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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. Glad to hear your fil is doing well . Will keep him in my prayers for continued good progress. Sue
  2. Just wanted to say that you are both in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Sue
  3. I've always enjoyed storms and rainy days, as a matter of fact. I'm the crazy lady at the store buying up all the goodies for the hurricane party, but I'm also the one that is sitting here during it saying "oh my God, Oh my God." There's something so awesome about all that energy . I love snowstorms, thunderstorms and hurricanes. Ry, I'm the other crazy woman out there searching the sky for the tornadoes, but it's a rare event here . I love looking for rainbows also. Sue
  4. I was born, raised and have lived in Norfolk, Virginia all of my life (57 years). Sue
  5. Welcome to our Family, Karen, I am so sorry you have to be here, but I hope we will help to make this journey less lonely. There is a lot of information, support and hope here to help you along the way. These people and this site have been a blessing to me. We will be looking forward to knowing you better. Sue
  6. Lori, I hope you can tell your mom, for all of us,that sometimes on this journey you have to take measures to conserve your energy. There have been times when I had to grab the wheel chair to push Mike until he could regain his strength and walk on his own. It's the nature of the treatment to knock the props out from under you until you get back up and go again. My best to you and your mom. Love, Sue
  7. Charlie, I've been waiting for this post. I'm so sorry to hear that you have had progression. On the other hand , I'm glad to hear that you feel good. As for the choice in chemotherapy, I can give you Mike's experience in both. The taxotere made him quite fatigued , but it initially did cause shrinkage after 3 treatments . After the 3 treatments he began to experience superior vena cava syndrome due to growth of the tumor and had to have a stent put in. Overall, the doctor says the taxotere is the one that caused neuropathy in his fingers and toes also. It is a pretty strong drug, we were told. He was on Navelbine also and he felt very good during that treatment, but it wasn't effective .. there was some shrinkage in the lung , some increase in the adrenal mass. It was probably the mildest chemo drug he has taken. Hang in there, I know there are others that have taken these drugs also and don't let our experiences discourage you. You know too well that everyone reacts differently. Go grab Cindi to go fishing with you. She's feeling pretty frisky these days.. and she can keep your minnow bucket filled with rot gut. Take care Charlie and know that Mike and I are keeping you in our prayers. Love, Sue
  8. To Beth's Family, My heartfelt sympathy to all of you. I want you know that Beth has left footprints on the hearts of all of us here. She loved each of you so very much and spoke of you often. God be with all of you in this most difficult time. Love and Prayers, Sue
  9. Cindi, This is such a lovely post about your friend and ours , JC. She sounds like the friend to have and I'm glad you have her, but I have to say that I think JC is a lucky gal too.. she has you. She not only has the friendship of one of the most caring, loving members of this board, but she has a friend that owns a Pub too. Wow, how cool is that. Luv ya Cindi, Sue
  10. Ohhh Cindi, This news hurts , it really hurts. Beth is so very loved here. My prayers go out to her and her beautiful family. I know how very much she loves Kurt , the kids and her mom, whom she has spoken of, so very much, in her posts. I'm praying for Peace for all of them. God be with them . This is so hard, she is "just a kid". Love and Prayers, Sue
  11. shineladysue

    Fay A

    This is great news. My prayers for a speedy recovery Fay. Love, Sue
  12. To Gay and all of Dean's family, my deepest sympathy. Dean will be missed, but his words will live on here and in our hearts and minds for a long time to come. He was such a dear , special man. God be with you. Sue
  13. Beth, It's late now and you may or may not have already called, but when in doubt you should call. As for the Alimta, I would just like to add a bit of warning about shortness of breath. Mike developed pneumonitis while on Alimta. I hope Bill will let you call and at least get the doctor's input. My prayers are with you both. Love, Sue
  14. Jamie , I am so very sorry to hear about your Dad. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless you, Sue
  15. Cindi, It's so good to have you back. I don't comprehend all the technical stuff. I just hope everything goes well for you from here on out. Can't tell you how much you have been missed. Love, Sue
  16. Hi Peggy, It's good to see you here. You are so much a part of this family and it's just a comfort to have you drop in from time to time. I can't begin to imagine how hard these days much be for you, but I am happy to hear that you are doing things and living life. That's wonderful. It's going to take lots of time ,Peggy , but you are truly an inspiration to me. God Bless you and may the days get easier in time. Love, sue
  17. I want to welcome you and tell you that, in my opinion, you are doing the absolute right thing by insisting on someone checking you out thouroughly. You are right in assuming that a chest xray doesn't show everything. They should at least do a CT. Hopefully, it's something that can be easily treated, but even if it is lung cancer, you need to know that so you can be getting proper treatment. To say the least, recurring pneumonia weakens the lungs and shouldn't be taken lightly. My best to you. Let us know how you are doing and what you find out. We will be here if you need us. This is a wonderful group of caring people. God Bless, Sue
  18. Prayers on the way , Faye. Love, Sue
  19. Dean and Gay, I just want you to know that you are in my prayers. May God be with you now and in the coming days. Love and Prayers, sue
  20. Ohhhh Cindi, It's so good to hear from you. I was getting a little concerned.. It has been much too quiet around here without you , not to mention that everyone has been lost without the pub. It seems no one had the keys and well, it's not the same place without you , anyway. Sure hope this problem you got is controlled with the diet and hope you will be breathing better and regaining some strength soon. Now don't go reading and scaring the hell out of yourself. Wait until you can meet with the doc and let him talk more to you about it. Take care and welcome back. Love, Sue
  21. Anyone hear from Cindi? Hope all is okay with her and she is home now. Miss you Cindi...Prayers coming your way. Love, Sue
  22. Mark, I will be keeping you in my prayers for good results on Wednesday. Keep us updated. Sue
  23. Oh Addie, This is such a serious situation and I'm not surprised that you would find a way to help. You are such a doll and you inspire me. It seems that no matter what the situation is you make the best of it and find a reason to smile. Thank you Addie. Love and Prayers, Sue
  24. Don and Lucie, Know that you have my prayers that this chemo will do the job. Glad to hear that the pain has lessened some. God Bless you both. Love and Prayers, Sue
  25. Thanks again, Pam, Cindi , it's not the same around here without you. Behave yourself and get out of there soon. Love ya, Sue
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