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Getting to Know You - Interesting


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Becky I want to know what panning for gold is like!!!! I think that one is true on yours :)

1. I received an award for perfect attendance from 4th-12th grade, embarassing myself and my parents.

2. I loved to babysit when I was a kid

3. I have been an avid watcher of Days of Our Lives on and off since I was a kid

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Truth ... I absolutely love fast cars and I love cold weather! I thought this one would throw you off, since I live in Florida!

Lie ....I don't collect gingerbread men...just houses. Debi must remember everything...lol!

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this was SO FUN. I can't wait to hear the others' answers....

here are the guesses I missed:

Andrea: #1 is false

Maryann: #2 is false

Eppie: #1 is false

Lynne: #1 is false

Tina: #3 is false

Cheri: #1 is false

Becky: #2 is false

I did pretty well on the last group, but you guys were HARD!

my answer:

I have all my toes, so my #2 was false. I am, indeed, a hearing-impaired, former White House intern. Clinton Administration.



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I guessed Ann and Snowflake the others I was off a bit. Here is the truth for me.

I am a natural blond but with time my hair has gotten darker and needs touch ups. I don't mind the grey but for some reason it doesn't show but I hate the ugly brown it has become.

I do have 8 grandchildren ranging in age from 4 to 23. The oldest and youngest are sisters with one 19 year old sister in the middle.

I love to read. All of my life I have devoured anything printed that I can get my hands on. When nothing else was available I have been know to read the encyclopedia. I just never learned to spell good. When I took the test to see how much I needed in night school to take the GED test my teacher told me that I had the highest reading score he had ever seen :!: I just have to pace myself because if I start reading everything else falls by the wayside.

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Boy, this looks like a fun string of posts. I just wish I'd seen it sooner before so many answers were revealed. I know that while reading down the list I got a few wrong.

Ones I missed were:

Dadstimeon - I thought 2

Ann - I thought 1

Debbie - 3

Ry - 2

Of the ones that answers haven't been given yet my guesses are:

Kasey I guess # 2

Snowflake also # 2

Sheri # 3

Tnmynatt 2

LynneH 1

Eppie 1

Maryann 1

and Andrea 2

1. I used to be a lingerie model

2. I was so shy growing up that I didn't meet my first friend until I was 12, and didn't have my first date until I was 19.

3. I graduated college in only 3 1/2 years.

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Well, Carleen,you are pretty enough to model lingerie....

and youre too pretty to have been dateless until age 19.

I am going to guess that pretty goes with smarts too soooooo

I guess I am stumped. Maybe you were a lingerie model for Keith but a clothing model in actuality.

My "lie" is the bit about voting Republican......Never! (don't get me started on that stuff! grrrrrrrrr!)

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Maryanne you got it right!!!

I have watched Days on and off since I was in 5th grade. Used to be such an avid fan, when I lived in NY, my friend and I came to California on vacation during our junior year at college to attend the Days annual luncheon :oops:

I had perfect attendance, was to anal to miss school, had fights with my mom and went to school sick so I would not miss out b/c I was obsessive with good grades :oops:

As for babysitting---you know how once cancer strikes you or someone you love, the fear is there? Well an anology, my parents were both claims adjusters for insurance companies. They saw it all, hence they were paranoid about liability if a child got hurt while I was babysitting, so I was not allowed to do it :roll:

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I DO have 5 grandchildren from age 2 to 19 :? !!!

I WAS considered a rabble rouser/trouble maker by my principal when I taught 6th grade.

For those of you who believed I swim laps at the Y....well, you guys have been spending too much time in the Pub :lol::lol: !

Maybe we should play the game Truth or Dare next :lol: !


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Okay, I'll have to go back and read these again tonight for those that are still mysteries. You will have to trust that I did guess correctly for Bunny because I think I have read in her posts somewhere about interning and hearing aids.

Kasey, I guessed wrong. I would never have thought she was a big troublemaker.

#1 was my big lie - No Tatoo. Would never volunteer for a needle.

#2 I helped Jim paint several water towers. He was a contractor that sandblasted and painted large steel structures (mostly city water towers) and I was cheap help and too young and in love to tell him 'no way!'.

#3 Jim painted the big wall in the bedroom red for me! Took 5 coats! It's wonderful and doesn't look too much like a bordello.


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This is fun.

I believe the tongue bit.

I can believe the Bon Jovi bit too......when you're young you can make musical choice mistakes....I use to like Phil Collins.

But the Chuckie Cheese bit....I mean come on! You'd have to point a gun at my head before I go in to that insane place. It's a germ factory intent on corroding and brainwashing the nation's toddlers with overstimulation and carbonated drinks. Bleahhhh ....I never let my littlekids go play in the big ball thingy....Little kids pee themselves from overexcitment in those things.

But if that's what you really like, well.....don't listen to me. It soundslike you are in touch with your inner child. And that is good. I go to zoos to see the monkeys throw poo.:lol:

Mama's girl:

I thought you just got a new job. Way to go on the snowboarding competetion and the parle vou Francais!

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