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Message from Darrell.


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Hi All

I have just spoken to Darrell and he has asked me to give you all an update.

As you know Darrell had recently finished the course of radiation and was feeling the effects of that still. He began Chemo this past week and apparently it was a bit too soon for this as he was not sufficiently recovered from the radiation. He is in the hospital currently receiving fluids and trying to regain his strength.

He told me that his esophagus is just raw and he had been unable to eat or drink much since the weekend.

He asked me to thank you all for your concern and prayers. Please keep them coming.

My very best to you all,


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Hi Chris and thank you for keeping us posted on Darrell..he's been on my mind all day.

I know for my mom, the esophagus discomfort was really a big deal and she was just miserable not being able to swallow, let alone eat! She was prescribed the *magic mouthwash* and liquid tylenol with codeine for the pain and it seemed to help. It did take a while for it to heal but she did lose quite a bit of weight. Unfortunately, we could not get her to drink ensure or any other supplement..so besides getting dehydrated, she also had *wasting* from lack of calories/vitamins/nourishment. It was a viscious cycle for a while. Today, I smile everytime I see her eat a piece of steak or fry up some hot peppers and potatoes..something she thought she would never do again :D

Anyway...please tell him to at least try and take in some nourishment..in the form of ensure, boost, milkshakes, puddings, broth..anything he can tolerate!

Love and lots of prayers to him!

Hugs, Chris


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Darn, I miss his smiling handsome face so much on here.

Please let him know how much he is missed and all the prayers that are sent his way.

Even when he is down, he is thinking of us. What an incredible person.

I miss you Darrell,


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Thanks for the update Chris. My mom had esophagus issues for quite awhile even after treatment but today it is a thing of the past. Tell Darrell to just get the calories in any way he can for now and in time it WILL get better. Meanwhile our little energizer bunny needs to get re-charged!


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Darrell is on my prayer list. Tell him the esophagus does take a long time to heal and he is right it hurts a lot. But this is also a great excuse for him to drink all the milk shakes he wants. If he makes them with Ensure he can get an extra 400 or so calories.

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This was the worst part of my husband's treatments. He was miserable from the esophagus pain from the radiation. He took the magic mouthwash as well as pain medicine. It is important to get food in(milkshakes, ensure, whatever), so talk to the doctor and do whatever you can to eat.

Praying the pain decreases soon.


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