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Well, I have a new title. Since everyone HAS to have a label and be pigeon-holed, that being how the big world works, I have traded in the label of "un-employed" for "full-time student". As of today, I am registered for four online classes at a college I attended in my teens and look to need seven additional classes after this batch to fulfill my Associates in Business Administration. I will then transfer shiny new Associates to the local BIG college and get a Bachelors in Healthcare Administration. Heck, if there are NO jobs left in this state, everyone will still need the hospital!

So, as is expected of me, I landed on my feet and am taking this opportunity to "re-train" and get a better paying job when I hit the bricks again. I made a quick check of everything that's available in my area for jobs with the skills I have and the pickings were small and the pay was smaller. This is my window and it won't be open forever, so I'm diving out, just like Chuck Norris!

Now if my brain doesn't melt, I'll be golden!

Take care, all, and keep fighting. There will always be some stress in life, some challenge to overcome. Change is scary, loss of control is terrifying, but losing a job sure as hell isn't like hearing someone tell you you have cancer or that it's more extensive than you thought! THAT news sucked the oxygen out of the room, losing my job set off a minor panic reaction, but reasoning talked that back down. Nope, this is big, but it ain't "that big" - I will survive, big girl panties and all! (And heck, if I drop MORE weight with this diet, maybe I'll add a garter belt and stockings!)



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I never doubted for one single minute that you do anything less than land on your feet, Becky. No grass growing under your feet!!!! Hope you can finish it all up soon because health care NEEDS someone just like you to help turn things around!

Now if you need a study buddy.......here I am!


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You go Becky. Seven classes will fly by and you'll love the BIG college. And take it from an overage (from the beginning) college student, you'll get back in the study mode faster than you think. It's the proverbial "like riding a bike...." A lot of people wouldn't bounce back like you did. Congratulations on your attitude and your choices.

Judy in Key West

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I lived in the frozen north with a different husband, on an Army base with no rent. I can't AFFORD to live in Alaska - cost of living AND the lack of good veggies in the winter. If I visit Alaska again, I'll be a tourist in the summer and do all that stuff I couldn't quite afford to do when I lived there.

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Good luck Snow, but I have no doubt that you ripped right through the courses. That's the type of person you are.

I just lost my job and Iam just so lost here. I got a good severence with medical and 7 weeks vacation so I will be find for the year. Then I will have to find medical next year so I may need a part time job to pay for medical. I am also thinking of taking an early social security starting April.

Anyway its been 2 weeks without a job and I just don't know what to do with myself. :roll: Right now I'm clearing my office of 25 years of papers.

Anyway, this is your post so good luck!


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