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Well, I've put this off for two days because I just flat didn't even want to be here anymore after reading this post. I read it late Friday night, shortly after it was posted, but just couldn't face it.

Addie was vibrant, excited about life, and an encourager to all. She sent me encouraging and loving PMs. We have lost a good friend, but heaven has gained a precious soul. At my husband's funeral, the pastor said that all of us in the room were dying, and Don was the one that was now LIVING. Addie is now LIVING!!!!!!

I pray God's blessing to all of Addie's families and friends.



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oh my I was not prepared for this!! It seems every time I visit here another person has passed. Dear sweet Addie! I will miss you're wonderful humour and the encouragment you always showed others. You changed us all somehow. I will always remember the sweet sweet lady we knew as Addie! She is LIVING as Peggy said above us with the Angels and she is no longer sick or fighting this dreaded disease. I am praying for her family that they recieve comfort and strength. We love you Addie!

God Bless,


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