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Mother Declining


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My mom, dx nsclc IIB/V was just told that she will not be receiving anymore chemo. She was ready to go on her fifth treatment. She has been in the hospital since diagnosis due to medical complications, insurance issues and complexity of her disease. For the past month she has been looking so good but last weekend, it all seemed to start spiraling down hill. She fell at the base of her bed and could not get up, she is extremely tired, depressed and fearful. Last catscan about three to four weeks ago indicated the main tumour in her lungs decreased slightly and there was no progression of the disease. But recently her pleural effusion has increased and had an increased amount of blood in it. I'm so scared, frustrated, saddened. My mother has no insurance and has recently been approved for medicaid. Her options are limited. Right now they are recommending Hospice. This disease is truly awful. I'm sorry to vent so much but I'm hurting for my mother. She is 58 years old. I had dreams of some day getting that really good job and being able to help her out, take away her stress, take her to Europe. I had so many dreams for my mom and I. Where do I put them now? I can't imagine life without my mom. Please put her in your prayers. Sarah

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Chemo will knock the crap out of a person. Don't see this as an end. If she now has medicaid/care get her out for a second opinion. She may feel poorly now, but there is light after treatment. She's young and if her current facility isn't willing to treat her, move on. Take the lead, she needs you and loves you so.

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I'm so sorry that you are in this spot right now. Lots of prayers going out for you and your mother. I pray that you will someday be able to take that trip, (I was always going to take my Mom to Switzerland, or the Holy Land), but for nowe make every moment count and cherish them.

Please keep us posted.

:) Kelly

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I am sorry for all you and your family is going through. I know how scared you are in maybe losing your mom. But keep the faith as faith doesn't get you around trouble, it will help your through it.

Keep us posted on her progress.

Prayers sent..... hang in there.


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I am so sorry for all you are going thru. I have been in your shoes just about a month ago. I thought that we would never get good news. My mom also has not been home since her dx(sept 25th). We had a few times when we thought she could come home but then another infection or complication would happen. She will be going home tommorrow. I know its hard to think positive but there is always hope. Remember the good times and fight thru the bad. You are in my thoughts.

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I hate this disease and all that it does to everyone involved. What helps me is that I now take things one moment at a time, I have to, because if I didn't I don't know how good I would be to my husband and children.

Right now your mom is in a now so good moment, my hope is that this will pass and things will get settled for your mom and then better moments will come.

Please make sure to take care of yourself...we're here for you


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