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My uncle passed away last night...


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My dad called me early this morning. Don't you just hate those early morning calls when you know you're about to get some terrible news?:(

His brother had a massive heart attack last night and died. He was on his way home from a ball game with his grandson Dillion, who is eleven years old.

I don't have any details yet. Poor Dillion has seen enough in his short life, so please pray for this child's mind and for peace as well. (his papaw was like his daddy.) And of course for the whole family. My dad has one more brother and two sisters.

My dad and his brother are meeting at my elderly grandparents this morning to give them this devastating news. We never expect to bury a child. This will be so hard for them.

So, I'm taking the day off work to take my mom to chemo and radiation.

Please keep my mom in your prayers too. This

radiation everyday, well, five days a week, is wearing them out. Not to mention the pain from the shot for boosting the white cells, and the throat pain from radiation. God continues to be faithful.

(I finally updated my profile.)

God bless you all.


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I am so sorry for your loss. I too am grieving a recent loss so I really understand. As for the child that is really sad. I had 2 brothers who ledt 10 year old sons when they died. It was really hard and my mama never got over the loss of 3 sons. Sometimes life is just so unfair. You and your family will be in my prayers. Lillian

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I am so sorry to hear about your uncle. Many prayers coming your way!!!

"God, it has been said, does not comfort us to make us comfortable, but to make us comforters. Where nobody suffers, nobody cares." W. T. Purkiser



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Thank you all so much. The prayers are working!

We went to the funeral home today. He looks so different. :( My cousin Darren kept holding his hand and saying 'I love you daddy' (He's 37, he's so tore up...:( ) It was sad beyond words.

Funeral is tomorrow.

Thank you all so much


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