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Pls Remember to Vote


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I so agree with the sentiment. My first hope is that we have a winner tomorrow. I saw this pledge on a political blog I read, and I like it.

After the election results are in, I promise to:

: Support the President, even if I didn't vote for him.

: Criticize the President, even if I did vote for him.

: Uphold standards of civilized discourse in blogs and in media while pushing both to be better.

: Unite as a nation, putting country over party, even as we work together to make America better.

I was saddened by the fact that there were no "I voted" stickers at my polling place. What is wrong with America? I just don't get it. No stickers.

And then I missed Becky. She would play the straight guy while I ranted all the way out of the school about there being no stickers. She would talk to me with the "would you please shut up, you goofball" intonation that years of practice had perfected, and we would both have a blast with me being a goofball. It is so much harder without a straight guy.

Go vote. Even in Texas. Here the most important vote was increasing the sales tax so that the buses can get needed upgrades. It is so essential because so many of our poor people in San Antonio depend on the buses to get to work, and this measure failing will mean that some of them lose their jobs or must change them and risk being even further marginalized. I didn't have much of an impact on the next president or Congress, but hopefully I helped some poor people keep their jobs today.

God bless America!


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Lucie and I went this morning to vote. We were going to vote early last week but the lines were too long. We got in and out this morning without much delay. That is good, because Lucie can't stand around too long. We had new computer voting, so had to learn a new system. Hope all of you got out the vote. Cheers. Don

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Just got in from voting.

Curtis, I'm printing out what you posted, and no matter who wins I will try to honor it. It's going to be hard, though. I kid you not...if one more California Republican makes one more wisecrack to me about Democratic Women voting for Kerry because John Edwards is (supposed to be) cute I won't be responsible for what I do to a Yahoo who voted for Arnie because they wanted "The Terminator" for a Governor. :roll: When I would ask specific questions about their opinions on the issues these guys didn't even know there WERE issues, let alone the pros and cons. This diatribe is not directed towards those Republicans who have made a thoughtful evaluation and voted for what they believe is in the best interest of the Nation.

No matter who wins I think that our America is headed for some very rough times. And the only way we are going to successfully get through them is if we all educate ourselves about the issues, and pull together.

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Will be voting after work, but sure wish there was a "Nice attempt, try again with new candidates" choice...

Funny how Miss America is chosen from 50 buxom lasses yet the presidency is a pool of two men who probably wouldn't qualify for Toastmasters! :roll: I'm sure glad they aren't slaughtering speeches I wrote! LOL

Please, join me in voting "D: None of the above"!!

America, the land where an underachiever can be PRESIDENT!

*Views stated here may flipflop in a gentle breeze...muahahaha

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Well, I tried, but haven't got it accomplished yet. At 8:00 this a.m., there was a 2-hour wait. I squeezed into the parking area, no place to park, cars parked in the surrounding fields stuck in the mud, and then I couldn't get out because cars had the exit/entrance blocked. Our son tried at 10:00 and again at noon - still the same. Planning to leave work at 3:00 and will wait in that line no matter what. There are probably 8 to 10 new housing editions/condo editions in our precinct, so I think that's part of the problem.

On the positive side, I'm thrilled to see such a great turnout.


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I went on my way to the train at 6:00 a.m. to vote and could not find a parking space---I will try and go again tonight,--

-I hope we do get record turnouts!

may your favorite candidate win


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On my way out to vote right now. I had gotten an absentee ballot, did my research to figure out every single choice -- including the judges, who I never know until I do some research -- and got it all filled out. And then decided I actually wanted to be AT a polling place today, to see it for myself. So I'm walking over now to turn in my ballot. (It's a beautiful day here.) Ours is a small neighborhood polling place, so never a problem with lines. Although, to tell you the truth, I hope there IS a line today!

We've all seen in living color that every vote DOES make a difference, so I hope everyone is able to overcome the difficulties and cast your vote. Good luck, everyone!

Curtis, I really, really like what you wrote, and pledge to do my very best to do just that. (P.S. You ARE a goofball, anyway!)


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I got the "I Voted" sticker. I was going to vote at 7 am on the way to a skills fair ( mandatory inservice) but when I saw the looooooooooooooong line of people holding their umbrellas because it was raining, I decided to wait til after the inservice. It was a good idea, sun is shining, no umbrellas and no line.

If nothing else it is a great day, no political commercials! Donna G

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Voted this morning and there were only 4 people there.. Not much of a line. Took me less than 2 minutes to show my ID, get the paper and vote... Thats how I like it...


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I finally got it done. I voted at 6:01 p.m. Never had that happen before. It took exactly 1 hr. and 46 min. in line, plus another 20 minutes waiting for a spot to park, but by golly, I got my vote in!!!!

Our precinct even made the local news for one of the longest waiting spots. When I got in line, I counted 10 rows (snaked like in a bank line) with 20 to 23 people in a row, so there were 200 to 230 people in front of me. They only had four booths, and apparently earlier in the day, there was a 3-hour wait when they finally got the 4th booth. A man they interviewed at our site said there was good news and bad news. The good news is everybody came out to vote. The bad news is everybody came out to vote! LOL!

People were so nice and patient and there was lots of chatter amongst us. It was really refreshing to see so many people that care!


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Yes, I voted!!! First time in about 20 years, the last time I voted was for Jesse Jackson for something.. :shock:

Anyway, I got my sticker too. There were a couple of interesting proposals on the ballot also..one was for Oklahoma to get their own lottery.. people currently drive to Texas for lottery tickets...and another was to add on a 4 cent a cigarette tax. We are just a TAD bit behind over here... :roll:

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Around 3 weeks ago, I faxed the vote for my boss to US. Then I mailed the vote to US afterwards. Few days later, my boss asked where is his vote? I told him I faxed it and mailed it. He said, "oh, it's illegal". Then he responsed, "anyway, it's ok!"

Is it really illegal?

Besides, personally I don't like BUSH, but I have a strong feeling that BUSH will win.

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I voted yesterday about 10 am, waited abut half an hour.

Curtis, dear self-described goofball, I'd give you my sticker except Heidi made a beeline for it as soon as I got in the door at home. If I can find it, and it isn't covered in chocolate, I'll send it to you.... :)

I like what you said too. It's important stuff.



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