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My wife Ada

Guest Jim Waddell

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Guest Jim Waddell

It's been almost two months since I lost Ada. I have been wanting to post a message on the board but have been unable to come up with anything to say worthy enough of Ada and everyone else on the board. My two children and I were so touched by all the messages about Ada from so many people. She was a wonderful person - I am so proud of her. She always remained positive and I am sure is still positive for her friends here on the board. Ada was an active member of the board from shortly after she was diagnosed. I would sit with her while she read and posted messages. I got to know the names of the people she communicated with and cared so much about. Ada cared so much for everyone and tried to keep communicating up to her final days. Even though I never posted on the board myself I felt connected and even now find myself scanning posts to find a familiar name and see how they are doing. I guess it is a way of keeping close to Ada. I miss her a lot. Our two kids and our daughter-in-law are a great comfort to me - but it is a big void. I know Ada would have wanted me to tell everyone to keep positive and keep fighting - she always felt that people supporting and caring for each other goes a long way toward positive results. Her clinical trial didn't work out in her situation, but while we were doing our research we found that there was so much being done - she would want everyone to know that there is progress out there. Thanks to everyone who cared for Ada from myself and my family. I will check in from time to time to see how evrything is going.


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Dear Jim,

Thank you for writing to us. I'm glad you will be checking in from time to time. And thank you for continuing to be a voice of hope for those of us still fighting this beast. I appreciate it more than you know.

Ada was a treasure who is deeply missed, but I don't have to tell you that.

Take care of yourself,

Fay A.

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I am so glad you have stayed with the board. Ada would have wanted you to continue to encourage others along the way. You have been there and know what the rest are going through.

I too have found a great deal of peace by knowing that everyone here on the board cares so much.

If I might be so bold as to offer something to you and to anyone else who wonders if there is a heaven, please read the book by John Edward titled "What if God were the Sun?" As I read it, it reminded me of my father. My dad could have written that book. By reading it, it has given me so much peace in the last few days. I know where Randy and Dad and your Ada are. I too will be there one day.

May you too find peace in your life.

Keeping the Faith and keeping my eyes open.



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Oh, Jim, I'm so sorry for your loss. Ada was such a support to so many of us. Ada responded to several of my posts. I remember how saddened I was to read that she had passed away. I'm so glad you have the support of family, but know no one can replace Ada. You and your family are in my prayers.

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Dear Jim

Thank you so much for posting on the board. I want you to know that Ada was a true inspiration to me from the first time I got on the board. She was such a lady and so kind and understanding. She welcomed me when I finally posted for the first time and always responded to my posts. She was so wonderful to all of us with lung cancer and our families. Even though I never met her in person I for one will never forget her.

I was deeply saddened by her death and I still miss her, I know that you and your family must be going through a very rough time and my prayers are with you. Ada for sure is a star in heaven as she was to us.

Bess B

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I am so glad that you posted. I have only been a member of this board since June but Ada responded to many of my posts.

There are often people who stand out in life and who do so without even trying. Ada was one of those people. She had such dignity and such serenity...anything that she said was automatically greeted with reverance by me. She was a quiet voice, but one which carried a lot of determination and strength behind it.

I hope that you and your family find your peace in the fact that Ada will not be forgotten here even by those, like myself, who did not know her well. I share your loss and wish you the best....

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Jim, sorry to meet you under these circumstances. I was so shocked when I found out we had lost Ada. I had no idea that she was so close to leaving us. She spent her posts encouraging all of us. We will miss her. May you find peace. Donna G

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Dear Jim,

I am so glad you posted. Ada will be in my heart forever. When my dad passed and I was overwhelmed with grief and didnt know how to survive that whole ordeal Ada sent me a beautiful poem with the most comforting words. Ironically they made me cry uncontrollably but brought such a peace to me and my mom. Ada told me that this poem brought her much comfort and hope it did the same for me. I still have that poem on my refridgerater with the note Ada sent me along with my precious dad's picture. I am going to get in put in a frame with Ada's kind words and her poem and my dad's picture. I think of Ada everytime I read that poem and I am so glad I was able to tell you. I know since my dad passed its comforting to me to know others think about him and know he made a difference in their lives. So I am hoping this may bring you and your precious family some comfort. Ada was truly an angel on earth.

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Ada was my friend too here on the board. I can't tell you how many times she emailed me with encouraging words and support. my grief was compounded from my moms passing in mid august when i found out that Ada had passed over as well.

i miss her so very much. I know in my heart that in heaven my mom sought Ada out when she arrived and thanked her for her loving words to me and now they are friends there too.

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Ada was a very nice and caring person. She was supporting other people on this board , I am sure even when she felt physically awful! She is a special person and we miss her terribly!!

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Dear Jim,

I hear Ada's voice saying, Hi Ginny, so often. I emailed your wonderful Ada because I found her messages so kind and so wise. Although our phone buddy relationship was way too short lived, I consider Ada my friend.

