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Good/Bad News


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Hello All!

Good news! Returned from my visit to brother in RI. BETTER news! Met one of our dear, cherished, inspirational members of LCSC outside of Boston. Dadstimeon - aka Rich. Yep!! DH and I met Rich and his vey lovely wife, Kathy - aka Kathleen. We had a time chatting and drinking and getting to know one another. And let me tell you...he is more charming and way more handsome than any of you could ever imagine. It was just a very special evening!

Bad news, Got home and immediately wanted to catch up on all the news here, of course. Hard drive bit the dust....right in the middle of it. Yep - just died. So had no computer yesterday and today until just this evening. So I am not nearly caught up on everything as yet. Darn it. Caught a glimpse of some good news as well as not so good. Hopefully will be up to date soon and back to posting. Need to get good wishes off to many and support to many nore.

Also noticed some members living in CT. Sure wish I knew where you were. I would have tracked you down as well. Hey, NY too! Would have been great to meet you too. I want to have a big bus and just motor all over and meet so many of you! Crazy, huh?

Anyway, glad to be back here with all of you. I have missed you more than you could know.

(((Hugs))) to all of you I missed.


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Welcome back Kasey!

Thanks for the kind words. It was fun and a pleasure to meet you and Fed. Both of you are a very warm, kind caring couple and it shows. Your picture does not do you justice, you are much prettier in person. Glad to see you got your computer back up and running. It can be a bits annoying and it does bytes when we don't have one. :roll: Take care. Spirit's Are G:):)d!


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Welcome back Kasey!!

I got worried for second when i say the "bad news" part of it and was wondering who's butt i was going to have to come out there and kick! :wink: Glad it was only a computer problem, not that those aren't awful enough!

Glad you had a great time!! I think the bus would be fun, too! But can you imagine all of us getting together? :shock: Whatever town we were in would never be right again! :lol::lol:

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Irksome as it is, better computer "bad news" than the other kind we too often get around here, huh?

Welcome back Kasey...and how fun for you and Rich and your spouses that you all got together!

Glad the road trip was fun and hope the 'puter fix holds for a while. It's okay if you're offline cuz your off doing something fun...but NOT if it's cuz of computer troubles! :wink:

These infernal things are crazy making...but boy, when I can't get online I'm not easy to live with!! :wink:

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Hey Kasey, on your next road trip to our dear friends in NE, stop by Lansdale and pick me up. Or just stop by Lansdale.

Do you know that Heather (Hebbie) has a walk in NJ, right outside of Phila., on 11/5/06. It would be great if you could be there.

Glad you had a good trip.

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Hi Kasey,

Welcome back. Sure glad your bad news was your computer. :D Sorry about your puter problems, that is so frustrating when that happens but glad you got it up and running.

Glad you met Rich and his wife. :D

Hope you can join the walk in Nov. as I will be there. :wink:

Take care


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Welcome back Kasey. Glad you had great trip and I am so envious of all you guys that get to actually meet in person. KarHart and I are practically neighbors and haven't met yet! We really have to work on this!

Also, glad that computer is up and running again. When we have trouble with them, we wonder how we ever lived without them.

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Kasey, isn't it fun and heart warming to meet someone on the website in person? Glad you were able to connect with Rich and Kathy. Sorry about the computer (I actually was relieved the bad news was about the computer!). Glad you are up and running, and back among us. Don

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welcome home, Kasey!

So glad you got to meet mr. & mrs. dads~

But, now, my computer became suddenly heavy.. I think that it may be Rich's handsome head all swollen :lol:

truth is, I have never met a more gorgeous group of folks in my life. All of ya'll are tremendously handsome or pretty!

Glad your trip was eventful!

love, Cindi o'h

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Welcome back :D

Sounds like you had a wonderful time.

It's great to meet someone from the forum, I was lucky enough to meet one person, mike_S. He's the guy who does a once every 3 month drive through for prayers at his CT time. It really is nice to meet someone from the forum, a family member :D


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Hey, welcome home gal pal! Sure seemed funny not having you around! MISSED YOU!

I'm jealous that you got to meet our Rich and his wonderful wife Kathy. Funny thing though, I feel like I have known Rich for many moons! :wink:

Well, I'll just welcome you back and give you a call on Monday. Talk to you then.

Love & Hugs,


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