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A Personal Update


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Hello Everyone. It’s been quite a long time, if ever, since I’ve posted an update on myself. I log on to LCSC at least once a week and check in on all my old friends. I’m always braced for bad news, but mostly thrilled to read so much good news. I rarely post a reply, mostly because I feel like it’s been almost three years since Bill’s death and I know so much changes in treatment, but my emotional support and prayers are, as Pat (Patkid) would say…my prayers are steadfast for all of my family here. I just wanted to drop in with an update on how the boys and myself are getting along.

I remarried in June. It was meant to be, that I am sure. I had been part of a grief support group after Bill’s death, but slowly weaned myself away and then last year I decided to drop in on one of their meetings to catch up with some old friends and met an older woman who had recently lost her husband. We talked for a while, exchanged phone numbers and spoke several times on the phone. One afternoon she seemed especially depressed so I invited her out for lunch. During our lunch her son called her and happened to be nearby in the mall close to the restaurant and stopped in to see his mother. Boy was I surprised to see my husband walk up to the table. You see, Sean and I had dated for several months in our college years and then he moved up to Chicago where we lost touch and he settled down for over a decade until his father’s death last year when he moved home to Cincinnati to be closer to his mother.

The boys love him and aside from some typical teen-age boy antics, they are doing well. Jeffrey (my oldest) and I have been touring some colleges, but lately he seems pretty determined that the Navy is calling his name…we will see. Scott, my youngest, is doing great and continues to be there with all the hugs and support any mom could ever want. Bill’s daughters are doing great. We lost touch for a while, they had a hard time when I sold our home to make a fresh start, but they have come around and we’ve even managed to enjoy a few grill-outs all together.

Anyway…I sure didn’t mean to write a book, but I did want folks to know that while lung cancer destroyed my life with Bill, I kept my promise to him and I’ve found happiness again. It’s not been without ups and downs and there are plenty of days when I would trade EVERYTHING to have him back, but that is not an option, so I’ve decided to quit thinking that way and allow myself happiness here on earth, until I am with him in Heaven….and I know that day will come. My best to everyone, and please know that I pray for and think of so many of you all the time.


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Well, Beth, Fred and I are just pretty darn ecstatic over your wonderfu news. I think I 'felt' it in my bones though. Just had a 'feeling'. I do think in some ways I have a bit of psychic ability. I'm so glad you are enjoying life and the boys are doing well and the girls too. Now shame on you for staying away so long and not letting us in on such wonderful news sooner. Now it's too late for a shower :? !

Best of luck in this new phase of life's journey.


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I am absolutely thrilled to read this update! I think about you often and wonder how you are getting along, and now, when I think of you, I will know that you are happy. I am certain not even death can take away the loves in our life, but during life we need to live, and I am very excited to know that you've found happiness again.



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Beth, as the saying goes, "I don't know you from Adam" but I really enjoyed your update. I love good news, and I couldn't help thinking how important your post could be to one or many of the people on site who have lost their partner. You can be their hope and inspiration.

Judy in Key West

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Hi Beth,

Well I certainly know you from Adam... and I'm absolutely thrilled the way your life changed. Talk about fate... I wonder if you Bill had a little something to do with that.

Good luck with your new husband and with the boys they seem to be doing so well. The girls too.

Take care my friend,


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  • 2 weeks later...


It was so good to read your post:) It does give hope to those of us in our early months of loss to know life can go on and happiness can be found. I like a saying I recently heard, "There are different kinds of happy". And your news is wonderful happy! Congratulations and thanks for sharing.


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Like you, I've been away from the board for a while. It's like "old home" week after reading your post and the replies from friends. I am so very happy that you are happy!!! I do believe that Bill, like Dennis, had a big hand in making life work for you. I'm so glad to hear that your family is doing well. I'm just smiling from ear to ear after reading your post, as I love happy endings.


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