I knew she was scared, but I also knew she was one HE-- of a fighter. And no matter her personal concerns, she ALWAYS was concerned with her family and all of here cyber friends here.

Jim, she told me often that she adored you, that you were the love of her life and that you were too good for her. While you may adore her and may be the love of her life, I told her often that there was no way you could be too good for her - for she herself was goodness itself.

As I have said, I never saw her smile or the twinkle in her eye, but thankfully her wonderful voice resonates in my head. She is missed but we know she is in heaven routing for us all, particularly you and the children.

Stay with us Jim.

Ginny DeCoursey

P.S. Are you coming to Philadelphia?

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Hi Jim-

It sounds like you are just as positive as Ada and it sounds like you have a lot of Ada's traits. I want you to know how special we all thought she was. I believe that God now has her placed her by his side as one of his top angels. She has touched me and I was so saddened to hear of the loss of such a beautiful person. Jim, you and your family are in my thoughts and I'm so glad that you have such a supportive family that can offer you comfort at a time like this.

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Ada was an inspiration to all of us. I was so saddened to hear of her passing, it brought tears to my eyes. She was such a kind and caring person and her wisdom was so wonderful. I always enjoyed reading her postings of encouragement for the people on this message board. She is truly missed and will always be in my thoughts and our hearts. God has truly brought and Angel to be by his side. May your heart be mended and your hurt be softened. Thank you for sharing thoughts of Ada...

God Bless


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We all miss Ada so much. I miss all of her positive posts and her helping attitude towards everyone!! She is a special person and will remain in all of our memory forever. She was no doubt a very happy caring person and you can call yourself lucky to have known her for the years that you did.

She has been added to our wall of memory and will be in our thoughts for a very long time!!

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I still continue to forward on to others information that Ada sent me. Her kindness and good deeds continue through others as we pass on her wisdom and helpful hints. We will all be "paying forward" Ada's random acts of kindness for a long time to come.

Just the other day I was writing about Ada to someone else on the board. I am very sorry for the loss of Ada.

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Ada struck me as one of those people who posseses more than their share of grace and charm. She was always so comforting and eloquent in her posts. Lossing people like her is what makes this disease so shi --y!

By moving forward and staying the person Ada loved, you are beating this horrible disease.

Warm regards,


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Thanks for posting. You see, hearing from you helps us to feel Ada's presence on this board still. Jim, your Ada was something extrodinary. She never felt sorry for herself and was so very brave. Her posts gave me strength and hope. All the other web sites or so morbid. Ada was one of the first people to respond to me when I wasfirst diagnosed, she sounded so positive an supportive.

She never really talked much about herself, she was always more concerned and interested in you. I would like to know more about her. Would you mind sharing with us what Ada was like, what were her passions in life? She left this earth before I had a chance to come to know her better. Even though I only knew her for a short while, and never met her in person, I felt like she was my friend. I really miss her!



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Guest Jim Waddell

Cheryl asked for me to share a little more about Ada. So here goes. As some of you have mentioned Ada was a most giving and caring person. We were married for 32 years and she was 54 when she past away. Her passion was her family and friends along with caring for and helping everyone she met. Shortly after we were married Ada taught at an "alternative" high school in the Pittsburgh Publics Schools. The school was for kids who were not allowed back in the regular high schools for various reasons. She would come home almost every night crying - she worked countless extra hours trying to counsel and help these kids individually. When we moved to Illinois she got her masters degree in education - went to work in adult education for the public school system, especially working with women returning to the work place - she was tireless in working to help identify skills, career counseling, and confidence building. She would bring each individual story home with her - working evenings trying to find jobs, schools, and solve personel problems for the people who came to her programs. She continued with the same enthusiasm when we moved to Atlanta 10 years ago - working for a university here. I guess this is why she was so attached to the board - it is what she had done all her life - seeing a problem and reaching out to people. Her biggest passion, however, were her two children. They were the light of her life. She was so thrilled when she was able to take a week off of chemo last year for our son's wedding. She loved to dance, read and be with family and friends. I could go on for a while but I don't want to make this too long. It feels good sharing and writing about her. Thanks Cheryl- for asking me to talk about her.

Don - I don't think I'm related to Jay Waddell. I grew up in Pennsylvania - don't know of any Jay Waddells, but who knows?

Ginny - I'm going to Philadelphia the first week in December to Wills Eye Hospital. Tumor hasn't grown any since June. Not worried about it. Keeping busy at work -

Thanks to everyone.


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Hello Jim,

I am not here as much as I used to be but I want you to know that Ada was a gift from God after I lost my mom to this disease. When she passed away I felt a deep loss. She will forever be in my heart. My prayers are still with you and your family. Continue to tell us more about Ada, it is healing to talk with others who love her as well.

Hugs, Shelly

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