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CT Scan today for pulmonary embolism!


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I give up! If it's gonna happen it will be to me! My regular CT Scan for today was rescheduled for Wednesday. So I have an appt with my Pulmonary doc today! I get rushed over to the hospital to be scanned to make sure that I didn;t have a PE or that the cancer had not eaten through the walls of my lungs because of my breathing. The Doctor has no idea why I am wheezing so bad, he doesn't think I'm that sick!

He thinks all my meds are screwed up and is taking me off of a lot of them including the predinisone. He said he uses this high dose of prednisone as a last resort. I have now gained 50 lbs in 6 weeks (2 days shy).

Here we go, that damn roller coaster ride. I couldn't hold it together this time, I tried so hard! I have been so strong but this time during the CT Scan I started to cry quietly, when the technician came to get me off the table she asked if I was OK and I said it had to be a good scan. She said she didn't see any PE, in other words she wasn't willing to comment on the cancer but I at least knew that there was no PE and basically that the cancer had not eaten through the lining of my lungs because the doctor would have put me in the hospital right then.

BUT I still don't know about any changes to the cancer from the Alimta.

What a day! So tired! Prayers for Wednesdays Scan.............. Lots of Xanax tonight!

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Beth, hang tough kiddo. This Alimta stuff is really cumulative and keeps building up in your body even though you only get it every three weeks. I have been really tired this time also and it has taken me over two weeks to get to feel somewhat decent. The first two treatments I snapped back in just a couple days, but this one is different. I think the fact that I exercise so much, walking etc really mskes the the big difference. I know you are unable to do much so it would appear that your recovery will take a little longer. The Docs at Roswell Park Cancer Institute told me that this is exactly what they expected and they appeared optimistic that it would pay off in the end. They said the last one probably would be even worse so stay as active as you can. The Dexamethasone just keeps me me banging off the walls with more much energy than normal and it keeps me feeling great. Can't explain it, but it works. I still get tires awfully easy but just work through it. Keep goin, keep goin, we're gonna make it. Believe me. Take care and God Bless.


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Beth, hang tough kiddo. This Alimta stuff is really cumulative and keeps building up in your body even though you only get it every three weeks. I have been really tired this time also and it has taken me over two weeks to get to feel somewhat decent. The first two treatments I snapped back in just a couple days, but this one is different. I think the fact that I exercise so much, walking etc really mskes the the big difference. I know you are unable to do much so it would appear that your recovery will take a little longer. The Docs at Roswell Park Cancer Institute told me that this is exactly what they expected and they appeared optimistic that it would pay off in the end. They said the last one probably would be even worse so stay as active as you can. The Dexamethasone just keeps me me banging off the walls with more much energy than normal and it keeps me feeling great. Can't explain it, but it works. I still get tires awfully easy but just work through it. Keep goin, keep goin, we're gonna make it. Believe me. Take care and God Bless.


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Oh Beth....you have so many deep pockets of strength and courage...I admire the way you've handled 'the beast'. Please don't beat yourself up for this latest drama. Talk to us....lean on us if you get tired. You are fighting the good fight and "the monster' CAN be beat back. The proof is right here on this board.

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Sending good thoughts and strength, Beth. You go ahead and shed a few tears....you've earned 'em. But then you tap back into that deliciously warped humor of yours....because THAT is what's gonna help keep you around for a long time....I'm convinced of it.

You've had a ton more than your share....but look at you!! You're still here....still fighting....still posting....still cracking jokes. Still Beth!! You've handled it all so far...and you'll continue to handle it till you get the break you deserve...which has GOT to be coming soon...don't you think?

Hang in sweetie. You've got lots of support behind you...there AND here. And see....already some good news about the PE! :wink:

Thoughts winging your way.....

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Hi Beth, I'm so sorry to hear about the ups and downs (ok, mostly downs) of your roller coaster ride this week. I can't understand why they can't give you any answers about your SOB/wheezing if the scan ruled out PE or problems in the lung lining. I'm also not clear on why you have to have another separate scan tomorrow? Maybe I missed something.

I will be traveling down to Mayo myself dark early tomorrow morning for blood work, ct scan and then afternoon appt with my oncologist. We're of course hoping for another 3 months of a good report. I'm amazed at how fast that 3 months between scans goes by - it seems like I just DID this pre-scan anxiety build-up and here it's time again. I will be thinking of you all day, praying for good results for both of us, my friend. Please try to take it as easy on yourself as is possible. I'm so sorry you are having such a terrible time. Sending good thoughts,

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Beth, just a quick note to let you know I am thinking of yoou this morning, and my prayers are with you as you go and have your scan. Will uou get the results today? I sure hope so, as I am sure this waiting game is about to get the best of you. Please let us know as soon as you can, we are all here for you.


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I hope everything went well today. I too am confused as to why you needed another scan today after having one the first of the week. I hope it is some reaction with your meds. If there can be a reaction like this....you, my friend, are the one that would have it. Keeping you in my prayers all the time. Beth, a good cry is not something to be ashamed of, its is a way of relieving some of that horrible stress you are under. Will be looking for results to be good ones. You deserve some really good news.


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