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He is finally free!


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I know the pain is so fresh right now, but I believe that it will be a comfort soon to know he is at peace and free from suffering. I like to say that Mom didn't lose her battle with cancer--it may have had the last word, but Mom kicked its can for two years. It sounds like Daniel did the same.

Peace be with you guys,


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Mary I am so sorry for the lost of your husband. I read his profile and the poor guy went through so much.

Yes he is free and looking down upon you with a pain free smile but missing you so much. I am sorry you have lost the love of your life. That is something I would never want to go through.

Please kmow that we are always here to help you through this.


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Mary,my deepest condolances to you and your family in the passing of your husband. You are so right when you say that he is free, remember that feeling of happiness that you have for that in the days and monthes to come. This disease is so unfair. When I get really down and the "why did he have to go" feelings start coming over me...I look at the last pictures and know that he could not have lived on and that like your husband Gerald is now "free". Heather

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Mary,my deepest condolances to you and your family in the passing of your husband. You are so right when you say that he is free, remember that feeling of happiness that you have for that in the days and monthes to come. This disease is so unfair. When I get really down and the "why did he have to go" feelings start coming over me...I look at the last pictures and know that he could not have lived on and that like your husband Gerald is now "free". Heather

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