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Col's Scan Results / cardiologist update / final update


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Well, we don't really know yet. Everything is stable, BUT....Oh those silly buts. But they noticed some fluid around the heart that requires further investigation. So Next Friday we're off for an Echocardiogram and to meet with a Cardiologist...may have some more ideas then, but I'm not certain we'll know anything concrete until we get back with the oncologist on the 31st and get her thoughts on the Cardio's opinion. So some good news, and some ah hell we gotta go see this guy now, but nothing to panick about until we get more info. We'll have to keep you posted. And somewhere in between here and there, we have a follow up with the Nuerosurgeon...So you'll be hearing from us a lot over the next three weeks I'm sure.

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JB & Colleen-

Others have had this occur -- hopefully it's something they can just watch. If it were a sizable amount of fluid she would have been sent in to ER to have it drained right away. So-- I say it's s good report (now if I only had a license to practice). :lol:


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Hope all goes well and JB your hockey season must be going just aswell cause Been missing You in Tues Chat!!

Thoughts and Prayers and Hugs For (((Col))))

Good Luck with Cardio!

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BUT, BUT, BUT.............don't you just HATE that word sometimes???? Hoping all will prove to be okay, but you know Fred and I will pump up the 'whine' power on your behalf. We so hope to hear a good report real soon, guys. After all, we want all THREE of you singing those drinking songs at the September lunch!!!! Maybe a beer would help about now, huh?

In all seriousness, we are hoping to hear all is well. Keep us all in the loop.



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Me and Joel are with what Kasey said. You three will be with us singing Irish songs in Sept. !!!

We are right by your side... Keeping you close in our hearts.

Keeping everything crossed for good results.

So glad about the stable :D

Maryanne & Joel

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Thank you all so much!!!!

I was so happy to hear stable, BUT then I freaked about this fluid. Of course I did what I never should ever do again - googled this pericardial effusion. That just leaves me more anxious and nervous about everything......and of course now that I am worried, I am noticing that my chest hurts, etc. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

But you are all right - I need to dwell on the good news and not worry about the new stuff until we know more.

Thanks again you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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I have my fingers crossed that the fluid is nothing serious. I had a similiar incident where they found fluid by my heart on my ct scan. For me, the extra fluid was absorbed and it resolved itself with out any medications/treatments.

Let us know what you find out,


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Well, besides the fact that he agrees with the CT scan, not really. He said that he agrees with the CT report that there is minimal to moderate fluid there. it's not affecting the heart function, so he is content to just monitor it monthly at this point. he also said something about a spot there, that appears more clot-like rather than tumor like. Neither of us thought quick enough to ask him if he felt that spot posed any risk. He was going to touch base with the oncologist and get back to us. Col's supposed to call them today, but I haven't heard from her yet.

I believe that the Onco may want to biopsy the fluid, as she indicated to me on her way out the door as Col was finalizing appointments that we need to figure out what this is, becuase if the Tarceva isn't working we need to pursue other options. Col, on the other hand, is not as keen on the biopsy, as I am sure you and Joel know, the possiblity of hearing not so good news weighs heavy.

So her we sit, thumbs up our butts trying to figure out what the heck we're supposed to do next. It's all just soooo much fun I can hardly contain myself.

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That just sucks big time! I am praying that the effusion resolves on its own and the spot is nothing. Tell Col to stay strong and think positive. Yeah worring about the biopsy sucks - but if you don't know you can't do anything about it. I say knowledge is power. Even if it's not what you want to hear. If I had gone to the doctor sooner I might not be Stage IV. Anyway it's a 50/50 chance that it's not a tumor. I like those odds better than the odds for a cure! Let us know how it turns out. I'll be keeping you guys in my thoughts and prayers. Say "Hi" to Colleen and Jack. Can't wait till our next get together! I hope you'll have good news soon!

God Bless,


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Ok so Col talked to the oncologist who talked to the cardiologist. At this point, Onco doesn't think it's a big deal, apparently the CT scan made it seem bigger than it was. She's content to have the Cardiologist follow up monthly. So next month we meet up with him, and then follow with the Onco a day or two after the cardio. So no onco appointment next week.

Review brain MRI tomorrow. I'm going with there's still nothing there....but i have an inside track cause I live with her EVERYDAY and I KNOW nothing's there...lol..seriously though, hoping it has remained clean since surgery....Not interested in any other glitches right now.

Thanks to everyone for your support and prayers...Will hopefully update you late tomorrow or Friday on the MRI..

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