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Hello everyone. I'm Sandra. First time here...Second bout with lung cancer and today, I'll have a CyberKnife treatment. Is anyone familiar with this? It's a more intense version of regular radiation, resulting in fewer treatments: 5-6 of this vs. 30 of the regular kind. I'm nervous and scared, I guess. As I looked at the pix of many of you, I realized that it's good to have someone with you as a caregiver. My sons live in other cities and they have come here; but it's hard for them with families and jobs, etc.

So I was happy to find this website. Have any of you used Beta Glucans to boost the immune system? I believe in alternative methods so much. Who's using what out there? Anyone using hydrogen perioxide IV's? I'm praying for all of us. God Bless you.

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Welcome, Sandra.

I believe Cheryl (-Cheryl-) has done a run of Peroxide IVs, and Diflucan and I believe one more that I can't remember off the top of my head - it's in her signature line.

As for healthy eating/lifestyle/supplements, there is a forum full of that stuff for you to refer to. Heather (Hebbie) and Joe (Joe B) are some big suppliers of information there.

I'm sure you can get by without a caregiver. There are many here that are on their own - and to be honest, sometimes a caregiver can get on your nerves, big time.

Welcome to the Board. I am sorry to hear this is your second bout with lung cancer, but glad, too. Hey, you survived the first time around, that's a big part of the battle, ya know... 8)

Jump in, the water's warm!


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Hi Sandra.

Just want to give you a big warm welcome to this site. Any questions that you may have, there will be someone who will graciously respond with their own valuable experience. That really does help!

I did all of my treatments by myself. Drove myself, held my head when I puked, stumbled out of bed for an ensure. And watched plenty of TV in a prone position with my buddy, TimmyTom lying quietly on top of me somewhere. There is beauty in being sick all by yourself. Noone to bother you. Noone to have to worry about. Just taking care of yourself is a big enough job. Course, when you are up to it, the visits and phone calls are a huge boost if you want or need them. I liked to have daily contact with "someone".

All the best to you and wishing you the courage of a lioness. Go forward and get the job done!

Love, Cindi o'h

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Dear Sandra,

I'm sure you are nervous and scared; I'm sorry that your sons are not able to be with you more. There is nothing like a good old hug and some hand holding when you are feeling vulnerable. I hope that you are able to make the most of their visit home.

I don't have any experience to help with your questions, but I'm sure many will be posting with information. I just wanted to say Welcome. Please come back and tell us how your treatment went and let us provide whatever moral support we can. This is an incredible group of caring & well-informed people.

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Welcome Sandra~

I hate following the Beck cause then I have nothing left to say. If you search the Alternative forum you will find lots of posts on the supplements everyone is taking and the foods found to boost the immune system. You can also search and find the posts by Cheryl on the Hydrogran Peroxide IV's.

I hope all goes well with your treatment. I am sorry you have to do it alone but we are here to keep you company.


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Hi Sandra

I too, am a big believer in non-traditional therapies. As the others have said, there is a heap of info in the Alternative/Complementary forum. With regard to Beta Glucan, one of our members, Bo Bennet, uses this and firmly believes that it is helping him.

Welcome, and best of luck to you.


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Welcome! I will say a special prayer for you that your gamma knife procedure goes well for you. I too am a strong proponent of immune boosting therapies. You can see the procedures I have had in my bio. I had a few peroxide IVs, and felt like it really aided in my own immune system's ability to fight this disease. I never had any side effects from it either. Some people on here felt that it could cause the blood to fizz up like an alka-seltzer. It does oxygenate the blood, but no alka-seltzer effect! I will probably resume treatments when my doctors give me the thumbs up. My insurance covered a lot of the treatments too!


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Hi Sandra and WELCOME! I see this post has been up here for a few days, but I guess I missed it.

I'm sorry to hear you have to fight this fight again, but you will find there are many survivors on here who have fought it two times and more and they're still here!! :P

My husband had stereotactic radiosurgery (Novalis) to 6 brains mets, and might be getting it again for 2 more. We won't know until tomorrow. I think CyberKnife is similar.

Just wanted to say hello and hope you find this site as helpful as I have.



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