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Finally had scans and PET done April 21. Found out today there may be a cyst on the adrenal gland :roll:

Need a kidney ultrasound and consult with urologist.

Panic time?




We all know that PET scans sometimes show things that aren't really cancer - sometimes inflammation or infection, so please don;t panic yet!!! I am probably the worst one to say don't panic, but DON'T PANIC!!!!

Will be keeping you in my prayers - Patti B.


Gail, it sounds like time for both a facial and a massage, oh hell, throw in a pedicure and a manicure too.

I have no doubt with your history, that panic has set in. But I know that the outside of my body is growing all sorts of interesting things as I get older, so I don't even want to think about the inside.

So take a deep breath and remember no news is good news and cyst to me doesn't sound terrible.

I will remember you in my prayers until you get the good news.


I have a cyst on my adrenal gland also. It has been there since I had my first scan and it was and is referred to as a simple cyst. The doctor said that it is not cancer and that it is not uncommon to have such a cyst. So please do not worry. Sounds like you have a really great doctor who is doing what is necessary to rule out any negative concerns.



Pot calling kettle black b/c you know I am a lunatic myself. That said, there is no need to freak out yet because a cyst may just be a cyst. As you know, the problem with so much imaging is that something is going to show sometime even if it is nothing. I have examples of that with myself and my dad--things that were seen that were nothing, once I had a chest thing and once he had a bone thing.

Keep us posted!


Sorry Gail, no panicing aloud. It will all work out and prove to be nothing serious. We're all praying to insure that.


I'll have to double check the number, but I believe 20% of people have some sort of nodule on their adrenal gland, and they are benign. I understand the panic, but at this point I would say the odds are with you that this is nothing.


I know it's not easy and I'm going thru my own scare right now myself and I'm doing the same thing you are worrying about something I don't even know for sure is there. I guess what we have to do is try to keep occupied with other things family, work, a hobby whatever something to try and pass the time. Try to keep positive thoughts, prayers and postive karma to you.


I knew unloading to you guys would help. 8)

I actually went to the gym for an hour!!!

Thanks to all of you who replied. I know, I know , I know to not borrow trouble--but the initial panic set in. "Tomorrow is another day"

Ginny--had the pedicure last week to celebrate my 7 years--already decided it would be a facial.

Andrea--expected a smack on the head lol--guess motherhood has mellowed you!

Carol--did you feel my sigh of relief from here?




Hi Gail. I also had a small cyst show up somewhere down below. And I read it and panicked and followed up. Had an ultrasound done as follow up as well. I was told quite a normal thing and not to worry about. And I haven't...just about forgot about it until I read your post. Hard not worry though...never worried so much in my life...just need to ensure we follow up on every little thing, and with all the tests we get done, the little things will show up. Take care


Gail, no need to panic. Benign adrenal cysts are far more common than any kind of adrenal malignancy, primary or secondary. I researched this pretty thoroughly when one appeared on my husband's CT and PET at staging time, and it's true. MC


Don't panic.....my dad has had a spot show up on his adrenal gland since his first cancer diagnosis six years ago and it doesn't do anything....just there. They don't believe it is cancerous. Hang in there! Sending positive prayers and thoughts your way!


Hi Gail,

I'll smack you on the side of head!! (tee hee)

Cysts are so common in that area.... usually means nothing just a cyst.

I have one they noticed on my mammo. which I have to have a couple of pics taken over. Which you just reminded me to call for an appointmnent in June. I found this out back in Dec. So I'm just going with the flow and not stressing.

Also Joel's has something in the adrenal area also, there that keeps showing up on CT and Pets but apparently they aren't worried as its been there since the beginning of his diagnois back in 04 and hasn't seemed to have grown.

So my friend, I feel yours is probably just a plain ole cyst we all get with what Ginny mentioned with age. :roll:

Maryanne :wink:


Hey Gail....

Nah.Not panic time.....all the posts are encouraging...nothing but a plain ole cyst that will probably be gone at the next look...



Hey Gail!

I don't have much to add, just wanted to say hey. You know I understand the pull to panic, but I think by reading all the replies, a cyst is probably a pretty common thing. Will keep looking for updates - but I have a feeling eveyrthing will be alright...


Hi Gail,

I'm late in reading this (was in Las Vegas last week!), but I think the important thing to remember is that they said "cyst". They didn't say unknown mass, suspicious anything or other. Cyst is a very important word, and they wouldn't say it if they thought differently.

Meanwhile, I know that you know waiting patiently isn't my strong suit either, but all my best thoughts are with your for good follow-up reports!



Thanks everyone. I have come in off the ledge.

tomorrow morning is the ultrasound & visit with the urologist is the following monday. I did see a copy of the report (I usually don't read them :roll: ) and it didn't seem too scary, although it did say there was ANOTHER nodule on the other side that has been there since 2006 and unchanged.

I know the oncologist would have me in the office in a heartbeat if he thought it was cancer related.


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