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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. Addie, Your positive "additude" is so contagious. Thanks for dropping in on our post and leaving a smile or two. You are our hero girl. As for the steroids, Mike has had dexamethasone also and it does what it does to you. The steroid psychois is something you wouldn't want to know. If you had it , you wouldn't be here writing . You wouldn't know how to turn your computer on. It was after weeks of prednisione at up to 60 mg plus other drugs on top that it happened to him. It's not related to the way dexamethasone makes you want to bounce off walls , take peoples heads off and just plain want to fly apart. After all that is the big drop when you crash. Don't know if that has hit you yet. When they take you off of it or drop the dosage you feel all energy go for a while, but it will return. Thanks again Addie. Love, Sue
  2. Thank you so much for your information, well wishes, and prayers. It really helps to know that others have been through the same thing and things were able to work out. So, many here have written about Tarceva on the boards. I've been trying to gather some of your information and experiences. I know that I told Mike's oncologist that there seemed to be a pattern of some people experiencing the same problems with certain drugs such as Alimta and He looked really interested. Sometimes, I think our informal way of sharing effects and outcomes of different treatments is worth it's weight in gold. I know that it sure has been a godsend to me. Thanks to everyone that participates on this board. Most of all , my deep love and appreciation to Katie and Rick for starting this community and for all they do for us. Love and Prayers , Sue
  3. Hi everyone , Several of you have asked how Mike is doing. I don't know why I always have a hard time talking about us, but I do. I do know that by sharing experiences we all benefit , so here is our update. Overall, Mike is doing well. He totally regained his mental awareness. It was steroid induced psychosis, according to his oncologist. It took over a month , but he is back. It was the most horrible experience. Didn't know if he would ever come back , but he is fine now. In the meantime, he had a little cough going on and Zpak for 5 days took care of that. A week ago tomorrow , he started Tarceva . In 3 days time he broke out in a rash and was itching terribly. The next day there was no rash and then on Saturday (of course the weekend) he had a bigger reaction, itching and a horrible rash. Gave him benedryl. He has also had some nausea and fatigue. Called the onc on duty .. we decided to stop it until we went in today. Today, the oncologist said he wants him to stay off of it for one week and come in next Monday. He will evaluate him then and decide if he should go back on it the same strength or possibly a weaker strength. Adding this experience to others I have read on the board, it sounds like Tarceva isn't that easy to tolerate. Will let you know what the doctor decides next. This is upsetting because it is the first treatment since the end of March, but I guess we will just have to be patient a little longer. His lab work was fine today-blood counts look good. Overall, he says he feels a bit tired , but feels pretty good. Just wanted to share. All of you are in my prayers. It's so hard to keep up these days, but I want all of you to know that I care and I'm praying for you. Love and Prayers, Sue
  4. Jim , Thanks for sharing so much of yourself with us. You are a real inspiration and you sure put an extra smile in my day. Take care.. Love and Prayers, Sue
  5. shineladysue

    Going Slow

    Fay, You're such a fighter. It's so good to hear from you. You take good care of yourself, behave for goodness sakes and know that you can count on my prayers .Hope you will be out of there real soon. Love and Prayers, Sue
  6. Only the best thoughts and lots of prayers for Joel's scan. Love, Sue
  7. Hi Beth, Everyone has already given you the information about the short time on infusion. I just want to let you and Bill know you have my prayers for the best. Love and Prayers, Sue
  8. Cussing Kids A 6-year-old and a 4-year-old are upstairs in their bedroom. "You know what?" says the 6-year-old. "I think it's about time we start cussing." The 4-year-old nods his head in approval. The 6-year-old continues. "When we go downstairs for breakfast I'm gonna say "hell" and you say "*ss." "OK!" The 4 year old agrees with enthusiasm. Their mother walks into the kitchen and asks the 6-year-old what he wants for breakfast. "Aw hell, Mom, I guess I'll have some Cheerios." WHACK! He flies out of his chair, tumbles across the kitchen floor, gets up, and runs upstairs crying his eyes out, with his mother in hot pursuit, slapping his rear every step. The mom locks him in his room & shouts "You can just stay there till I let you out!" She then comes back downstairs, looks at the 4-year-old, and asks with a stern voice, "And what do YOU want for breakfast young man?" "I don't know,"he blubbers, "but you can bet your fat *ss it won't be Cheerios."
  9. shineladysue

