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Ginny 2000

Don Wood

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WAY TO GO GINNY!!!!! :mrgreen:

I could see by so many of your posts that you are truly an inspirational person to all who post here.

You have been so brave thru your Dukes illness, even after his passing, you continue to help people here.

Thanks for being you and thanks for all your support for this board. Your posings has given so many of us hope. You are a treasure.


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Thank you all, but I couldn't leave you all, so many of you have become my dear friends. I talk about you like I had known you all my life. I ache for the bad news and cheer for the good news.

This site is unique. It offers hope, support and knowledge for people surviving lung cancer and the caregivers during and after. I think it is vital for those of us who like me have lost a loved one to lc, to continue here. We are the ones that can keep the flame burning for research dollars and information sharing.

I hope to be here for many more posts and I want them all to say YIPPEE, great news.

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