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Everything posted by Justakid

  1. Kasey- I have had it done three times. My radiation ended in August 2004 and I still have problems. I was scheduled to have it done again last month but my cancer returned in both lungs and there was really no sence in it at this point. Doc told me some people need it done more then others and it's from radiation damage. It sure does make swollowing easier with it!
  2. I agree with Ry. I am sensitive to everything and the Alimta has been nothing for me, it's like a walk in the park.........the antibiotics could be the problem! Makes more sence to me!
  3. Damn thing has to work at some point, it's getting kinda crazy! Hang in there!!!!
  4. How cute! Look how much she has changed!
  5. Any new news about it? Infection or not? Any new news?!
  6. Karen- When I was just dx at stage 4 (because of reoccurance), I was on 10mg of prednisone. Once they found that the cancer was back they increased me to 40mg, after about 2 weeks I was cut back to 20mg. 40mg helped a lot with the SOB and coughing, 30 has kept the coughing down but the SOB is worse, 20mg is horrible. I see the doc again on wednesday and we'll see where we go from there. Oh yeah, I have gained 13 pounds in 13 days also!!!!! Good luck and let us know how it goes!
  7. Bill- So glad she is doing so well!
  8. Hi Bev Welcome, good for you for getting CT Scans! Like your picture, you look so healthy and positive!
  9. Wendy- I agree about all the bad news, it's starting to pis_ me off! We need some good news, I'm tired of all this mess!!!! Last news I read today was on Frank, eeeerrrrrrrr!
  10. Had a nice dinner with David C and Karen last night......but he didn't feel good. Went to the ER and they admitted him. Karen called this morning and they are pumping him with fluids, can't remember is it's sodium or potassium that is low. Apparently they met a really good ER / Intern / General Doctor last night who sounds real upbeat and supportive. He seems to be a little bit more "well rounded" educaton wise then just a "regular" doctor from what Karen told me. Hopefully he can jump start Dave and get him back on track! Prayers for Dave needed! P.S. - his parents are here to take care of Faith (thank goodness)!
  11. NO FRANK! You always make me feel better! And right now I don't know how to do that for you. I'm sorry! Your in my prayers and thoughts!
  12. Thanks Sue! The doc had told me to cut back to 20mg but if it was too hard to go back to 40mg. I settled for 30mg (I though cutting in half was too harsh), I do notice a difference in the SOB and pain around the ribs at the different levels of steriods (they must be amazing drugs!). The SOB is fine when I sit still or just go to the bathroom or something lightweight. I'm sure part of it is anxiety, when I think too much about everything I have an anxiety attack. I think I may wake up my Husband and see if he wants to watch a DVD with me, guess it better be a comedy! THANKS!
  13. Although after reading some of the posts, I have a lot to be thankful for.....it's the middle of the night. 3:47am, little pain, SOB, scared, alone....you know the usual. Cut my steriod doseage down and the SOB is worse, can't keep up at 40mg a day of prednisone, I have gained so much weight in two weeks part of my SOB could be the weight. Have more pain now in my rib cage, took pain meds cause I have them and maybe I'll be able to fall asleep. Guess I really still can't complain! Just so scared, don't wanna wake up my Husband and don't want to call me Mom, just wanted someone to talk too who would understand. I know ya'll are out there and in a few hours the board will come to life again, wish someone was here to talk to in person but I can deal with typing. Haven't really had a bad night (Upset) in a while so guess it's time for one! I think in my next life (should I be granted one) I want to be a doctor so I can understand what is going on, what can happen next, why, etc. I want to know all the answers next time (well more then I know now). I stopped biting my nails, why does this matter? Who knows other then I'm too old to bite them, they look pretty good in the dim light of the computer flying over the keyboard........of course my fingers look like sausages. I know that looks don't matter and I should be glad that I'm alive, but they do matter right now. I feel that somewhere in this mind/body that I am in there (the old me). The Cancer has made me disappear and I don't like what is left. I'm inside screaming to get out of this huge body and worried mind. Who is this person with short hair, round face and YES finger nails......oh yeah....the new me....the Beth with LC (might I also add NOW stage 4). Gonna try to wake up in the morning with my short hair, round face, lavendar finger nails.....put on my stretch pants and try to find the "old" me that is hanging out somewhere underneath it all. As for now.....I'm gonna go be upset and get it all out before the sun comes up and go back to bed. Thank God I'm not alone and that stretch pants still do fit! Thanks for listening, as usual when I go off on these little episodes of mine. Gonna take a Xanax, I think this might mean I'm having some anxiety! Hope everyone else is having a good night!
  14. Once again I'm speechless and so sorry. Hang in there!
  15. Hi Pat- Welcome, sorry you have to be here! Tell us more about your situation when you are able too. This is a great place to be to get support!
  16. Hey guys, life changes and it's not always for the best. We are selling our lake front property that we bought years ago. Schools suck and with me being sick, it doesn't make sense anymore. It is so hard.......we have an acre on a huge beautiful lake and we were going to build there and live happily ever after! It was our dream for over 10yrs. Now our dreams are health and many years together. All that matters now is that we are all together! It could be in a tent and I would be happy! We still need to get together! Hope Mom is doing well. Hang in there Karen you can do it!
  17. Listen to me, I know about the strange stuff....... When I was just rediagnosed (02/08/05) from Stage 3A to Stage 4 I took everything to my surgeon, my CT Scan shows "nodules" in every lobe now (I have had surgery, radiation and chemo - then after only 4mths and Tarceva treatment I had a bad scan). They are small and the radiology report says cancer. Well they don't know that without actually taking a sample, they couldn't. All nodules are too small and the largest is sitting on the diaphragm and could cause too much damage. My doc said that there is a slight possibility that it is a fungal infection (hystoplastmosis) BUT because I have lung cancer it will be treated like cancer. After my additional chemo we will see where we are and go from there. I agree with him because I don't want to mess around with this......let's try to kill it and maybe go from there. I'm young....bring on the poison! BUT YES I HAVE HEARD OF THIS BEFORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I also recently found out that my Step-Father's Father was dx with LC years ago and was treated with chemo for 4mths.....turns out it was NOT cancer but this fungal infection! That was back in the 70's though. I pray it's all FUNGAS for you! PM me if you would like to talk further
  18. Wear mine everyday along with the "1200" from tobacco free kids. Tell everyone to order them to support me/us!
  19. Fay, I so hope that the Tarceva works for you! I also had a horrible nasty red bumpy rash behind my knees that went sown to my ankles. Was actually quite painful as well. Also appeared on my elbows. And mouth, groin...(sorry) all the "hot spots". Once the doseage was decreased to 100mg I did a little better. ANd the doctor did tell me it could take up to 6+ months to get adjusted to it. My rash did not itch but at times was so painful I would take a pain pill. It has been several weeks (can't remember the date) when I stopped taking it and my skin is still so dry it's nasty. Keep moist, it helps. Praying that it works for you! Graphic is best.........it helps everyone!
  20. I get my next hook up on the 9th. Praying for success for us all!
  21. Fun- chips and salsa donuts holes bubble gum ice house beer ice tea Serious - Husband daughter son mother kitty cats #1 - I'M ALIVE!
  22. OK, I'm a Rhino butt....because if I continue to eat the way I am I will be about that size! Couldn't come up with a disease that was quite as nasty! I'll take anything on draft!
  23. I agree with Frank! But it happens to us younger ones too, and it appears to be just aches and pains!
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