairbrush!
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