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This is an awesome site and I'm blessed to have found it.

My mom was diagnosed with nsclc in 4/00, stage IIIb. After chemo and radiation (it was inoperable) she has been cancer free for near five years now. God gets all the glory!

She recently had a PET scan and goes tomorrow to talk to the doctor about the results. Her lung doctor said it showed a few 'areas of concern' and mentinoed doing a biopsy of a place near her neck/clavicle bone.

We are a very close family and well, you all know how it is. (I'm not used to having anyone else to relate to with this.) We have a very strong faith in God and are still believing in her complete healing. 'By His stripes, we are healed!'

We've had over four years of clear scans, so this is a bit of a shock to the system. But God is good and faithful.

I'd like to ask for your prayers and support. Thank you so much.

I'm praying for you all. I'm so glad this board exists!


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Welcome!! Your mom is truly blessed and healed. I too belive and know God has healed me and I too give Him ALL the glory. Your mom is healed, so what the doctors think they are seeing is unexplainable. Keep the faith and keep us posted. God is good...

God Bless and prayers,


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Hi CC.

I am also glad that you found this site!

Faith takes you far and it sounds as if your family is using all the faith you can muster right now. I believe that this illness challenges us in so many ways never before dreamed possible.

Your Mom has had to be an inspiration to many. I will join you in asking for a healing for your Mom and at the very least, that the "area of concern" turns out to be a hiccough.

Cindi o'h

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I will join the others in prayers for your Mom. Five yrs is wonderful and an inspiration for me as my mom had the same dx and right now is cancer free. I can only pray we get those same five yrs. Yes, this is a awesome site and come here often as it does help and there is always someone who has "been there, done that"

God Bless


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Words can't even express what I'm feeling right now.

It feels so good to have support from others who know EXACTLY what it's like. Thank you, each one of you, for your kind words and encouragement and most of all, for your prayers for my beautiful mother, who yes, is VERY much an inspiration to all who know her.

We live an hour and a half from each other, but talk several times a day on the phone. When I talk to her this morning I'm going to tell her about you all and that she has more prayers going up! God is so good!

Maybe soon I'll get her hooked up to the net and she too can get support from ya'll. I know she feels so alone, not really knowing anyone else with lung cancer. She goes to the Cancer Treatment Centers of America and has met some very inspirational people though!

I'll let you know the results when I found out.

God is bigger than cancer!

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Thank you all so much for the prayers, as we so desparately need them.

The doctors say the cancer is back. They want to do an incision and do a biopsy in the trachea/esophagus areas, and also say there's changes in the lung, not for sure what that means yet.

I feel almost like I did the first time we were told. We've been claiming this healing for almost five years now and this is quite a shock. God is good and has a plan. His ways are higher than ours.

Thank you all so much.

I'm lifting each of you up as well.

Gotta get that devil back under my feet now.

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Well. That is not what we wanted to hear...

But that is the way of it.

I tell you, CC, there are so many people who have been at this thing for a long time. There is no reason that your Mom can't have a second go of it and regain 5 more years, and then 5 more etc...

Please keep us updated on how she is doing and what treatments she will receive. You can count on us for all kinds of support. Have you checked out the ask the experts at the top of the page?

Cindi o'h

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Don't you stop claiming that healing... whether the cancer is here or not. God DID do that. You can hold on to knowing that he healed her once and he is ABLE to do it again. And, whatever your journey holds in the next few months, He is with you. We are too, now that you've found us!

Welcome to the boards and keep us posted on your mom.

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Don't you stop claiming that healing... whether the cancer is here or not. God DID do that. You can hold on to knowing that he healed her once and he is ABLE to do it again.


That is exactly what we're doing! Thank you!!

God is so good! He is able. He is going into the battle before her. He is holding her right hand. He won't give more than we can bear.

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Praying Friday brings nothing but good news. Your faith is strong and will get you through this.

You know, one of the best things I've ever done for my mother was get her connected to the internet. She was able to find information and support on many things, including Lung cancer. That would be a nice gift for her and she would get soooo much support here.

I felt so alone and scared until I found this site and it was here where I got my support and was able to let go of some of the fears and grim statistics my doctors gave me.

Praying for you and your mother..


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ok, more waiting game...

The doctor today said he wants to biopsy the place in her neck and see if it shows anything. If it does, he'll know the places in the throat area are the same thing and go from there. If the neck biopsy shows nothing, then he'll do the incision in the throat and ck those places out.

This isn't going to take place til a whole week from today.

Thank you all for the encouragement and prayers.

The Lord gave me a peace about it today. (i'm sure it may come and go, but today was good.)

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I thought I replied to this post because of your quote of Romans 8 : 28. Someone else had that on their profile and I told them, too, that is my favorite Bible verse. It has kept me from "losing it" many times.

It sounds like you're having some challenging days this week. Keep your chin up. You should have some answers very soon and then a plan of attack.

Prayers being said for your mom.



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Thank you Kathy & Peggy!

My mom's biopsy is tomorrow morning at 7:30. I'll be there, with my sis and dad. We're just keeping our eyes on God and trusting in Him. He loves my momma even more than I do and has awesome plans for her.

Thank you all for your support and prayers.

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The surgeon said the biopsy of the lymph node tested positive for cancer cells. The actually biopsy results will be in monday or tuesday and we'll find out more information and get a plan of attack.

we're gonna beat this stupid evil thing. and God will get the glory no matter what.

thank you for your prayers.

God is good!

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Thank you soooo much, Karen. It's awesome to have others believing with you!! I've been having this scripture on my mind:

II Corinthians 4

16 For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day.

17 For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory;

18 While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.

God is good.:)

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