    Year #1

    Ginny, I hadn't been here long when the Duke died, but I remember the sad day it was. It was one of the first losses on the board that really touched my heart . You had made Earl so very much a part of this board . Everyone loves you Ginny and we feel your heart ache. I like to believe that Earl is still sharing all those good things , but from a much better place. Love, Sue
  10. Peggy, This place just isn't the same without you. It's so good to know you are near even if you don't always feel like coming just yet. Thank you for sharing the beautiful letters you and Mike wrote in memory of Don. He was such a wonderful husband and father. Peggy you were so blessed as a family to have one another. It's good to hear you are building that sunroom that you both so wanted. It's good to know that you are doing so well in what must be the most difficult time of your life. By sharing and being here , you are giving strength to us. We need to know that you will be okay . We love you. Take care and come when you can. Love and Prayers, Sue
  11. Thanks Cindi, Beth if you are reading this , know that you are loved. Your incredible sense of humor is missed around here also.. Personally, I liked the avatar with the boobs.... I remember that funny post you made involving your boobs. You had me lmao. Hope you will be here soon. We could all benefit from a good laugh. Love , Sue
  12. Thanks Andrea. Fay, Prayers coming your way. Love and Prayers, Sue
  13. Tina and Charlie, My prayers are with you. I agree with the others to just tell your daughter what is going on. God be with you in this new treatment plan. Love and Prayers, Sue
  14. Hi Dixie, I'm sorry you have to be here , but glad you joined us. Your frustration is understandable , but I think you've gotten some good opinions here. I would like to add, as an ex smoker (quit 2years 4 months ago), it is the hardest thing I ever did in my life. Smoking is mentally and physically addicting. This site may help you understand. www.whyquit.com It helped save my life.. I hope you will find a lot of information here to help you and we are happy to have you with us. There's lots of information love and support for everyone here. Welcome to our wonderful online "family". God Bless, Sue
  15. Thanks Susan. Rachel, want you to know that you are in my prayers. Love, Sue
  16. Oh Addie, You are not alone in your reaction to Decadron. Every time Mike had to take it by pill the day before and the day after chemo, plus the dose they infused, he was bouncing off walls. He would get blood red in the face also. There was no way I could keep him still and he would always decide to get in the car and go to visit friends , the library etc on those days. I was afraid for him to drive. He had no patience and was a jeckyl and hyde to live with. It does also give you a ravenous appetite. Bless your heart, hope something can be worked out like a lower amount. Love, Sue
  17. shineladysue


    Beth, As always, you have my thoughts and prayers. Hope you will feel like posting here soon. Love, Sue
  18. They are so fortunate to have you to help them sort out all the facts. Every lung cancer case is unique , as is the patient. The beginning of diagnosis is the hardest and the most overwhelming. You are given so much information at one time and you spend a lot of time waiting for this test and that test. It can seem like an eternity and there is so much to digest and accept. I promise you that it does get easier once all the facts are in place and a plan of treatment is begun. Hang in there and lean on the folks on this board. There are so many wonderful, caring and knowledgeable people here. Keep us informed. God Bless, Sue
  19. shineladysue


    Bunny, Sure hope Suki will continue to get better and better . Prayers are still coming for the two of you. Love, Sue
  20. Addie, You sound so much more in control. The news sounds better than you expected . You can do this and we are here to help. We all love you Addie. Love and Prayers, Sue
  21. Can't stop the happy tears that are falling in rivers down my face. I am so happy for you and for us. We love you and we need you here Cindi. You sit and enjoy. Let us wait on ourselves. I'll even stay and clean up. Ohhhhh , I am soooo happy. Love, Sue
  22. Lori , This is wonderful news. Hope you can relax a bit and enjoy it. Love and Prayers, Sue
  23. Wonderful!!! I'm sooo happy for you!!! Meet ya at Cindi's, Sounds like a real party going on there. Love and Prayers, Sue
  24. Prayers for Andrea's mom. Hang in there Andrea and take strength from our prayers. Love, Sue
  25. Ralph, My thoughts and prayers are going with you tomorrow. You will do fine. My hubby had his lung removed 4 1/2 years ago and did fine. You will be back to posting quicker than you think. Will look forward to hearing from your wife. Love and Prayers, Sue
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