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update on Mike

nancy c

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I am sad to read this news. Your Mike looks so well and healthy in the picture with your daughter. The Lord is watching over him and allowed Mike to be there for your daughter at her wedding. Miracles do happen, just keep the faith and you are remembered in my prayers...

Prayers and gentle hugs,


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Nancy, I have no words that could possibly make this any better. My heart aches for you right now. I have been there and it is very sad. Please know that I am thinking about you and praying for hard for your dear Mike.

Hold tight to your love it will sustain you.

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Guest marchwinds05

Add me to your prayer list for comfort during this. I fear that my DH is almost the same position and it is very hard to go through. Can't post much, but I do think of everyone a lot and send my prayers. Nancy, I hope you have enough strength to make is through one of lifes hardest moments, and I pray for no pain for your dear husband.

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Sending you and Mike wishes and all good thoughts for strength, hope and a turn around in his condition. I wish there was more we could do for you...but know we're here as an outlet and are sending you both the best any of us have.

Lean on us...whenever you have to, Nancy. I'll be having one of my chats with God on Mike's and your behalf.

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Nancy, I am sorry to hear about Mike. I have been praying for both of you. Hebrews 13:5 God says "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." God is there in hard times. lean on Him. I am so thankful Mike was able to be at the wedding. What a joy for all of you. praying. pammie

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Oh Nancy, I don't know what to say except how sorry Iam. I feel so helpless, I wish I could do something to ease the pain. It is in G-ds hands now.

Sending out prayers to you both. I pray there is some breakthough and Mike makes a turn for the better.

Nancy, this is so hard for you. It saddens me for what you are going through.

It was such a miracle and a blessing that Mike was able to walk Nicole down the aisle. He was so sick before that and there he was beeming and so proud to be able to give her away. What a wonderful memory for everyone who was there to share that moment.

Please stay strong. We are here for you.



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