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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. I'll have a Bud Light please. Cindi, hope you will let us know those scan results and , of course, I hope you have an absolutely wonderful time with missyk and sues. Take care.. Sue
  2. (((Peggy))), I hope you are better and will continue to get better. I understand that place you are at. Grief is painful and it is sneaky it seems. Just as I think I am in control, I just have major meltdowns and entire days where I can't function. I'm not comfortable with talking to others about it or crying in public either. I'll think about what you are trying to tell us. God be with you Peggy. Love, Sue
  3. Oh Carleen, So many words come to mind to say , but none that can take away your pain. I'm so sorry Carleen and I do understand how you feel. Keith is now at peace and I pray you will soon find comfort in your memories and knowing he is no longer suffering. God be with you Carleen and know that we are here for you. Love, Sue
  4. You will always be Daddy's little girl, I am sure. You are so blessed that you can talk about his treatment with him. I wish you many quality times together. Love, Sue
  5. Oh Ann, I don't know what to say. When I checked back in ,I saw that this is a reality in your life. I am just so happy that you have had wonderful loving parents. God Bless, Sue
  6. Thanks for posting this, Don. I do hope Al will come and post here because he would see first hand how very much we loved Teri. She was just such a sincere, caring person and such an inspiration to many. Let him know how very special we all know she was and we join him in missing her. Looking forward to his post. Sue
  7. Pass that lemonade, would ya.. I wouldn't want to miss the chance to toast you, our friend and inspiration . Jim, I'm so very happy for you and your post here brought tears to my eyes.. no I lied, they are dripping off my chin. How wonderful of you to offer to help someone else, I just want you to know that you helped Mike on many occassions. I printed out your posts and they really helped keep his chin up and keep him going. God Bless you. Love, Sue
  8. Frank, you got me laughing my butt off on that one.. Gonna borrow it for my smoking board... :lolThanks... : Sue
  9. Wow , Ann, where do you get these questions? I would have to say that my first reaction is to say yes I think I would try. There would be so much to consider and so many lives that would be affected that to say that would be my final answer, I can't with certainty. I think I would need a lot of time and to know all the circumstances to make the final decision. Back to first reaction, I would have to say yes. Sue
  10. Janet, I've thought about you so often. It's good to hear from you and thank you for sharing your thoughts and your garden with us. This is a very hard journey. It's nearly 4 months for me and I'm not sure how to channel my emotions right now. Some days it seems harder than it was in the beginning. I think your idea of the garden is wonderful. Take care and know there are others out here that understand and are thinking of you. Love, Sue
  11. Know that my prayers are with you as you go through this difficult time. I hope you will soon have a plan and a direction to go in. Until that happens, it can be the most trying on everyone. God Bless, Sue
  12. Carleen, I hope you feel the strength from all the support coming your way. So many of us love you and Keith and can feel your pain. What I would give to be able to take it away. We can't take it away, but we are here to listen to whatever you feel like saying. In the days before Mike's death, I can remember times that I felt I would explode with pain . I remember the helplessness and just sometimes needing to express how I felt... please do that. You have us and we do understand. God be with you through this very difficult time. Love and Prayers , Sue
  13. Thank you for sharing your pics, Lori. You have such a good looking family and I love your beautiful new home. Love, Sue
  14. shineladysue


    I'm so very sorry. My heartfelt sympathy to her family. Sue
  15. ((((Carleen & Keith)))), My heart goes out to you. There are no words that I can say that can make this easier. May God be with you. Love and Prayers, Sue
  16. Agnes, Such an inspiration you are. Thank you for sharing your story with us. I'm sure your words have helped many, including myself. God Bless, Sue
  17. Val, God bless you in whatever you decide to do. Love, Sue
  18. Sandy, It's so nice to meet you. Thanks to Lori and through her love for you we feel we know you . You have truly been an inspiration to me. You are one strong lady and one I could learn a lot from. I just want you to know that my prayers continue to come your way. Love and Prayers, Sue
  19. Oh Ann, thank you... I thought I was the only holy terror with the toothpaste tube. Mike was always a roller and so neat and tidy.. me , I just grabbed the damn thing and squeezed it .. lol Sue
  20. Lori, You , your mama and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers today. May everything go along just perfectly. You continue to amaze me at all that you do. Your mama is so blessed to have you. Love, Sue
  21. Wonderful news, Carol. Let's celebrate. Sue
  22. Cindy, My heart goes out to your family. May God be with all of you . Sue
  23. Rob & Bill, You have been and will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. You both gave your best and did all you could for Etsuko. I hope you will find comfort in knowing she is now at peace and you did all that you could on her behalf. God Bless. Love, Sue
  24. Linda, As hard as I know this must be for you, I know it must be a comfort to know she is getting professional care. You are doing all that you can. My thoughts and prayers go out to you during this very difficult time. Love and Prayers, Sue
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