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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. Randy, Want you to know that you and your father have my prayers. Love, Sue
  2. Carleen & Keith, You are in my prayers daily. I just can't find the words to express how I feel. Carleen, I can relate to how you are feeling. I've been there and it's so hard to watch someone you love go through so much. God be with you both. Love & Prayers , Sue
  3. Chris, I feel your pain. I just went through that yesterday on what would have been my 36th wedding anniversary, my first alone. It's just 3 months since I lost my husband , but I couldn't believe the tears that came in downpours . The pain was so intense, as you have said. Everyone says that time will make it easier , but they also report that this will happen as things remind us how much they are missed. Congratulations on the graduation of your son. I know you must be so very proud of him. God Bless. Love and Prayers, Sue
  4. Oh yes, Ann, I grew up going to the drive in movies . The funniest memory I had was my little sister wanting to go to the "conception stand" and my folks correcting her and telling her to say "concession" stand... I didn't understand why my folks were laughing and laughing until I went home and looked it up in the dictionary.. In later years, I remember the windows being awfully foggy, as well. They were the good ole days. Sue
  5. Loved reading this news... I'm so happy for you Joanie.. Love, Sue
  6. shineladysue

    Big 50

    Happy Birthday, Pammie!!! Love, Sue
  7. shineladysue

    4000 O'H

    My goodness, how did I miss this? Hey there Cindi O'H , I just want to thank you for all the love and support you leave here for all of us. You have been here for me on many occasions and I just can't find the words to tell you what it has meant to me. You are truly an inspiration, a great friend and a fantastic bartender. Good luck with the kitty. Love ya, Sue
  8. Connie, I am so very sorry for your loss. Please accept my condolences for you and your family. Sue
  9. I'm so very sorry for your loss. My prayers go out toyou and your family. Sue
  10. I will miss Teri, but I will never forget her. She left her footprints on my heart and I'm sure the hearts of many here. My prayers to her family. Love, Sue
  11. I just want to thank all of you that have responded to this post. It has helped me more than you can possibly imagine .Helping the ones we love go through cancer diagnosis and treatment is an experience that one must go through to understand. To take it a step further is when we actually lose them to that disease. All of us are brothers and sisters in going through this. Whether you are the patient or the caregiver, you have experienced something that bonds us all... I love all of you and pray for all of you. I hope to always be a part of this group because no one will ever understand the way you do. Thank you for being there for me on this day when I so much needed you and I hope I can be there for you. Love, Sue
  12. June 6, 1970, Mike and I were married. Tomorrow would have been our 36th wedding anniversary. I lost him to this horrible disease 3 months and 4 days ago. Where are all these tears coming from? I knew it would be hard, but I can't stop crying . It's like all my grief has built up to come pouring out in torrential downpours at this time. I guess this is normal, whatever normal is, but I can tell you this hurts , really hurts. Just needed to say that among folks that understand. Love you guys. Love, Sue
  13. Patt, I can tell you that in 2001, my husband had his right lung removed. He was 1B because his tumor was 9 cm.. large. He had no other cancer and at that time chemo was offered as a trial. It wasn't known if it would help. Mike did not have it due to the fact he was so weak and he thought he couldn't make it .. anyhow his cancer returned 3 years later and he was diagnosed at stage IV... he passed away in March of this year.. At the very same time , a friend of his had chemo and surgery, an entire lung removed and she is still cancer free, nearly 5 years later. You will have to make the decision, but especially if you are 1B or better, I would strongly consider it... only my opinion. God Bless, Sue
  14. As for intense itching... have you switched to unscented laundry detergent and fabric softener. Mike used to itch to the point of scratching holes in his tshirts until I swithed. The fabric softener.. Downy was the biggest culprit... Switched to all unscented "Free" stuff and it took care of it. As far as the paranoia... , oh god, I am the worst worrier there is. I think it's normal when you go through the cancer experience either as patient or caregiver. You just become more aware and realize that it is not the disease that "OTHER people have". Sue
  15. Ann, I checked the board often and thought about how much I care about all of you. I thought about what it would be like not to ever be able to be in touch with you again and it made me care about all of you that much more. I said prayers for everyone and was praying the board would be back up soon. Love, Sue
  16. Geri, I think that's fantastic, but I would warn you against overdoing it right at first or you will get so worn out, sore and discouraged you won't want to get on it again. Keep up the great attitude. Love, Sue
  17. You are in my thoughts and prayers , as well. Love, Sue
  18. Hi Kathleen, My heart goes out to you. You have a lot of heartache and uncertainty to deal with at once. All you can do is to take it one day at a time and make the best of that day. I'm so sorry that right after you posted the site went down, but we are here now and we are here for you. If you have any specific questions, there are many here that are more than willing to share their experiences. It really helps to be with people that understand and truly care. Let us know how you are doing. Sue
  19. Rick, Only area that I've experienced problems with so far is when you click a person's profile and click to see all posts by that person I get an error... General Error Could not delete old search id sessions DEBUG MODE SQL Error : 1054 Unknown column 'search_time' in 'where clause' DELETE FROM phpbb_search_results WHERE search_time < 1149384677 Line : 657 File : search.php You probably just haven't gotten this part restored yet, but thought I would report it since you have a test here .
  20. Thank you for the update Don & Lucie. I'm praying for our precious T Ann to go comfortably and peacefully when it's her time. My prayers for her family, as well. Teri is so loved here. She is such a special person and she has touched my heart with her courage and her faith. God be with her and her family. Love and Prayers, Sue
  21. I'm here Rick. So far all the links work for me . Thanks, I've missed it here. Great time to thank you and Katie for all you do. Love, Sue
  22. Carleen, I find myself crying with you. That doesn't give much comfort , but know that I care and I'm praying hard for you and Keith. I wish I could tell you that everything is going to be ok , but I can't , noone can. I can offer some experience as far as the SVC.. Mike had a stent.. as a matter of fact, he had two overlapping for strength , put in . He had follow up radiation also, but the stent procedure was quick, about 40 minutes and he was already greatly improved by night, as far as the swelling. He was swollen in his face, neck, arms and upper body until the procedure was done. Carleen, I wish I had magic words. Just know that you and Keith have my prayers. Love, Sue
  23. Bill, I guess you have also gotten the messages I have posted on the board , as well as my answer to Rob about this very same subject. "Ground glass opacity" is what the doctor called it... and called it pneumonitis. Can be caused by radiation or chemo, but it did indeed happen to Mike while on Alimta... God be with you, your wife and your family. Sue
  24. Awesome, Joe!!! Sue
  25. Malou, this is a wonderful tribute to your husband. My heart goes out to you and your family. Love and Prayers, Sue
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