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Who's Walking?????


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I read with sort of a heavy heart Val's posting and the many replies about the lack of donations for the Boston Walk. I, too, have met with the same. So I want to know............who else is walking? I guess it's up to US to make things happen and WE sure CAN. I'm not sure of everyone's names......especially last ones. So if you are walking, and I haven't contributed to you, please let me know.

I am celebrating good news today and couldn't think of a better way to share it with all of you. I find it interesting that many are quite ready to 'talk the talk'.....................but don't ask them to 'walk the walk', ya know?

Glad we are all in this together.


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I'm sorry to hear that are not many walkers, I must have missed that post. I have organized about 20 walkers for my team, and we set a goal of 5k but I think we might, I emphasize might, get closer to 10k.

My fundraising efforts have been meet with great enthusiasm. My children started at a new school last year, just prior to my diagnosis. Due to my mental state I was never able to really meet many of the parents at this new school and because of that I had been feeling very isolated. Well, everything has changed this year, maybe because of my attitude. I refuse to be quiet about this and I feel passionate about spreading the word. The principal of the school, Sr. Gertrude, and some board members, are walking with us. One parent has stepped up, someone I had never meet before, and has been making some major fundraising efforts on behalf of our cause. I even have an anonymous donor who has offered to print up team t-shirts for our team. I was told to pick a color and make up a design and just let them know how many shirts I need.

I am so happy for my children that they are witnessing the good in people. I am truly blessed.


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Oops, forgot one other thing. I have been corresponding with a woman from another board who lives in Mass and I told her all about the walk, turns out she hadn't heard about it. Well, today she emailed me that she is mobilizing the South Shore of Mass and they are going to walk as satellite walkers.

I'm going to talk to the folks at my docs. office on friday about posting something there. I don't know what there policy is but it seems the thoracic oncology center would be a good place to reach potential walkers/donors.


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I am signed up to walk as an individual but I got a PM from Sherri about doing a team Michigan--so we will see-- any other Michiganders interested in forming a team?

Kasey -- thank you for the donation! That was very sweet.

Just another reminder if you are planning to walk please register NOW or soon. It will help the committee plan for t-shirts.

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Wow Tracy! You go girl!!! That is more along the lines of what I had envisioned, but...? There's still time, though.

I am registered as an individual walker, and also captain of team AIR-izona...a team of one, thus far... :oops: Any others....? By November, our AZ weather is going to be enviable! Come on, I don't want to have to register my dogs as team mates... :roll::wink:

Kasey ~ Thank you for the donation! I just had a feeling it was you, when I received the emailed notification. You are truly something, and we celebrate YOU everyday!

~ Stacey

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You know I'm walking (although I have no idea where in town I'm walking exactly, I haven't given it much thought)!! I'm part of Team Oklahoma and Christy (Rogfarm) is the other half!

Thank you for the donation, it always lifts my spirits to see that email in my inbox from "Walk Administrator".

Are we lucky to have each other or what???!!!!

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I am disappointed in the response thay I have gotten too. I just joined, but when I talk to people they are like well, that is great. I tell them that it is a fundraiser for Lung Cancer and I am looking for sponsors, but so far no one has said count me in on it. I am walking in Ohio.

Kim Miller

Team Ohio

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I am walking :) Kasey thank you for the donation, you did not have to do that :)

I still say bahumbug to those friends of mine who did not donate. I do realize that everyone has their own causes to support, but if I support theirs, then support mine.

I have a few people telling me that lung cancer is not that prevelant, they don't know anyone other than my parents, etc. I said if that is the case, why was there an entire article in Self magazine about it, etc. It can effect anyone.

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.............and then there is the story of my haiardresser for almost 35 years. BIG tips ALL those years. Says her cause is her children. Now the youngest is 30 something and they all have their own families and jobs. Nope, she couldn't afford $2. So am I being small giving no more tips.......and telling her her tips are now going to MY cause. That is really small of me, isn't it? Will give it due thought before actually following through with it. But darnitall!!!!!

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:lol::lol::lol: ...Kasey... :twisted::twisted: ...you are too funny! You are such a kindly soul...I imagine you probably won't have the heart to follow thru on that one, but the fantasies don't hurt anyone, huh??? :wink:

Me...? I'm not so kind, and probably would give her a receipt for "her" donation, in lieu of a generous tip - and then never go back, for fear of retaliation! :shock::shock:

Just kidding.....( :?: )

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Kasey, I am still debating whether I walk or not. I really want to but want to wait to see how surgery goes Monday. I think I should be okay to walk because that would be about 5 weeks to recover?? If I join and register it will be in Boston as I'm not too far from there.

anyhow, don't tip your hair dresser, that wasn't right not donating to your cause.


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I'm registered for Team Michigan! Isn't Ry a gem?

The reason I PMed Ry is I wanted to donate, but I couldn't donate to all of my favorite posters and thought, hey I have friends. I've supported many of their causes, now I hope they reciprocate.

My question is this:

What is the criteria for a satelitte walk? When my Dad was diagnosed, he vowed to walk, instead of drive, to his mail box and get the mail. Not a small feat, his mailbox is at least an 1/8th of a mile away from his house.

Tommorrow I will work on a mass email to friends and family and would like to incorporate his mailbox walk by offering that we will walk together, not once but twice to the mailbox. Once to get the mail and once to get the paper. I'll offer all donators pictures of us with his mailbox. Is this acceptable? I've searched the Boston walk site and haven't found a standard. I'll get my Dad and kid registered too, so we have nifty t-shirts to pose in.

I write this on the forum instead of in a PM for other satelitte walkers who may be hesitant to sign up because they don't know what the "walk" will entail. Thanks guys, and thank you Ry.

Go.....Team Michigan!!!!

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I can answer your question-

As far as what the Satellite Walk entails- it can be whatever you want it to be. I STILL have no idea where exactly I'm walking in my city, or how far. The important part of the whole idea is that you are doing SOMETHING to increase awareness, and raising money.

The fact that we are all walking on the same day in 'virtual unison' to raise funds for lung cancer is the message. Where or how far we are walking is inconsequential- what you are planning sounds perfectly acceptable to me, in fact it sounds pretty special!

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I'm already committed to walk in the local Buddy's Race Against Cancer in Knoxville on Nov. 12th. We had almost 20 walkers last year and hope to have even more this year. I am going to have t shirts again informing everyone of Nov. being Nat. LC Awareness Month and including the logo of LCSC/Lungevity (if that is still ok like last year, Katie?)and now Breath of Life Support Foundation.

I hope you'll understand. I definitely want to look at participating next year so the money will go to Lungevity.

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