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Hi, Everyone !! 2 days til Surgery


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:roll: Hi everyone!

My name is Dee and I have been hanging around here for the past few weeks soaking up the positive vibes and gathering information.

Let see, it's Sunday in the early am and I am scheduled for surgery this Tuesday, the 5th. I am really lucky because this is the second cancer event that I have had and each time it was found by accident, which (hopefully) puts me in an early stage.

If I did my profile thingy correctly, the synaposis should be there ... on 9/2005 I was operated on for GIST (gastro intestinal stromal tumor - rare) and had part of my stomach removed along with all the cancer. Hurray!!!

On my second year follow-up, to make a long story short, seven nodules were found in my right lung (only on showed hot - the rest are too small still), and two nodules in left lung (also too small to show hot). There is also a hot spot between the 1st and 2nd rt rib that glowed a little. Also portal excreting from the kidneys and bladder were a little hot on the PET also, but will deal with that at a later date.

Oh gee, I forgot to mention that in between all this, the last two years I've been getting lumbar facets and bilaterial SI injections for DDD (degenerative disk disease) and stenosis ... mater of fact, I just finished the last of this three week set. One less thing to worry about.

Sooooo, surgery is coming up and I'm told that it will start with the VATs but 90% sure that I'll be opened completely and 1, 2 or all of the right lung will be removed.

I've been pretty positive about this whole thing from the start ... As soon as the surgeon said the word surgery, I sighed with relief and said let go ... my DH wanted to wait to talk it out and maybe get another opinion, but I had made my mind up right there on the spot.

Been running on total adrenalin for the last few weeks, so I finally asked my PCP for some sleeping meds so I can be rested up. These last two days are getting tough because I can’t see my boys or grandson because everyone either has a cold or is getting over the flu ... and DH doesn’t want me to leave the house for fear of coming down with something. So here I sit isolated and it’s making my mind wander ... going over all the usual questions and items and second-guessing myself. Gee, even the sleeping pills aren’t working ... tick, tick, tick ... count down – lol.

Anyway, I guess that’s about it for now ... this is alot for me to write ... Will write more later and maybe it may help someone else.

Nite & thanks for listening to me ramble.


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Hi, Dee, welcome to the group!

I must say you've been rather busy the last few years. Feels like you've been supporting the medical profession single-handedly, doesn't it?

One question that comes to mind is, do they know what type of cancer is in your lungs? Mets from the previous stomach cancer, or a new primary lung cancer? That would probably make a difference in the treatment, and if a biopsy hasn't already been done they probably won't know for sure until tissue samples are taken during the surgery. I'm thinking those details may be in your profile which somehow failed to post. A lot of people have trouble with the profile feature on the first attempt, so here's a step-by-step that I keep handy to copy-paste for such occasions:

Click on My Profile above, scroll down to the Signature block, enter/update your information, scroll down further, ensure Always attach my signature is marked Yes, and click Submit at the very bottom. From now on, your profile will attach to every message you send.

If you also want to attach it to messages you've already sent, go back to EACH of them, click the Edit button (which appears with all of YOUR messages), scroll down and check Attach signature, then Submit.

You have a great attitude, and you're probably a pro at surgery recovery, but you might want to check the account of my August 2006 thoracotomy...


...which contains some hints on getting your home ready for your return. Best wishes and Aloha,


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Dee, Good luck tomorrow. I'll be watching the site to see how your surgery goes. I'm a newcomer with little experience with cancer but want to be part of the positive energy I feel going people's way whenever they ask for it on the LCSC site.

Judy in Key West

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