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My Dad


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Tomorrow will be 2 years :cry: ...I am not exactly sure what I want to say..There is a tremendous void in my life without him..He is still in my thoughts every hour of every day....

When I am around my mom nothing seems balanced any more, everything seems out of wack... I suppose its the "new normal" that I need to get use to...

I thank God everyday for my husband and 2 children and to keep them safe and healthy..There is Lung Cancer on both sides, so needless to say I worry..Cancer taught me that you know, it taught me how to be neurotic and I hate that, however it also has taught me somethings that I wouldnt understand unless I experienced them firsthand..

Thanks everyone for helping me through the roughest days of my life..

Thank you Katie and Rick


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I know what you mean about being neuratic. After my Dad was dx. I had every test possible done on me. I was sure I had cancer somewhere. My doctor thought I was crazy. After I checked out ok I started on with my husband and kids. My husbands father died at 62 of cancer. Things have calmed down since then, but I still get a panic when ever any one I love has a normal ache or pain. I wonder if that will ever go away.

As you remember your Dad today think of all the wonderful memories and years you were able to spend with him. You will be together again someday.


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Cathy, I just can't believe it's the two year mark for you! Having been around here through your dad's illness and untimely passing, I feel as if we're truly family. I have always been so touched by the deep and sincere love you have always expressd for your dad. You're a wonderful daughter and I know you were so very much loved by your dear dad. I know, all too well, how hard tommorrow will be for you. Some will say that time makes things easier but there is something dreadfully painful about these anniversary dates. It almost seems as if time has stood still and we're right back to square one all over again. I'll say a little prayer, asking God to help you find some understanding about the loss of your dad!!! Love you, Cathy!!!

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Thank you, Cathy. You have given more than you have taken here.

We are all in this together...one way or another and we came to know and love your dad through your posts so tomorrow I'll be thinking of him too, as I have been thinking of both of you all week.


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I can hardly believe it's been two years since your father passed. How quickly time goes when we look back. I can still remember how you were there for your Dad during his lung cancer journey. The mutual love was so clear. May your good memories of your Dad help bring comfort especially on these difficult anniversaries.

gail p-m

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I know what you mean when you say that things are out of whack and you are getting used to the "new normal". I feel the same way. I used to call my pop's every single day (at least once). I feel so lost without that phone call. I also worry about "cancer" more for my husband because he has a long history of lung cancer in his family (my FIL also has lung cancer NSCLC -- stable right now, my husbands grandpa died of LC, his uncle and so on).

This Sunday I am going on a 10K run put on by The Ramos Lung Cancer Foundation. I will run in memory of those lost and those fighting. I will say a special prayer for your dad in heaven....


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Oh Cathy, I hope tomorrow passes softly for you. I hope you will have warm and wonderful memories as you pass page through your thoughts of your dear dad tomorrow.

Cath, in my opinion, I think the second memorial is harder then the first. :( At least it sure was for me!


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Thank you guys..

If it wasnt for all your post I would have felt completly alone yesterday..Its not that I wanted any hoopla in my (real world) because I really didnt..I just wanted my dad remembered, because he was truly a gentle man..Thanks for pulling me through...


My mom hasnt been the same since, I know shes trying but shes just not happy at all...She's in florida right now and I called her yesteday but she wasnt at her condo, its just as well hopefully she was out with friends..

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Sorry I am late in my reply I just saw your post. We share a lot and I would have like to been able to replied sooner.

Not that I feel that this will work for everyone but as time has passed for my mom being gone, I have chosen to celebrate her life by talking about her life with others who also miss her. I have chosen to feel that my mom is with me when ever I need her.

I would also like to echo the thoughts of others here who feel that you are a very special daughter. Your dad would be proud if you for who you are.

With Love, Shelly

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